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Advice #207
Convince me to kill myself
Why are feminists so pathetic and whine about stuff like this? What difference does it even make...
Just tell me the truth
Lone tourist woman walking slowly taking photos, what's a good opener if I want to try to pick her up?
24th birthday today
Should I do leg lengthening surgery?
Find out girl I've been crushing on for ages likes me
I Need to Quit This Fucking Job
break up with boyfriend
Male balding
Talking to a girl in my class for a while now, she shows signs that she's interested, I'm also interested
Risking my relationship
How unattractive of a height is 5'6 for a male? Asking for a friend :^)
I told my gf that I had a small chat with a girl at the gym and now she's furious at me...
Why should I bother approaching bitches if they will approach truly attractive guys themselves...
The meaning of life
Fatherly Advice
How do I keep my girlfriend from finding my stash of loli porn? What do I do if she finds it?
My gf is pic related
This is an advice thread
Music suggestions for when you realize no one will ever like you?
Still wondering if it’s possible to get a boyfriend if you look like this
What do women want?in general?
/GIOYC/ - Get It Off Your Chest/Get Input On Your Case
An escort approached me at the gym and wanted to fuck. We met up...
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
How do you not get extremely nervous when talking to a girl?
Get it off your chest
Please help me out
Dating advice
About a month ago
I beat myself up from anger when I cannot concentrate on task. Never...
How do I stop hating women?
Am i feminine and homosexual for wanting pic related?
Next week I'm homeless
Ruined my life
What makes a man attractive to women?
I'm a fucking loser
How to become more tough?
Should I tell my bf that I'll have a fwb as coworker
Other men just want to fuck with me for no reason
How common is it for girls not to wear underwear? I've heard a lot of mixed views on this...
/sig/ - self improvement general
Diagnosed With Cancer
Taking a girls virginity
How to Redpill my boyfriend without freaking him out?
Is knowing how to dance important?
27 y/o
I jerk off 4 times a day to pornography, Help user, help
Question for you Gigachads out there?
Is girlfriend and wife supposed to be the person you like best? And also best friend right? But in my whole life...
I am an 18-year-old girl who has spent most of my teen years + met most of my friends on Tumblr
/GIOYC/ - Get It Off Your Chest
Whilst browsing porn, I came across a site with bestiality and what I think is CP. What should I do...
I'm a women but
People always say "bro go outside lmao"...
ITT: Ask the Opposite Sex Anything
Where is this 'chad' that incels talk about?
32 yo bartenderfag making pretty ok money, most i've ever made
I am madly in love with my female best friend. I really don't think the feeling is mutual...
Why you will never keep the woman that you truly like
I lost my virginity to a guy last night and now I feel Icky and weird and like it was a mistake
How do I make my ldr boyfriend chase me if weve been together a few years?
How do I stop trying to seduce people in order to feel sexy and lovable...
Repulsed by sex
Would appreciate advice from other parents. My 11yo daughter is being a rebellious butt...
Boyfriend problems
Be me
Can someone help me understand the thought process behind this?
Problems with small talk and getting over woman
When you're not into anal but your girl wants to get ass fucked
My boyfriend and I have wanted kids for the last 6 years...
What's a 90+% white big / large city with a low unemployment rate?
Misogyny, inceldom, shitposting about women and baiting is allowed
Should/How should I ask this girl out?
Accept feminism
I'm in college and my roommate keeps bringing his girlfriend over. She spends probably 2-3 nights here a week at least...
Is it wrong to break up with someone because of their culture?
Girl broke up with me
My lost decade
College freshman currently with my first ever boyfriend (because I was a massive loser in high school)...
ITT: Ask the Opposite Sex Anything
My parents hate my girlfriend
I am 27 year old and I'm still in uni
Three years ago I dated this girl for a couple months...
Creature of the night
How would you deal with a picky eater girlfriend? I love her but this becomes a chore to deal with
Get it off your chest
How is it possible to enjoy working?
Has any women cheated on their partner because of you and your muscular lean body?
Is sleeping for 6h enough...
What other hobbies do you have besides reading?
Fiancee talked into thinking I'm evil
Getting married
I don't have the will or energy to participate in society
Every girl I've ever dated has been a normie. This causes problems...
A 17 year old girl that I know has had feelings for me for a couple years now...
