So last week my husband of 3 months told me my vagina smelled. I understood that to be the reason why he doesn't go down on me. So I decided not to go down on him either, as I find it to be unfair that he should receive more pleasure than I do. He told me that I was being mean and that I should stop it. What do you guys think?
>husband is overweight and at most a 5 >I'm a 7 and he even says I've 4-5 points more than him on the attractiveness scale
Sounds like there is already problems besides your smelly cooch. You think your husbands a 5 but blowjobs are the issue? why would you marry a man who you don't think is attractive? I'm sure he doesn't enjoy you looking down on him like that. As for the problem, try eating better food or visiting the OBGYN and ask about it. I really do feel bad for your husband
Joshua Sanchez
>she prefers food with processed sugar than fruits
Your husband is retarded Smelly pussy has flavor and is the best coochie of all Have you tried 69ing? It's about as fair a trade you can get
Carson Hernandez
are you washing too much? my friend had the same issue and her gyno told her that it was because she was washing her vagina with scented soaps and shit, it was throwing off the pH and making it smell awful, so she would use more soap, and it became this vicious cycle. stop using any soap down there and just clean with water, if you don’t already. vagina is a self cleaning oven. if you HAVE to use soap, only use something very mild like dove for sensitive skin and only clean the outside.
also start eating yogurt and more fruit.
Bentley Green
yes I've been washing a lot. i should have married a guy like you lol
Charles Lee
I was in love with him when we first started dating, I never paid attention to his flaws but he constantly makes fun of my vagina smell, my big ass, my complexion etc etc If he was as nice to me as I had been ti him, I wouldn't be here sharing my misery lol
Blake Walker
My bf gets one bj a month and thats it. His junk reeks even after he washes and he's never spent more than one minute trying to lick me and he sucks at it so I'm not missing anything. If I didn't love the guy so much I'd sneak over my first bf's house. Now that guy can eat my pussy any day. I still masturbate to him licking me.
Ryan Turner
i literally have to watch porn videos of guys giving head to get off now. I guess the one blowjob a month is a good idea, he'll only get it when he's super nice :D
Jose Anderson
gross. have you tried cleaning your vagina? why would he go down on a smelly vagina? does he have a smelly penis or are you just being unreasonable?
Samuel Bailey
>unfair Fairness is for children, since they're unable to work and have nothing to offer in exchange for resources and survival. Fairness is a concept that is almost always evil in adults. If anything you do is ever rationalized by fairness, then that action is most likely evil.
Bentley Bailey
cleaning is exactly what she shouldn’t do, please see
Bentley Scott
>he'll only get it when he's super nice Cancerous "black mail" type relationship incoming.
Ayden Reed
>Your husband is retarded >Smelly pussy has flavor and is the best coochie of all Incel basement dweller who has never had girl stating his opinion.
Wyatt Murphy
Perfect assesment
Owen Ortiz
His dick probably stinks because he jacks off too much and doesn't clean his dick afterward. The smell is from all that dead semen.
Josiah Taylor
I really need to stop coming here. You are all irredeemable trash.
Matthew Wood
>smelly vagina >you shouldn't clean it just lol... that other user said to clean it with just water btw
Ethan Cox
What the fucking shit. I feel sorry for you having a retarded husband that can't even say "I'm sorry you're a little sweaty, let's take a bath." I'm very grateful I have a significant other and eats me nearly every time we have sex. I'd say fuck it, it has to be equal or else I won't even consider or think about giving oral.
Luis Nguyen
And by "it has to be equal" I mean, if someone gives oral, typically it's thought of to be reciprocated.
James Cooper
Oh did you get triggered by this thread? Did the mean OPs hubby hurt ya fee fees?
Ian Howard
how do you even jump to the conclusion that it's "just smelly"? could be some nasty infection but sure, HE SHOULD GO DOWN NO MATTER WHAT lmao at defending this lack of basic hygiene
Isaiah Perry
You sound more triggered than the user you replied to. At least they didn't have to bust out the condescending baby talk.
Camden Diaz
>it has to be equal or else Its not equal. Man can get throat cancer by giving you oral while we cant get the same shit giving BJ. Its not even close to being equal even if you compare the smell. If i dont clean it my pussy can get so fucking stinky i could throw up. Bfs dick dont have never smelled that bad. Moist cavity needs regular cleaning and maintenance and if you get upset cause he points that out then hey... maybe you should grow thicker skin.
