Should I tell people I fucked escorts?

tl;dr Should I come clean about my sexual past?

>used to be a ugly fat guy, never spoke to a woman let alone do anything
>would sit on anime chat rooms, met a girl who I talked to on Skype
>lied about what I looked like and my age
>"e-dated" off an on for 6 years, eventually got her name tattooed on my chest
>finally told her the truth, she wanted to keep it going but she'd also gained a shitton of weight
>told her we could lose it together, wasn't happy with this and left

during this time

>realised at 19 that I needed to fuck, so booked an escort
>over the course of 8 years I'd fuck one pretty much every week
>my number is between 200-250 due to the Chinese massage parlours switching girls every week
>fucked about 40 without a condom, half of that anally without a condom
>never caught anything, get tested every 3 months
>during this time got Jow Forums and started "dating" one of the escorts
>met a real life girl last year, cut it off with the escort as she was moving back to her country
>been dating for about 6 months now, had the question of sexual partners and my tattoo (which is covered over slightly)
>said "The past is the past, we're both adults and we shouldn't focus on who we have been with"

She seemed to accept it for now, but should I lie or tell the truth? I've explained the tattoo as an ex I dated for 6 years where things ended very badly. I've also said I've been with only 2 women.

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never tell any chick about the escorts
t. guy who fucks escorts

how much do escorts cost?


Depends on the country you're in. the Average price in the UK is £60 for 30 minutes and £100 for an hour. Some deluded women charge £300 an hour and some utter troglodytes only charge £60 an hour

>over the course of 8 years I'd fuck one pretty much every week
Surprised someone with that much money needed escorts to fuck.

25, also never spoke to a woman outside escorts.
I've been fucking whores and escorts since 19 as well.
It's pretty common sense that you'd never tell people about it. I live in a country where it's still relatively common for fathers to take their teenage sons to the whores themselves when they turn 13-14 and it's still pretty taboo to admit you've fucked a whore.

Not OP, but £240/month doesn't seem like that much money.
I personally spend that on magic cards and I never get laid, so I can't blame OP for doing this.

In my eyes, even when I was losing weight it was better to spend £100 a get exactly what I wanted for an hour than spend the same on dinner,d rinks or an event to maybe get sex with someone I was compatible.

And also, what's the difference between paying an actual prostitute or buying a girl gifts so she hangs around you and maybe fucks you? I'd rather cut out the middle man and just pay for sex

Because it's a bad idea stupid. Don't take the words women say at face value. Women run mostly on emotion and "in the now" so most of them don't actually mean what they say.

Don't tell her the truth, you've already lied. Stick to that.

Spend some time coming up with a solid story for each girl and keep to it. You really don't want to get caught with this.

>And also, what's the difference between paying an actual prostitute or buying a girl gifts so she hangs around you and maybe fucks you?

The difference is that actual sex is about emotional connection, not an exchange of goods. Sure, just sex is nice in every once while, but will leave major needs unfulfilled. Hell, you tatooted yourself the name of some chick who chats with you on the internet sometimes, that should tip you off how incredibly needy you are for any kind of connection beyond sex.
Also, I generally spend between 0-10€ on an average date, because a date is an opportunity to get to know each other and become comfortable enough to have sex, and taht can be done in a park, at the shooting range, a cheap cafe or any other kind of place you like yourself thatdoesn't cost a lot of money.
Your transactional view on sex is just cucking yourself. Btw, keep your mouth sut about the escorts. You want to fix the emotional problem that caused you to be unable to develop realtionships with actual women, and bury that as an unfortunate sideffect of whatever your problem is.


dont tell her anything. just dont she use it against you at some point if the reletionship dosent go right.

spoken like a true poor cuck

>Not wasting money on pointless things means you're poor

Spoken like a true Wagecuck with 5 overdrawn credit cards.

I'm fairly wealthy actually, mostly because I save and invest my money instead of blowing it on pointless garbage.

I'm sure you're super wealthy, saving up for those $2 coffees at a cheap cafe

If a cafe offers me better service and quality for 2€ than some Starbucks bullshit offers me for 10, I'll of course go with the cafe.
I'm really marvelling at Burger marketing companies btw - they really managed to convince you lot that *spending* money is somehow the indication of being rich. Newsflash, my Mutt friend: Whether you're wealthy or not is decided by how much money you earn. Any poorfag can spend money, it'll just make him an indebted poorfag. Imagine you took all the money you shoved into restaurant owners asses over the years in a cucked attempt to show off your provieder qualities, and instead having it to invest. Adds up, doesn't it?

Did she fuck other guys?

Either you tell her, or someone/something else does.
Up to you, really.

No, just don't, you never tell anyone you fuck escorts

Never discuss your sexual history.

Your past sex life is no one's business but your own

>tfw when you find the perfect escort who likes you, pay for an hour of her time, then you spend all weekend fooling around, sleep over and hang out like a normal couple

Not sure if I'm either really lucky, or unlucky here, on the plus side, obviously this works for both of us, major con obviously being why would anyone ever walk away from this? I'm actually torn between trying for something more