He goes to work on mondays

>he goes to work on mondays
>he goes to work, ever

Attached: 1546329609208.jpg (1791x1062, 218K)

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when will wagies learn?

Attached: 40142C4B-BCE7-429D-A682-5A5A5420F66E.png (1000x800, 44K)

Jow Forums is work
work recognized by intelligence communities and police and militaries across the world
there is no NEET who does not work.
He who does not work is truly a cretin

They think retirement is real.

Attached: big bad berd.jpg (634x619, 77K)

That was a great poem

Am i a wagie if im a high income lawyer?


>high income

tfw you call a high-income lawyer's cell phone in the middle of the night

>helo is this important?
>i am sorry wrong number

good post