If you are 'lighthearted'/ silly/ goofy etc with a girl it will only end up with you two being friends but if im not...

if you are 'lighthearted'/ silly/ goofy etc with a girl it will only end up with you two being friends but if im not lighthearted/silly/goody etc im bored out of my mind. so how does it work?

Also how does flirting work?

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>if you are 'lighthearted'/ silly/ goofy etc with a girl it will only end up with you two being friends
That is untrue

>if you are 'lighthearted'/ silly/ goofy etc with a girl it will only end up with you two being friends
Kek. No. Just be flirty and look hot.

>>how does flirting work?
>be flirty
ok yeah that doesnt help me.

nah no girl will respect you right?

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>it will only end with you two being friends
I am by default extremely goofy and I lost my virginity at 13.
I'm not a stud by I have consistently found meaningful relationships with my longest being 3 years.
I've even cheated on a girl once with a girl I was old friends with but never slept with. Literally met up at a hotel room to fuck.
Stop falling for memes.
If you actually know how to talk to women then you can still get in relationships.

Humor and playfulness is like one of the most endearing traits girls look for
Most likely you just come off as a manchild and not actually lighthearted

This whole "all women are a hivemind" belief you picked up in high school outs you as an idiot and that's why girls swerve

Sex got to come first and you need to have balls to pull it off, but basically you first suggest/imply sex or at least a date with you to a woman, and then you are being your lighthearted self when she assumes some potential interest from you. But you also need to have bold manly acts, which require courage and are much easier to write on paper than actually pull off, like touching and kissing and all that

thats the point. i dont know how to.

how do i avoid looking like a manchild then... or really what are even the alternatives to lightheartedness? like a serious person? then how do you even enjoy yourself.

im not gonna type "which method will have the most success with most women" every time retard

>Sex got to come first and you need to have balls to pull it off
not really interested in low tier thots.

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>not really interested in low tier thots.
It works the same with everyone. It doesnt mean they sleep with you right away, lol, dont get your hopes up. Its just making your intentions clear.
Also come to peace with the fact that most girls are thots more or less, model-looking girls are for sure (if you consider them top tier)

as long as a girl isnt fat or have something really really wrong with her i dont care about looks. by high-tier i mean an interesting, kind person, which is really rare.

maybe im not good at finding this stuff out form girls though. that could be an issue. i dont know how to bring this stuff up "hey what would you do if you had a billion dollars" would probably work or "whats something you care about alot" or actually what works best is probably just to pay attention and see if shes the type to put others down or lift them up.

even a reformed whore although much worse is fine if she has all the other good characteristics i stated above.

idgaf about sex its boring to me at this point.

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You should be 'lighthearted' only for her, like showing some vulnerability man. But everything else should be solid. Then girls feel comfortable and safety. Then you advance

> by high-tier i mean an interesting, kind person, which is really rare.
I see interesting women every day when I swipe. There really are a lot of them. But guess what, most of them sluts too. Or ugly.
> "hey what would you do if you had a billion dollars" would probably work or "whats something you care about alot"
Lmao. Maybe after sex.
>idgaf about sex its boring to me at this point.
Well then why do you complain about ending up just being friends with them?
By the way, if you are under 18, you should actually leave haha.

It takes too much energy to be serious all the time. I don’t care what people / women think about me. If I feel like being silly, I be silly. People are wayyy too uptight these days. Even IF you got laid more by being a serious “adult”, would you really enjoy it? Probably not. The best sex is when both parties are relaxed and free. I’m not going to just go through the motions just for the sake of it.

>calls me a retard for trying to advise
>calls himself lighthearted
found your problem

i want a relationship not a fuckbuddy lol

stop being a grammarfag then

ok heres an example of my "lighthearted" so some girl asked me to go walk around and talk with her outside and i didnt have my jacket so i wore hers and we talked about gross fetishes and i dont wanna date her but it had snowed a tonne that day and i took off her jacket and jumped in and made snow angels. is this manchild tier or just normal silly/goofy shit?

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it's clear that you're not lighthearted or fun, but rather probably manchildish and self indulgent

It’s about balance. If you do silly shit all the time, you’re probably a manchild. But there’s nothing wrong with silly shit in and of itself. What’s incredible to me is that society has become so fucking tight-ass, that this shit actually has to be EXPLAINED. Not blaming anyone here, but shit, this stuff used to come NATURALLY to people.

yeah i actually prefer to talk to people about really really serious shit and about their problems and try and help them figure it all out and just help in general like that. also plans for the future and shit but i dont know how to get to that with people. My current strategy is to just be goofy to break the ice then move into more serious stuff once the ice is throughly broken.

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You can be lighthearted and funny but still flirting.

Humor is a huge component of flirting. If you can make a girl laugh you've done like half the work already.

no please i dont understand what flirting is. how can i even tell if someones flirting with me and how do i do it back?