What seems to matter less and less as you grow older?
What seems to matter less and less as you grow older?
My wife, friends, career, there's a ton of shit I just want out of my life. Ideally one day I'll just quit my job and give the big middle finger to society in general
Hopes and dreams. Right now I would be happy just to sit in sun fishing or watching a good movie.
Other people
Almost EVERYTHING that seemed to matter so much when I was a teenager
Almost everything.
Now I just like simple things. Video games, a hike in nature, sex every so often.
Friends, family, possessions, money, social status; all that is whatever.
Irrelevant stuff that you thought was super important when you were a teenager.
So much this.
People's opinions
Trying to get a girl who hasn't lost their virginity
You still don't want a girl who's fucked like 20 guys by the age of 20, right? Right? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who thinks that's a really slutty amount of dudes to have fucked by your early 20s.
Politics are so fucking gay and stupid it's unbelievable. It's amazing how all these SJW alt-right culture is entirely made up for like 19-20 year olds kids that are complete and utter losers with no sense or self or identity which is why the define themselves through dumb internet memes.
I used to be exactly like them when I was their age, the whole world was on my shoulders, and than fuck I'm not anymore. I've never been happier. I can't imagine what it's like being older than like 25 and still being like MUH WHITE RACE or MUH GENDER PRONOUNS or anything.
Why does have to have fucked 20 guys? I've been with a ton of girls around that age and most of them had been with like 3-4 guys tops which is actually the goldilocks zone of previous partners.
As a teenager: Will never find a gf, tfw no friends with similar interests, never will have my sweet 6 pack
After college: comfy gf, dropped almost all friends because they were boring leeches, do enough exercise to stay healthy without overthinking it
Just leave me alone with my girl and my computer.
Did you read my post? I'm saying 20 is a very hgh number and I avoid those girls like the plague. 2-5 is fine, up to like 10 is tolerable depending on the context. Beyond that is a big red flag for me.
Because you lose that incel way of thinking once you grow up.
>politics = 20 year olds shitposting on 4chins
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Everything. I generally enjoy things less and less. Some days I feel manic and regain that sense of wonder I had when I was younger. But those are rare
Why should I keep living if life is just gonna hit less?
>Did you read my post?
I did read your post, and you were the one who brought 20 partners absolutely out of nowhere, replying to someone else who hadn't mentioned anything about 20 partners
> I can't imagine what it's like being older than like 25 and still being like MUH WHITE RACE or MUH GENDER PRONOUNS or anything.
You’re a pathetic excuse of a male
You're a bootlicking wagie
Age. Being liked. Dreams.
Literally everyone else on Earth and all the things they think.
He could be a neet on autism, or a tradesman or an entrepreneur
but you'd still be a pathetic half-man, regardless
No truth about them will make anything negative any less true about you. Don't crabpot because you're bitter.
And why do you wish to control what he wants to do? Are you insecure in your "all men must suffer" theory that you wish to control those who want to break free?