No more waiting around, I start bettering myself so I can get a gf and I'm starting today. What should my strategy be?

No more waiting around, I start bettering myself so I can get a gf and I'm starting today. What should my strategy be?

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Drink galllon of water a day
Join a social weekly hobbie
Pursue education
Burn all of your clothes
Buy new clothes that are well fitted and have no graphic designs

>Work out.
>eat healthy
>improve social skills
>get a better job
>better fashion

Limb lengthening surgery.

forget everything this guy just said

>go to Jow Forums, read the sticky
>if fat, lose weight while training
>if too skinny, gain weight while training
>get stronger
when you get Jow Forums, then you buy new clothes.

when you have the proper routine managed, incorporate the same mindset into things you like to do but never took very far. writing, learning an instrument, composing music, etcetc

you do these two fucking things, literally every thing else sets in motion. you'll get the gf, you'll get the job, you'll start your future. fuck it up op


This is the most beta male advice I've seen on here today .
>thinking bmi matters
26 bmi muscular is objectively more attractive than a skinnyfat 24 bmi manlet
>colored polos
He's trying to get girls, not go out golfing with a bunch of old white men
>casual button-up
Just like the nerds in high school who got beat up and sat alone at lunch used to wear. Brings back memories.

Sorry OP but most advice on top are made by incels.

I do approve all what they say but they only increase your chances of getting a gf slightly.

Op said he wants a gf. I've seen bum out of shape and bankrupt dudes fuck pussy all the time.

It's this advice: >TALK TO GIRLS
that's worth it. Talk to girls. Get confidence and learn the game. You don't need any of those gym shit, get rich, education etc.
This is coming from a 30 year old guy who works out, graduated two degrees and own my own business.

don't listen to this guy he's trying to set you up for failure

Screams the AFC.

Why did I set him up for failure? He specifically says he wants a gf.
Working out is great and ok and I'm on my way to work out right now. However bear in mind that yes it does help but in the end you should be working out for yourself.
I remember when I was skinny 8 years ago. I hooked up with a Japanese girl and she said what attracted me to her was my confidence. She kept testing me all night why I skinny but I wasn't fazed. I'm horny as fuck and wanted to fuck her so that's what I did.

Ok so in the end I agree that user should work out but it should be first in chronological order:

1. Work on your confidence you're a man buddy and don't be afraid of women. They should be qualifying themselves to you.
2. Talk to a fuck ton of them and don't give a fuck. Remember when we were kids we used to tease those girls? Things doesn't change.
3. do every self development things they say above

Nice personal blog.

Sorry it didn't work for you user but colored polos and casual button ups are what I started doing and now I get girls.

It's entry level fashion. If anything it's literal dadclothes. Nobody hates polos, except I guess really insecure people like you?

I love all those comment....

>Eat well

Nigga I never done shit... Just go out your house.

Go where people are. At the end, we all attract each other in a certain way you just have to find yours.

> just beee urself
Thanks for the laugh user

my pleasure

Workout and stop masturbating. All comes after that.

None of you ever talk about making contact and running through the process, only the prep (go to gym, eat better, etc.). Well I have the abs and a haircut- now what?

turn off ur computer and go outside and learn to think for yourself

You may think this guy saying this is a meme but hes right. Even just doing 1 will help you. Working out and nofap both build confidence in you even if your results dont come quickly.
With that confidence you can either A. Be morenbold in asking bitches out and talking to them. ( confident uggos can still get puss, I've seen it)
Or because you are more happy with yourself more good fortune will come your way. One time I had only quit fap for 2 weeks and out of nowhere a coworker was very interested in me. Itjustworks.jpeg

Don't strategies. Just make your life with small accomplishments that you could start to love yourself and eventually someone will start to love you. Love attracts love dumbass.


>good fortune will come your way

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Social skills
Proper diet
Proper sleep

Don't be a fuckup whose whose identity is playing video games and watching shows/movies

What is your identity?

Ive been to all kind of self improvement shit, that although it didnt attract girls im happy with it, the only thing you need to get a gf is talk to girls, literally is a numbers game, you may get rejected 100 times but there will be one that will accept.

Self improvement only makes the chances higher....