How to react when people laugh at you?

People at work laugh at me in situations when I don't think I did anything fucking funny.

>about to go for lunch with coworkers
>the guy whose idea it was (a big loud extrovert) says it's time for us to go
>ask him if we can go in 10 minutes because I have stuff to finish, he says "no we can't" (not maliciously, just in an oblivious self-assured tone)
>people around us burst out laughing
>another day, a girl I was talking to about some hard work stuff I wasn't sure what to do with suggest talking to the manager
>suddenly she gets up and says out loud that she'll talk to the manager for me if I don't want to
>I get up and say I'll go
>everyone starts fucking laughing
>another day, training
>I volunteer to answer some question and as I begin my phone slips out of my pocket and hits the floor with a loud thud
>everyone starts laughing

How should I react to that?

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Bump i have the same problem

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If you're too spergy to give a good (funny, not malicious), then just laugh along in good humor. They're rubbing you because, I assume, you're awkward and don't get social protocol. Just laugh in the last awkward way possible.

It means you're a joke to them

This. They sound pretty cunty but you probably come across as a major sperg. Your image is forever tainted even if you improve as you have left it too long to remedy this
Sorry user, you should try to improve yourself or leave those cunts

You know how to solve this.

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I have the same situation,i dont blame anyone,i do what the fuck i want and when i want to,so basically you can see me look at the wall doing nothing and i look into nothingness thinking about nothing,people dont take me seriously wich is the only reason that im mad,that people dont take me seriously just for how i act but sencerely i say,fuck them

you have to laugh along with them, while trying to avoid such situations in the future

They probably laugh at each too sometimes but you guys don't notice it. The big guy in op's post just sounds like a funny guy.

Also try keeping a straight and serious face,they will just shut the fuck up once and for all when they realise that making fun of you isnt funny to you,laughing with them judt gives them an imaginary ok sign to continue(also they might make fun of you when you arent there)

you could get a butterfly knife and start swinging it casually in a menacing way as to inform them you're not one to be messed with.

Just be glad you have a job


Also this.

Find a new job or report it to HR

How long you've been there? If it get to a point you can't handle, then apply elsewhere. No point in staying at a place where you feel undervalue and underappreciate. The alternative is executing a Randy Staire or whatever the fuck his name was, Andrew Blaze.

All these jokes are really tame, I don’t see the problem unless you unironically have autism. The first one wasn’t even a joke at your expense.


>the funny part was the snappy way he told you it couldn't wait, the joke wasn't even at your expense, it was just a funny shut down

>the joke was that you suddenly were volunteering to talk to the manager after she baited you into it

>the joke was that you dropped something right as you drew attention to yourself

Thicken your skin mate and stop thinking that you are the centre of the world's attention. You just aren't.

Then why do all those people say I'm a joke to them
I don't think I'm that spergy, I'm a bit socially awkward but I think it's mostly about my low self-confidence.

I can't change job, it's my first job and it's only been 3 months (imb4 no I'm not young, I'm 1 year after graduation)
And I'm not a fucking office shooter, why do you people post that?

Came here to post this.

Why? What in my fucking post suggests I want to be like that fucking freak?

Yeah, you're right.
You seem pretty comfortable with being the laughing stock of your workplace.

Yeah, basically this. Work relationships especially seem based on taking the piss out of each of other. People, men especially, test each other to see if they can take a joke. Take it and give it back.

All that stuff seems pretty innocuous.

No I don't, it doesn't mean I want to shoot anyone you fucking autist
Why do I even come here for advice

OP here, a few words of clarification:
It's not bad enough for me to change jobs and I'll be sent to another project soon so I might not work my current co-workers. I do believe these jokes are not malicious but nevertheless they hurt. What I'm interested in is how to react to such situations to prevent them in future (fuck your Elliot Rodgers jokes faggots). Maybe I should just speak up and ask what's so funny when that happens, and be clear that I don't like being laughed at?

I don't think it's my sperginess, I'm a bit awkward but I've improved and it's not too bad. I think they're just sensing my low self-confidence and that I care about the opinion of others too much.

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There is nothing you can do to solve this. Some of us are just the eternal butt of all jokes. I've been an absolute laughing stock since about the age of 15 for no good reason. Every time I try to say something serious, people laugh at me and mock me. Every time I draw attention to myself, people laugh at me and mock me. Every time I say or do anything, people laugh at me and mock me. I hate it and want to fucking murder them all the time

Do you have any friends there? You should befriend at least one person as soon as possible

People who get bullied at school tend to get bullied their whole lives. There's just something about you guys that makes you punching bags.

I wish I knew how to stop it. I want to commit suicide every time

I don't want this negativity
When I got bullied at school I physically beat my bullies so they fucked off. I can't do that at work.