I just learned about the depressing massacre on black Wall Street from almost 100 years ago and the assassination of...
Jesus Christ! Being on retinoids, got absolutely clean face (except for post acne)...
In a relationship where she made the first move
How do I inroduce my white trans gf to my folks? We have sex almost everyday and I know we will be married someday
ITT: Ask the Opposite Sex Anything
Comparing my ex to others
I need to know how to make a few hundred dollars in a few days, my cat is very sick and he needs medication...
How do I not get angry at women liberating themselves in todays society?
Afraid of Male Interviewer
I just want a good sex life with my partner
How do I stop imagining that my bf is my brother during sex?
Sluts, Bodycounts, and Virginity
Why is rape seen as worse than beating someone so brutally that they're hospitalized? And for that matter...
What advice would you give the young men of this site Jow Forums?
ITT: Ask the Opposite Sex Anything
Is having small breasts really that bad?
Do it
Has the Jow Forums board actually helped anyone?
Advice for young males
Are incels right about anything?
How do you come across as someone who has friends when you have none...
I’m conflicted about breaking up with my GF
How do I get a girlfriend with the maturity of a 27 year old, the energy of a 21 year old...
How important is dick size to women? 5'7 4incher I am
Just got tinder, no likes yet. Any pros got some Jow Forums for me?
Why are men so scared of women?
Why are there so many low quality men?
30+ Thread
I hate myself…
How do i ask a girl on a date without inconveniencing her or annoying her?
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Afraid of turning 30
What lgbtq label is accurate for me?
Would it be creepy to date my social studies teacher from middle school...
Is this accurate?
How do I stop being a boring female?
How do i stop being boring? specifically, how do i keep people (girls) interested in me?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Another weekend by myself
Does life ever get easier? When? How?
It wouldnt let me post this on b or s4s so imma post it here
Fuckeable but not dateable
For 17 years of my life, I was the ugly, nerdy piece of shit at school. The absolute social reject...
I know that, in a relationship, it's important to go out and be independent and do your own thing sometimes...
How do I get an asian girlfriend?
My boyfriend says that he would fuck me but he wouldn't take me home to see his parents...
Can't make the first move
Broke up with Pregnant gf
Talking to girls/cosplayers at anime cons?
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything:
Should I leave her?
My fiancee and I are in very serious financial difficulties...
Whats it like to be female?
How do I cull my craving for intimacy?
How do I get people to stop calling me homophobic just because I want nothing to do with gay people...
Found out that several cute girls i know used to have crushes on me but i was too oblivious and missed all the signs...
Males saving their virginity until marriage?
How do you become apolitical? Thinking about politics 24/7 isn't healthy or fun. Help me Jow Forums
Is this actually unattractive to women?
In 1998, when I was 11 years old, my older sister - 18 years old at the time - had a child...
Is it really as easy as walking up to a girl, complimenting her, and then asking her on a date?
Programming without math - yes or no?
I live in Las Vegas and have a huge foot fetish...
I hate women, they do not have to do anything, men who go to them, so they will never come to some guy...
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Let it all out
April 10th was my 26th birthday and that was my loneliest birthday...
What can I do with a BGS(Bachelors of General Studies)?
Fucking fuck face dog
I legit just want to commit suicide. I can't even say that I'm sad, I'm just bored and frustrated
Is murder justifiable if you’ve been wronged?
Usually when a girl leaves for no credible reason I take on the attitude of...
Got into a big fight with my semi sjw gf over the things her mega SJW best best friend tweets
How to accept death?
How can I get a boyfriend if I look like this
I'm a 125-130 IQ faggot, I don't think I am a genius
I hate everyone
How to successfully become a girl who's not like the other girls?
I want to become a Stay-at-home Dad/Husband
Whats the meaning of life?
Is human monogamy a social construct and humans aren't really monogamous biologically speaking?
Can someone explain why a girl would cheat on his partner?
What does kissing feel like?
Artistic nude photography in a relationship
How do I make myself good enough for a woman? What are women looking for in a potential boyfriend?
Advice on how to stop hating women? This is a genuine question...
Why so much sex?
Sex Advice with taller GF
Advice for a friendless incel? I am 18 years old
I have only kissed, loved and had sex with one single woman in my entire life...