>can't tell samefag properly >calls others snowflakes Yeah, go ahead and spout some more buzzwords you absolute mongoloid.
Aiden King
>etarded husband >husband is retarded
Same fagging detected.
Also >unless you eat stinky hole you are retarded nice try
Owen Bell
Oh did little baby got butthurt over being caught? Its time you go to your safe space, baby, before your PTSD kicks in.
Cameron Watson
Sounds like you are the one that needs a safe space. Getting so butt devastated just because someone has a different opinion.
Austin Hill
Baby got upset, eh? Maybe when you grow up you can be more creative and think better insults than "no u" tier ones.
>Getting so butt devastated just because someone has a different opinion
Oh sorry did i called OPs husband retarded cause he didnt want to lick dirty vagina?
Jason Johnson
I never even said I have 2 shits about Pop's husband. Maybe he is retarded. Hell if I know. Obviously you confused me with the other guy because you are such a goddamn moron. Don't call out samefag just because two people disagree with you.
Hunter Bell
Clean it with water regularly. And ALWAYS after sex. tell your bf to clean himself after sex or masturbation. Also when you clean your vagina dont use soap, it sometimes fucks with micro flora and gives this disgusting smell.
And dont go the sex black mail route cause it will always end in resent meant and will fuck up your relationship.
Dude you called her husband retarded for not wanting to lick smelly pussy. It looks like youre the ne who cant deal with different opinions.
Brody Garcia
No, I didn't call her husband retarded actually. You are thinking of someone else. You are the only retard in this thread.
Blake Sanders
Cry me a river, faggot. Next time dont samefag so obviously, youre just showing your low intelligence, mate.
Nathan Kelly
Goddamn you are such a little bitch. I hope your country gets taken over by Muslims soon "mate".
Jaxson Collins
Muslim here. It’s already happening.
Colton Scott
Maybe your another poster, but then that dude is wrong. Any way it seems that you got really pissed off, he really rustled your jimmies. Havent seen anyone this mad today on Jow Forums. Chill, dude. Its thread about smelly dicks and vaginas not a debate about which one of you two is more retarded than other one.
Sebastian Clark
Oh yeah we will take over, every western country. you can sleep in your piss afraid of it. Sharia patrols will teach punks like you how to act.
Christopher Kelly
What's with all the relationship bait threads recently?
Jayden Garcia
السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Sebastian Davis
>Man can get throat cancer by giving you oral while we cant get the same shit giving BJ.
Oral sex can spread HPV in either sex and this causes throat cancer.
What the fuck are you guys talking about I just a one off joke I don't know who the fuck this other user is Also I don't th ink you know how to check samefagging lad
>So I decided not to go down on him either Why? Does his penis smell? If yes then it's fair, if no then you're mean.
Nathan Jones
I'm the user who made the 69 suggestion in a comedic manner I even wrote out coochie to show I wasn't being serious I will say I'm surprised another user at the same moment decided to call the husband retarded small world I guess Also triggerd snowflake poster user fucking baffles me, do you know how to check if someone is a samefag? You might need to lurk more
>anons actually believe a married woman uses the 1-10 scale to rate attractiveness and comes to a scandinavian hackey sack forum to complain about her husband's smelly dick
Elijah Carter
unironically he probably feels a little bit inferior in the looks department so is trying to make you feel just a tiny bit less attractive because he (may) fear you will leave him if you realize how better looking you are.
Elijah Cooper
>So I decided not to go down on him either, as I find it to be unfair that he should receive more pleasure than I do.
nice, healthy relationship you got there
Hunter Morgan
my girlfriend hates going down on me because of my precum. wanna trade?
Ayden Butler
If a man rates a woman 7, statistically she's in the top 36%
If a woman rates a man 5, statistically he is in the top 25%.
A man rated as a 3 by women would have similar level of attractiveness relative to other men as a woman rated 7 by men would have to other women.
Source: data gathered by okcupid.
More to the point. If you're having smelly vagina problems, then you guys are probably too old for a relationship with an active sex life anyway.