Then ask your friend. We don’t have enough details.

>three months
Yes, you can. You have a modicum of experience and that's all that really matter. I don't know why people hinder themselves like that, you aren't in a career that require certain qualifications to get the position. A job is a job, irregardless of that. If they ask why you left or your reasoning for choosing this job over your other don't say stupid shit like "my associates were bullies to me" it'd reflect you weren't really getting along with them but say something like "I needed flexibility to balance school and work and my other job needed people that were committed but here your company policies sounded like the right ideal to me".

Bullying is usually either about the hierarchy or it's just about the way you react to it.

For example, alpha's bully betas.

Or, you get bullied because it's funny to see you throw a tantrum over being bullied when the appropriate response would be to bully someone back. Or you are being bullied and you try to make a quip but it's a lame quip or you stumble over your words.

What says is essentially the solution. It doesn't need to be physical violence to put a bully off their game, but you do need to best them in some way. If you aren't going to beat them up then you need to get involved someway. Taunt them back, give as good as you get, don't turn into a sniveling little girl any time someone says something mean to you.

>And I'm not a fucking office shooter, why do you people post that?
You really out here being autistic nigga, damn. It's the sterotype and you fit the mold. That's why everyone is making the comparisons.

Just smile and laugh along, not as hard, but just quietly to yourself, try to look like you're having a good time as well.

OP here, the problem is that my bully-dealing skills stopped at middle school level of smashing people's head in. I was always bad in non-physical retaliation and even in school I would often just punch someone who called me names because I couldn't think of something witty enough. It worked though, but because I'm bad in countering non-physical attacks I struggle at environments such as work

So everyone who is dealing with being laughed at is an Elliott Rodger in the making? I'm being autistic because I'm not like that and these baseless insults add insult to injury in all of this
I'm a pretty normal if a bit awkward guy, I'm decent looking, fit, have a gf, hobbies and even a social circle outside of work (Toastmasters). I've improved a lot. I've just never managed to build up my self-confidence and others pick on that, and I hate it.

Go all Joe Pasci on their ass for disrespecting you.
My best guess is that your spergery made you an inside joke at the office
They view you as some kind of social retard open to be ridiculled
A jester of sorts, so just ask them when they say you are being funny
"Funny how?"

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I don't want to quit, that's absurd. I'm changing the team soon anyway.
As I said, it's not so much sperginess as it is a lack of self-confidence.

Autism alert

just act like it doesn't bother you, getting flustered or showing it pisses you off will only encourage them to do it more. Like the others say, they probably think you're a sperg or something, but at least if you act like it doesn't bother you, they won't bother anymore.

Why does everyone insists they think I'm a sperg?

I use "sperg" as in you're socially awkward. From the situations you've described it seems like you are awkward in general. That's okay, just learn how to be more socially aware.

People can sense you're low self esteem and or aspergers or autism
They are cunts for laughing at you
What I would do since I'm not a pussy is next time they laugh at me just turn to the whole crowd and ask what's so funny. They laugh because they know you wont say anything and they can get away with it. All it takes is you acknowledging and confronting them about it once for them to shut up. And if somebody says anything smart back then I get smart back at them. It might be scary but trust me user work fags aren't going to do anything. Nobody's going to punch you in the face or try and fight you. Nobody's going to get physical. They might try and intimidate you and punk you out but that's as far as itll go. But I'm confident in myself so you have to be too to do that.
>but waaaah I dont want to do that
Of course you dont. Since you ARE a pussy and dont want to do that your only other course of action which is the weak choice is to just become a shut in and dont socialize with any of them unless its specifically for work. But sooner or later you will have to speak up for yourself or become a forever depressed loser so this is only delaying the inevitable or reinforcing a poor personality.

You have to confront them, but you also need to be ready to fight, OP. Normies usually back off if you square up with them, especially if it's at work.

This is an answer I can accept, I don't think laughing along like the others suggested is a good choice when it's clear people laugh AT you and not with you. I ain't no pussy and I'm gonna try it even if it comes off as spergy. I've improved a lot in my life and I don't deserve to be treated like this.

The guy that gets bullied at work is a lazy idiot too stupid to see he the cause of most of the department issues he often grumbles about. He does just enough to not get fired and thinks he is a star employee so the team just tortures him hoping he will transfer.

Haha kek, no wonder people laugh at you
I mean.... laugh with you user

Get checked for autismo btw

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Get fucked faggot, you don't know me

If someone did this the entire place will burst out laughing even the secretary up front

Idk how well this would work in all of those situations, but it can be very potent. You look them in the eye, and say confidently :

You are annoying and you are not funny.