Have a crush on a girl lets call her "A"
Help robot understand I wont hurt him or cheat
When I was 18 this slut I had a crush on invited me over to have sex...
Running away from my teaching job in japan after 3 days?
I'm a manhoe and have had so many chicks around that I can't even entertain the prospect of getting married...
My cat is having wheezing problems. Last year my vet gave a depo shot of steroids and bronchi dilator injection...
My bf of two years has been living a double life...
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
I used to have left, now I have right
How do I ask a girl on a date?
Will the incel thing peter out in about 5 years time like MGTOW/MRA or grow stronger?
Third job i got turned down from for not being "enthusiastic" enough
Got called homophobe for views
I’m 22 (F) and my 21 year old boyfriend masterbates to girls he knows on Facebook all the time but won’t do...
20yo m. Shaved my head because I was feeling bad about my hairloss. Now it looks like this. What now...
Girl here
Girl friend’s search history is ruining my life
Be me, 21 year old kv
Men who crave virgins
I know this isn't Jow Forums related but you guys are the online people i can talk to about this
Is there a site where a 20 year old good looking guy could find 40+ women to hook up with?
Finally after 19 years on this planet I asked a girl out, cute girl from part time job...
How to solve differences through marriage
I just want her to be happy
How does a friendless young man cope in modern America? It gets really lonely but at least I have my mom...
My husband and i agreed that we don‘t want to coddle each other and be honest if something‘s bothering us
My fwb says she’s always too tired to hook up
Please Help Me
Forcing sex on gf?
Why do people get upset when I say that I only want to be with a virgin...
Is it wrong to tell someone you actually want to date them and you love them, when in reality you just want to have sex?
I can't find any motivation to do anything...
Mfw speechless
Husband and I were one of the rare high school couples that actually stayed together
He really is the perfect guy for me and we're a really good looks match too imo
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
I was last night walking down the road screaming and throwing trash cans over and swearing very horrible deranged...
Is it true women have no souls? That their vapid, reckless...
Love and shit
I never wear cologne, am I retarded? When at what should I do with that shit?
If you knew nothing about a man other than the fact that he was a 26 year old virgin, would you think he's a loser...
Ive met two shorter girls with a huge complex about their height. Why do girls even care?
Currently trying to cure tranny fetish by not jacking it at all until I stop thinking about it...
Why do women sexually oppress men?
What's a good gun to shoot yourself with? Need actual answers, I would rather not deal with brain damage
When guys say they dislike short hair, does it include cases like pic related too?
As a not normal person I am interested in hearing about how a normal person's day goes
Why is online dating such an unfair game for men?
How do you get over a fear of romantic rejection?
Almost 90% of relationships that I see around me are failing/failed
I give people the silent treatment whenever I'm mad. Friends, romantic partners, family members...
Do most people feel a strong sense of empathy or is it just lip service?
Try to follow the board's advice and be more social
I don't know if I want to date or marry, I think it's very risky in our current timeline, am I thinking too much?
Reminder to every normalfag on this board smugly posting "advice"
I think it’s time to call it quits and I’m scared. I moved in with my boyfriend about a week ago...
What are your honest opinions on stretch marks? Do guys really care about them or not?
I feel like I'm wasting my 20s with my partner
Fuck Off Feminism. You Lied
Be 31
How to get girls to approach
Are some men just doomed to die alone?
Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to...
Give a me a reason
My brother has become extremely sexually frustrated
Sucking dick for the first time
Get it off your chest
Have workplace social coming up this week
Would you date a girl with Alopecia?
Looking for a CAIS Woman
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Is this rage justified?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
What do young men need the most from society?
Don't know what to do
I see a lot of hate directed at incels, and as someone with incel-leanings, why is that?
I want to message my ex so badly to beg her
I've been visiting Incel forums on the last week out of curiosity and I ended up absorbing way too much negativity...
How do I get a black gf?
How do I flirt in a sexual manner...
Is 5.5" alright?
What now?
How many 0.1mg tablets of Clonidine would it take to stop breathing?
Guys I'm a flat chested in my late 20s and I want bigger breasts. It's 10k and I want it quicker...
Wife had sex with best friend before he died of cancer
I'm fucked anons
"museums restaurants and bars"
How do I get it through my girlfriend's head that her cat does not love her? Cats don't work that way. Yes...
