I'm 28 and I wasted my 20's in front of a compute screen,a decade of my life...

I'm 28 and I wasted my 20's in front of a compute screen,a decade of my life. I've talked about it before and I always get told some generic shit like "You really didn't miss out on much" many times, to I guess make me feel better, when I know the truth. Why do people lie about it? I know I missed out on a lot.

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Imagine wasting 10 years posting the same thread every day on Jow Forums.

They're right though. The only thing you missed out on was being able to make mistakes without people caring. At this point its basically just time for you to become a functioning man.

i just figured out adblocker wasn't letting me reply. i thought i could only make threads here so what ever reason

I missed out of the sex,dating, all of it. I always hear about improving yourself and putting yourself out there, but nearing 30, is there really a point? Is it in my best interest to know that those years are gone and after now it's just heading faster into old age?

I'm 21 and I already stopped giving a fuck about dating. Relationships are overrated. There are other things to enjoy in life aside from your reproductive functions.

Well, you're 21 and have a different opinion. Wait till you get around my age and start realizing the only women you're going to get already have kids, are crazy, or complete fuck ups like me.

I tried the whole dating thing for a while. I started to miss being alone with my thoughts and wanted my independence back. If you're introverted enough to sit in front of a computer for 10 years I doubt you really want a relationship.

I'm in the same boat. The most comforting thing for me is that in the end none of this will matter. We'll all become rotting meat. Another thing is that you may never had a choice to begin with. Some people are just born trash.

I do, but I think it has more to do with regret and walking to get back on my feet..But realizing I'm not doing it in my early twenties or late teens like it'd matter, but a year away from 30. I guess if anything I realized how seriously I fucked up and want to pick up the slack, while all at the same time being honest with myself and everything.

I had many chances and time to redeem myself, improve, and be a better person. I just let my anxiety's, insecurities, and past issues completely engulf me and destroy me as a person. I had youth, I had time, I had chances, advice, help, and didn't realize how bad I was fucking up, and how much of a better person I could have been and existence I could have had.

What if you're 28 and have a shit job that would require a career change?

i dont know

I'm in the same boat just working shitty jobs to get by. SHould have taken the time I had and got a certification or degree in something. I'd be a lot better off now.

OP very clearly requested that you keep the generic feel-good material to yourself.

Make your own thread if you want to vent. Don't pretend you're trying to help this kid.

People lie about it because they think it helps. But more importantly - because it's virtue signalling to their own ego. While presumably done out of good will... there happens to be just enough good will to smack you with a platitude. But not enough to actually sit down and think about your conundrum.

If you want to get out of this rut, you'll have to meet large quantities of people. That's all there is to it. I'm not saying it will solve your problem, but it's the only method that has a chance of working. You meet someone you like, try to grab a coffee or watch the ball game with them. Keep the acquaintances going. Practice your social skills this way until one day you can use such skills to court a potential partner you eventually meet in said large quantity of people.

Sorry if not specific enough, but I really don't know enough about you. But if you stick to this rule of thumb then you are bound to at least have the "job experience", for whenever your "dream job" shows up. As it stands now she could knock your front door and you'd still fumble it. And knock - she will not. You have a long way to go, but it's definitely possible. I imagine you're a patient man if you waited until 28 to start living, so you got that going for you.

>complains about generic feel good material then proceeds to type out lengthy generic feel good post

Read it again, slowly. There's nothing feel-good about it.

What's next? Are you going to ask me what my favourite movie is and call it shit no matter what I answer? Get out of here you fucking NPC. It's Ikiru by the way.

27 here bro, started about age 15.

A lot of regret, though I managed to get a nice girlfriend for a couple years. It's still been fun playing games.

No point worrying about the past, move on and decide what you want from the future.

Do what you want bro.

>"Oh, you have no social life you say? Try being more social."
That's literally all you wrote.

>Weeb shit
Ya, go figures.

You should try it sometime. Maybe you wouldn't instantly back down from the original line of attack like the pansy I know you are.

Depends, are you male or femal?


Oh. If you were female I would have offered to fuck you in the ass but in that case, never mind.


Shut the fuck up, 28 year old subhuman. What makes you think you're in any position to talk down to me? You're my bitch.

im 19 and im scared of ending up like you. i constantly stress about my future and shit. i have a job but other than that nothing really going for me. i want to find meaning in life and find a career i want to follow but shit is hard. i feel like i need guidance.

29 YO virgin here.
I'm not really mad that people my age are fucking, having kids. getting married or leading onto higher posts. You are almost near the gates of being into an Incel. Just stop yourself.

Then follow your goals and dreams. sound cheesy but thats it

im a fucking failure


That hurts to hear user. Hits way too close home. Hang in there!