Now was that so hard to say?
Why not confront your coworkers like this


Look who in the eye, the group who was nice enough to ask op to go out for lunch with them but weren't gonna sit there and wait 10 minutes for one person?
Or the group who laughed because op's phone flung out his pocket onto the floor?

the correct answer, OP this is all you need

As a bullied person when I was a kid I got angry when people laughed at me but then I just stopped caring and now I actually just put more gasoline to the flames and join them in making fun of me to the point that they aren't sure if I'm just bullshitting or actually telling the truth and sometimes it just gets awkward.

>>ask him if we can go in 10 minutes because I have stuff to finish,
How dumb are you user? You either make everyone wait or you shut up and go. You don't fucking ask like a girl, specially if that's the kind of shit that happens to you all the time.

>>I get up and say I'll go
They laugh because you stand up like somebody had put a brum up your ass. Couldn't you just shout HAHA VERY FUNNY sarcastically from your seating position? Why do you like to embarrass yourself like that?

I think you like the abuse user

Valid points

I talked to my father and he says the thing with the phone was situational humor and I should have laughed with them and with the girl I should have just stayed at my desk and tell her go ahead and ask him
Yeah that's the problem. I'm partial to asking them what's so funny but perhaps it wasn't suitable in those situations? I think I should go with my gut feeling if it happens again

someone explain this to me
>walk to the kitchen at work
>two female coworkers eating
>they greet me
>say hello back
>they start laughing
Honestly is this the fucking school thing where girls laugh at you because you thought you were "popular enough" to reply back to them?

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Some people are just happy and giddy and laugh at anything


>Valid points
>I talked to my father and he says the thing with the phone was situational humor and I should have laughed with them and with the girl I should have just stayed at my desk and tell her go ahead and ask him
Yeah, the phone thing is situational, you'd have laughed too if it happened to someone else and everyone laughed.
By the way, you should hit the gym user. This is not a meme but genuine /adv. I bet you that the more you go, the less they'll laugh at you or the less it will hurt you. Not because you'll become a Conor McGregor, you won't, but you'll feel better, mentally stronger, and will be able to face situations like that easier. Just try it for 3 months.

This is emotional response. Uncontrollable one. Positive to be sure! Mby they like you. Stop being paranoid.

You come across as passive and not assertive enough. They’re laughing at you because they see you as a child.

>ask him if we can go in 10 minutes because I have stuff to finish, he says "no we can't" (not maliciously, just in an oblivious self-assured tone)
Don’t ask his permission. Just tell him to hold on for a minute because you’re finishing something. If he says no, say you’ll catch up to him then.

>suddenly she gets up and says out loud that she'll talk to the manager for me if I don't want to
This person is a cunt. I wouldn’t ask for her help anymore, and I’d let the manager know that you found that uncomfortable. You need to start a trail of evidence on these things, because by the time you’re at your limit and fed up, and you actually do bring it up, it’s going to be a first occurrence in the eyes of your manager. They won’t even give a verbal coaching for a one-time offense. But, you did nothing, and looked passive again.

I’m sorry, dude. You see like a nice guy. In real life though, people shit all over nice people for no other reason than they can. You have to learn to push back appropriately.

>ask him if we can go in 10 minutes because I have stuff to finish, he says "no we can't" (not maliciously, just in an oblivious self-assured tone)
>people around us burst out laughing
are you really so insecure you get triggered by something like this?

we make jokes like this, and they are the lightest, at the office literally every day and even the chief autist joins in on the fun

I do go to the gym, makes me feel better afterwards
this is me btw
do I even lift?

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>Maybe I should just speak up and ask what's so funny when that happens, and be clear that I don't like being laughed at?
Absolutely fucking NEVER EVER do this. You'll just look like a manchild little bitch and the jokes will get worse. Look, I get what you're saying. The same thing used to happen to me. Judging by everything you said, you sound a moderately awkward young man. You're not a sperg, but I don't think you feel fully comfortable with who you are. You're not an alpha, but that doesn't mean you have to resign to be a beta. Stop trying to earn their respects. Be friendly with them, but don't ask them permission to do anything. Ask for advice as little as possible. You don't want to be a part of the pack, but you don't want to let the others see you as a menace. This is what you should have done:
>the guy whose idea it was (a big loud extrovert) says it's time for us to go
Tell them you'll meet them in ten minutes because you have stuff to do. Your mistake was asking for the whole lot of them you wait for you.

>another day, a girl I was talking to about some hard work stuff I wasn't sure what to do with suggest talking to the manager
You shouldn't have mentioned that in the first place. But you did, so immediatly afterwards you should have gone to the manager yourself without the girl saying she'd go for you.

>I volunteer to answer some question and as I begin my phone slips out of my pocket and hits the floor with a loud thud
Don't laugh. Smile and say something clever ("Don't worry, it's still alive" or some whatever shit line works for you).