No girl has ever flirted with me or asked me on a date. Should I give up on ever having a gf?
I went out with a guy a couple of times and he's really nice. And I don't mean he's a Nice Guy...
No sex life
Will being a nice person make people like me more even if I'm a 2/10 at best?
I'm looking for a gf that will manipulate me into isolating myself and having my life completely depend and revolve...
Child walking alone
Am I retarded?
Moving on?
I'm gonna throw out some books that have helped me. Feel free to add your own
I'm a woman, and dating sucks for me...
Girlfriend hides my meds
If you aren't approached a lot by women in clubs, bars, walking around
How to feel like a 20 year old again?
How to overcome the mindset in this picture?
Does it mean that I'm ugly if a girl has never approached or showed romantic interest in me?
How do I cope with the realization that I'm not a good person? That no matter what I do or how hard I try to be kind...
Went home with a girl on the weekend hooked up, hung out all day the next day until 5pm. Texted her today...
I recently found one of my students in Jow Forums
Is there any way to find out how intelligent I actually am without paying for a legit IQ test?
How do I tell whether or not I'm prison gay
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
How do you help a narcissist
Please be honest, do guys like this exist?
Why do so many young men (such as me) have such a hard time doing something that should be easy...
How do I get over my fear of romantic rejection?
I'm a virgin and currently with my first-ever boyfriend who's also a virgin...
Sociopath here. Give me one (1) valid reason to change
How do I deal with being a black pilled loser? I am 35 years old. Have wife and 3 kids. Literally zero savings...
I am good friends with one of my exes now. There are photos of us on my instagram account...
My First ever GF Went to a party, got herself shitfaced drunk, and a guy kissed her
Fucked up real bad
How much bigger do i need to get before i get a gf?
Where do you meet women?
Is it true
Female friend tells me I’d be
Complicated situation
Why are there girls here willing to date psychopathic, deranged, depressive men...
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Doctor said i must go on a diet need advice
Paternity test
Is there a way out of the dreaded friendzone?
What does Jow Forums think of MGTOW?
Legit 9/10. Why am I dirt poor and now incel?
Dealing with toxic self-rightous catholic family?
Ask a hot girl with issues anything~
Get married + have kids young(ish)?
I’m the most insecure guy. I’ve been validated so much as unattractive, confirmed by all the apps like tinder...
Why am I invisible to girls? Can they sense autism? Am I so unattractive? Should I just stop trying?
What is it about blue eyes and black hair men that makes them so attractive...
What will happen to me if I never ask a girl on a date in my life?
Last night I was told by a girl that I liked that she does not, has not, and will never give a shit about you...
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Legitimate cry for help
Mom forces me to get out to socialize
How do I get a Black Girlfriend?
How do you get a hobbie if you have absolutely no real interests?
How's your dating going user? Bad right?
At 2:00am last night, I was woken up by my husband screaming and pounding his desk in an Overwatch match...
I gave up having a gf, you should also user, better focus on getting very rich, just hope not to regret in old age
I just don't understand I'm 19 and I have bodybuilding photos straight up 8 pack etc long beautiful hair and a huge...
Is it ok to try to get a girlfriend if your penis is 4"?
How can I stop being horny as a female?I'm still virgin...
So Jow Forums, I just won 50k and have no idea what to do with it. I'm a poorfag and always have been a poorfag...
I think my little brother is an incel...
I think my boyfriend might sell drugs
Hi folks, I think I have problem with myself
I'm obsessed over my boyfriend
Unpopular Opinions Thread
Should I dip into my retirement fund to save my girlfriend?
Lying on my bed
Resentful over circumcision and everything surrounding it
Be me, an American on tinder
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
I've always seen suicide threads here, and try to help when I can, but now I'm coming to you guys...
I'm obesseing over rereboy again. Would really appreciate someone to talk to
World domination
To cuck or not to cuck - therein lies the question
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Should i have a kid
Sex and disgust
I'm an American. How do I talk in an English accent? I want to become an actor
Met a cute girl at a party
Is this Normal?
I have an interview at my city's largest engineering consulting firm on monday
How bad do you feel about condoms?
How can I focus on work?
Curious to hear what women think about the current surplus of male virgins, what are the relevant causes and effects...
Help about Older Woman
Is it possible to get female attraction as an average dude or will you always be doomed to be the one chasing?
