Do manlets even realize how lucky they are? I'm 6'6 and get attention from women everywhere I go. It's fucking annoying...

Do manlets even realize how lucky they are? I'm 6'6 and get attention from women everywhere I go. It's fucking annoying. I'll just be going out to pizza and shit and all of a sudden some girl will be chatting me up. Sometimes they ask me for my number and I have to give them a fake one so they'll fuck off. Like sex is nice and all but sometimes I just want to get shit done without being pursued by all these women. Can you guys give me some advice on how to avoid all the attention?

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gr8 b8 m8

How is it bait? It genuinely is annoying. You might think it sounds nice but after a while it gets tiresome.

come on, dude. your bait was bad. don't embarrass yourself.

Prove it's bait then. I'll wait.

pls stop

You "bait" people just go into threads and type bait without even giving a reason as to why you think that. Explain to me why you think my situation is bait, I'm actually curious now. Is it because I'm 6'6? You realize the average NBA player is 6'7? It's not that uncommon.

Probably bait desu. If you actually think like this then stfu with your petty complaints. You act like being short is going to make everything better for you but nah, it only makes more crap

I just want to be treated like an ordinary guy though. Women treat me like a celebrity just because I'm tall and it's really uncomfortable. I want to be able to walk into a place without having all the female eyes on me. How is that petty? Why is it ok for women to complain about getting too much male attention but when a guy complains it's "petty"? That's a double standard if I've ever seen one.

nice cope did a short guy steal your crush OP?