Basically, the problem isn't that your colleagues are mean for the sake of being mean. They treat you like they would treat a child. Do everything in your power to look, walk, speak, and act like a man, instead of a child. Buy clothes that fit, hit the gym, go out more, fuck girls. Work on your posture, on your smile, the tone of your voice. Basically, do things that boost your confidance.

norman ch*d

>The same thing used to happen to me. Judging by everything you said, you sound a moderately awkward young man. You're not a sperg, but I don't think you feel fully comfortable with who you are. You're not an alpha, but that doesn't mean you have to resign to be a beta.
correct, that's pretty accurate
> Buy clothes that fit, hit the gym, go out more, fuck girls. Work on your posture, on your smile, the tone of your voice. Basically, do things that boost your confidance.
I'm trying desu see above

Then forget all I said and just take the "let's take it outside" approach.

They think you are weak. Once the strong know who is the weak they will eat them to become more strong. That's the rule of nature. You must show them that you are strong

Literally every response is different and this is why I hate Jow Forums. One person says to just laugh it off, another one says keep a straight face, some other person suggests trying to improve yourself because it is partially your fault for being a sperg... and then there is you, a fucking retard trying to be a smartass not even acknowledging the problem.

Just number one. Should you tolerate abuse just because they did something nice? Sorry just don't understand the cuckold mentality.

I don't understand how that is considered abuse. Crybaby mentality.

Just go hahahahaha

>different people give different advice
no shit retard. just pick whatever seems better suited for you.

>when you're the funny guy at work, but your jokes and gags aren't at the expense of others
feels good man

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I think they were laughing because OP thought he was invited aswell.

Oooooohhh is that true? You weren't even invited to lunch in the first place?

I was, perhaps that fucking retard was talking about himself.
t. OP

Fucking nigger cuck. Kill your fucking self. Do u realize u all act like some normalfags but are as retarded as everyone here? Do u realize that if he picked an answer and for example tried to keep a straight face and for some reason they laughed at him again, he would go to try the second advice just to laugh it off and that would make the situation 10x worse and make him look like a complete beta. Fucking ape he already knew all this methods he could use to try to deal with his issue, he wanted advice on which of them has a smaller chance to backfire at him, you dicksucking kikes gave no ADVICE.

i'm not sure if you're op samefagging. in any case, damn breh, you're autistic as fuck. op asked how to react. plenty of advice given on how to react. obviously nobody knows him on a personal level, so he has to pick that which best suits his personality. try not to shoot any schools, you sperg.

This guy has repeatedly been fired from jobs for smoking marijuana

You're the new guy and I guess they just do that at your work. At least it will disappear as you prove yourself and you'll probably get to haze the nee guy when you get some hair on your chest. If you want to of course.

Yeah he's only been there 3 months and pussys are already telling him to quit or start fights at his new job. Just relax man.

op just worry about the job youre being paid to perform ok? Focus on being productive.

Here's what I learned in the workforce that I can hand down to you guys.
Show up everyday.
Show up sober.
It sounds easy and it is.

Confront the fuckers if you got the muscles and don't value your job that much, this or just piss off and don't talk to the twits again, better off not hanging out with fags who see you as a joke.

Op sounds exactly like me, if you make some social mistakes at the start, you're seen as a joke by normal retards, all they talk about are cars and video games, whereas I do martial arts, go to the gym and am. Engaged, any reaction defending myself I get called insecure and when I don't im told not to take it, its like being in highschool again where I am

>Colleagues calls me from across the room
>"Hey user"
>"What is it?"
>everyone laughs

>Running event in town
>me and some colleagues participate
>we do some warming up exercise before it starts
>start jogging a bit
>everyone laughs

>office cafeteria
>join colleagues
>everyone laughs

And I'm not being paranoid, they were clearly looking and even pointing at me every single time
What the fuck is going on?

Tell us how you were grown in a test tube again, schizoposter.

I once worked with a girl like op described who would stand up for people who were intimidated about talking to the boss and she was cool, but I dunno if that's what op meant.


OP here, I'm not that guy.
The thing is that these situations involved people just as new as me.
But I do that already.
Yeah I don't want to quit, it's not bothering me that much though I'd prefer to be respected and sometimes I feel like I'm not. But I'm changing teams soon anyway.

why do ppl laugh at you spacificly?

the choice is your. ideally join them and laugh at yourself and lighten it

>people call you a faggot and start laughing
>you start laughing too
>people laugh even harder because you're a pussy bitch

You've obviously never had any experience with this, fuck off, you retarded cunt.

you probably look aloof or something

Instead of your phone fallin out your pocket make sure it’s a loaded ammo clip next time. They’ll stop laughing.