I am the most pathetic person here
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
No hope for the future as a 21 year old guy
My boyfriend of two years offered to financially support me. Im not really sure what to do about it
Would a suicide cocktail made up of sleeping pills and wine (any alcohol really) work in regards to ending it...
BPD and Codependency
I fucking hate Tinder and all other dating apps
How do I accept that I'll never have a family of my own?
How do you ask someone out?
Getting a girlfriend?
As an aromantic how can I have a gf?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Tell me what haircut to get. I like shorter styles
How do I get my girlfriend pregnant if she's on the pill?
What are good conversation topics and ways to start a conversation after you've spoken to someone for a while?
I’m 5’6” and 22 years old, male. I can’t fucking stand this shit anymore. I’m shorter than every man I see...
Be alone all the time
Gf has been here for about 3 hours and has not once touched my dick
Is it possible to get a girlfriend if you have asperger's syndrome?
Chilling with friend (female)
Be me 26 yr old giga chad
Woman on top problems
GOD I need a girlfriend so bad, and I don't think anybody wants to help me
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Mors interna
Wife says she'll kill herself if I leave I've been around suicidal people and I believe her but literally everything is...
Is "Chad" a force of nature that cannot be reasoned with? Or a rational being that I could form a covenant with?
Okay Jow Forums so my boyfriend and I have been together over a year and we have a great relationship...
Ex dumps me over 2 years ago
Best friend is in love with me
Whats up with that?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Which is worse for me to drink, chocolate milk or soda?
Is it possible that my Tinder account is somehow broken?
How long is it acceptable to feel like shit over a breakup before it starts to become pathetic...
How can I make my relationship last as long as possible and be a happy one...
[Your Problems Are Mine]
Failed drug test after 3 months of no smoking
What does it mean to be a man?
Matthew 7:7
There are things my boyfriend does that annoy me and when I tell him about them he changes things...
I'm 29, is it weird for me to date or sleep with 18-19 year olds?
How do you deal with talking to someone that always overthinks while talking to you?
In love with my girlfriend's mom
How can I get fat fast like within a week?
How do i meet outcast girls?
Satan Complex
Why are incels such a failure with women?
So multiple blatant bait threads are allowed to exist and a single 30+ thread get deleted?
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
How to leave Jow Forums?
Need femanons help to make sense of something
Be me
From which storey of a building can you jump with It being fatal?
First date
It feels to me like most people, especially people who differ from me politically...
Why do girls do this?
Taller people are more likely to get hired and promoted over shorter equally or more qualified people
Can't keep interest
Wife thinks all white names are basic and complains whenever she hears one...
Sister just got her first period
Why do I always lead the wrong guys on?
Why is tinder so hard to get women most of the bitches never respond to a single text message I get people are busy but...
My boyfriend made a sexual advance on me a few days ago and I stopped him and told him I wasn't ready yet...
Do women only really care about looks and status?
How do you date women that are 9's and 10's and not constantly freak out about them cheating on you?
How are you anons not scared of finding co-workers on tinder...
How long do you reckon I need to water fast to get rid of this belly fat...
Do girls really love assholes or is it because there's no sort of guy between asshole and nice guy anymore + the fact...
How do I get a Black Girlfriend?
How do I not resent my colleagues?
Rational suicide
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
I've been dating a guy for a few weeks who I thought was a very sweet man. I fear I might have been wrong...
Boundary problems with daughter
I hate 98% of males
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
I need a good opener. I'm a 6.5-7/10 so I have a very slight chance with her, but I'm gonna need a good opener...
In relationship of two and a half years
Attend dance classes
I have made the biggest mistake of my entire life so far
How to not be an incel?
Is it ever possible to restore your sense of self-worth as a man...
Why do I only attract tards and creepy old men
Repressed Memories
Hey girls of Jow Forums
Went on a date with this cute virgin from Tinder after speaking for 5 days back amd forth. Apparently I liked her much...
I like females sexually and in the abstract but whenever I ever actually talk to them I find their personalities gross...
I fell for the "major in what you're good at/passionate about" meme and graduated with a useless bachelors degree with...
Tfw never did learn the guitar
I'm currently applying for university jobs around America...
Should I stop drinking chocolate milk on a regular basis?
[Your Problems Are Mine]
Breast size
How can I become a robot that studies all day long every day without interruption?
