I asked her if she wanted to be friends and she said "I thought we were."

I asked her if she wanted to be friends and she said "I thought we were."

Is this a good sign bros? What does it mean?

Attached: aaaa.png (1460x1260, 1.43M)


You're friendzoneing yourself.
You're only making it worse

By asking that she now thinks that you wanna just be friends and not anything else.

You fucked up

I do just wanna be friends.

Then you don't love her you just want a friend
If you wanna be a friend that's fine but now you've fucked up your chance on having her as a girlfriend.

I love her and I just want to be her friend.

Then mission done?
Then why write "I love you" on the plastic heart?
You seem really retarded

You either want to be her friend or her boyfriend.
Do you want a friend or someone to kiss, cuddle and hold hands with?

I really don't care about touching her at all. You can still love somebody without needing to be sexually active with them or even hold hands. I just want to hang out with her but I've never hung out with a girl before ever except a few times but those don't count i guess so idk what to do.

And why do you think she'd hang out with you?
Are you inviting her on a date or what?

I just do not understand your mentality.
You sound like a psycho

Friends hang out. Hang out as friends.

I think you don't understand here.

I'm asking for friendship advice because I don't have a lot of friends, you are not giving good advice, or any advice at all, you are just asking me a bunch of unnecessary questions and being rude.

Yeah I'm done trying to help you, you're clearly mentally unstable and I really hope that girls sees that fast before you hurt her. She should immediately have you checked at a mental clinic / call 911.

You're a psychopath. You aren't in love with her.

I don't know what is wrong with you, I already told you I'm not going to hurt anybody.

I hate YOU if anybody the most, but I wouldn't even hurt you either although you deserve it the most for being such a massive fucking idiot.

I don't think you are smart or you know what you're talking about.

Now stop being so dumb and get off my board.

I just wanted friendship advice but you have to be a jerk.

Mate you're spamming the board saying you love her and screeching like an autist.
You say you think about her for 12 hours a day.
You ask a girl if she wanted to be friends with you, literally the most retarded thing you can do, are you 10?
Then suddenly you're not in love with her anymore you just want a friend

You're gonna ruin that poor's girl life, had you posted on /b/ or something anons that care would literally find that girl and tell her to stay away from you.

You'll ruin both your and her life, please get mental help.

No, no, no, you are wrong.

I care about her more than you do so I wouldn't try to make her upset in any way.

Every time you respond to me I lose a braincell because you are that stupid.

You are fearing things that aren't going to happen.

Fuck off.

Plenty of girls have liked me before and it turned out fine every time even though I didn't like them back I still hung out with them as friends and went on "psedo dates" just to please them.

You need serious mental help, please go help yourself.

Stop bumping the thread and no I'm fine you idiot you need serious mental health.

I am assuming your IQ is literally 0..

You aren't stable.

What makes you think that? Listen to me, I am perfectly stable.

Do you think it would be better if I just got over it? That sounds like a bad idea but what do you think?

If anything, you are confusing me.

I picture you as a female who is clueless about this and you are just trying to be rude because you can't see the full scope.