Told girl on Tinder im interested in relationship because she wants one and that i dont care about her being fat
Trying to figure out if this is normal
Why do women give a shit about status?
QTDDTOT - Ask the Opposite Sex Edition
Do you tell your partner the number of sex partners you've had?
30 year male at the end of my rope
Normie roommate goes outside with his friends every night to smoke weed behind the dorm
Just fucked a friend of a woman who rejected me
No fun allowed
Gun Buying advice (Burgerland)
What's your opinion of a 30 year old virgin female?
One of my bullies from high school wants to be friends. He stalked and tormented me the entire four years...
Is it sexist to be attracted to submissive women?
I'm 20, he's over 60. I'm a virgin and always had the mindset to just find that one man I love...
Too good to be true?
Be gay boy
Do I have a shot?
Why is it considered shameful to want a girl with minimal to no experience?
Can I sue a girl for standing me up on a date?
I just want the pain to stop. The feeling of existing in this pathetic and disgusting thing i call a life is too much...
How to socialize with inferior people
Enjoy larping as a girl online and pretending to date guys because I enjoy the attention
Most discreet ways to an hero?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Why do people care about me being a virgin?
Trying to have a break from weed anyone know anytips to get my metabolism back to normal quicker are there any remedies...
Bf smokes weed a lot and spends a lot of money on it...
Please help my sister
Why is everybody so sad
I took an iq test in real and my score was 83. Is it over for me?
I'm so sick of panic attacks for no good reason. I can't function, how do I make it stop?
My bf asked me how many men I slept with and I lied and said I only slept with my last two bfs and him
I constantly see young girls with guys my age. I'm trying so hard to understand why I can't get a guy to stick around...
Where to make online friends?
Anal sex
Advice for young males
I am going for a date with syrian qt...
So I have to settle for a girl that has sucked and fucked multiple cocks or be alone for the rest of my life...
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
I've been through five therapists and none of them have any clue about how to help me with my social anxiety and...
A fiend of mine implied i'm a shitty person because im dating a 19 yr old girt being 25 myself
How to make butt smaller?
Why is it that I lose all interest for a girl the moment she starts to show any interest in me...
How could I cope with the fact that I'm too ugly to get a gf? I feel alright when I'm at work...
My dad just told me I'm a failure
18 y/o high school senior
Are degenerate fetishes okay as long as it’s behind closed doors?
How do I get over a crippling fear of romantic rejection that has kept me a kissless dateless virgin for 22 years?
How do I seduce a girl from my church who has a boyfriend? Her boyfriend is ugly, dumb and poor, whereas I am handsome...
Why are men that have dolls such as these labeled as "losers" or "creeps"?
There's this girl in the gym that has been staring at me for a few weeks now, she's not ugly, really fit...
A word of advice
Is a mass shooter ever justified in his actions? For instance...
Would femanons date a 30 year old? What is your age?
Are females interested in males?
Im autsitic as fuck
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Guys I think I'm starting to understand how people like Elliot Rodger and other mass shooters become who they become...
I got rejected from every college I applied to, what the fuck do I do now...
Be me
My bf is obese and we tried having sex last night but he couldn't get his cock in me...
Be me
What's unattractive and what's attractive about me?
21 yr old here. How do you cope with the fact that most of your (perceived) lifespan is already over...
Why do fat women think they're too good to date fat men?
Looks like another nail in the coffin for short guys
It's the middle of the night, I'm alone, high, and thinking about killing myself...
Penis enlargement surgery
Rejected by friend
/10 how dumb is it to live stream your suicide if its a given your going to do it?
How do I learn to forgive my mom...
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
My friend supports Drumpf
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
My bf is upset because I don't want to show him stuff I do
How are c sections? Anything to worry about?
Is it worth it to go in 90k debt to go to a top 10 university? What do you think?
I pretend to be a cold-hearted loner but I really just want a woman to show me love and kindness
Pro life or pro choice
Recently, I met a girl who I was very attracted to. I got to know her and started dating...
Be me
I work in the fried food department at a Stop & Shop (east coast United States grocery store chain)
Did my gf lie about being a virgin?
How do you even compete with chad when one is nearby?
I'm becoming conservative
So I'm just getting out of a relationship and need some advice on what to do with my life. As of today...
I'm very inexperienced romantically
Can a person actually be introverted and not having anything wrong with their mental situation?
Okay let’s try this thread again. This woman says she is 47 years old. Is there any way she could be?
How do I not rape her?
The plan is to graduate and move to Asia(preferably Japan or South Korea) to find a gf, but the problem is...
Why do men suck so completely and utterly in bed?
I have a 4in/10cm penis, it's scientifically below average...
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Is there really all there is?
Is kissing someone you love the magical experience that fiction claims?
My boyfriend is a smoker and I'm gonna have my first kiss with him soon. I heard kissing smokers is gross...
Rate me
Why so many lesbians? I moved from small town to a big city to study...
Anxiety and pressure
Being her dancing monkey
Omfg my life is ruined forever
I am friends with this shy guy who I am really attracted to. He's so smart and we talk all the time...
Girls are friendly to me, smile at me, laugh at my jokes, and say positive things about me...
I feel like my boyfriend has stopped liking me. we've been dating for 6 months...
Is an hour 20 too long a commute?
Not a native speaker. I've tried my best to translate it to English
Thinking about joining the Navy
My boyfriend has a very obvious waifu type. Skinny, cute, bangs. This is his favorite cosplayer...
My long distance ex is threatening to kill herself. She has already been cutting. What do I do? I am panicking a bit
I'm going to do leg lengthening surgery
How to build mental strength?
If I love/care about my girlfriend but want to fuck other girls that's a pretty bad sign, right?
I really just need some quick-times advice
FACT: Having a below average penis is a worthy reason to give up
Should I just give up?
How do i tell a girl I don’t feel the same way for her without breaking her heart?
How do I ignite manly dominance in men?
How tf do i stop being a fatass?
One night stand
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Is PUA legit?
Nobody likes me. How do I make friends?
Is Raep?
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Okay how old is this woman in pic????
Let's talk about flirting over text
Drugs that reduce thought ruminations?
Women only care about height
Got some bad news today anons, Fuck this landlord, wants everyone out by may and I signed a lease until july...
What do I do once I start getting depressed again after getting on anti-depressants?
It's been two and a half years and I'm still not over my ex, what the actual fuck is wrong with me?
I have an ongoing bet with a friend
Is it over?
Should I steal 500k from my parents and move to a foreign country? I hate my life :/
What do I do
Why do I not really want to be in a relationship but constantly want attention from men?
Why I am ugly ?
Yo how the fuck do i talk to girls on tinder
Is masturbation healthy? I don't do it much. Should it be done on a daily basis? I'm a guy
Gf just told me she doesn't feel like we should be together anymore and dumped me...
How do I stop believing in god?
On the brink of giving up
At what point should I stop taking care of my grandparents? I've been doing it for 15 years and it's only getting worse...
Should I verbally abuse my kids so that they'll listen and not become spineless wimps?
How to text women?
General help. Down on my luck
Is there a chance for me to ever get a gf?
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Where are all the feminine feeling? Where are the nail-painting, makeup obsessed, purse wearing females at...
How does a no friend 30yo boomer get good pics for online dating?
Will I ever be able to get a girlfriend or succeed In life If I have a dependent personality?
Why is my handwriting so horrible? Any way to fix this?
TL;DR can read ppl easily, women turned off by that, what do?
What is the redpill ideal for women? Heavyset woman in her twenties trying to get a dude...
Why are quiet people usually disliked? They're just being silent
What do I say when a girl gives me attitude? For example...
How do you sleep with your signifcant other...
straight guy
In love with two women. One I've had a long term relationship with, the other gets along with me in every way, shape...
Would any femanon be willing to to edate me provided youre ok with my looks and personality?
Dick Pic Blues
WHen did you realise you are not unique?
She gave me her number
How to deal with hatred, that eats me from inside?
Girl I'm in love with who lives 6 hours away while I finish my last semester of grad school just fucked another man...
20 years old
21 year old, 30-35 year old escort
I can't get past bitch shields
How do I stop being a suicidal neet?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Should i tell this girl, who already has a boyfriend, she's beautiful? Just to compliment her?
Accept yourself, bro
Is it weird inviting girl for a coffee over internet, if you never talked to her? She keeps staring at me...
I might be having sex with a girl in the somewhat near future...
Have 7/10 coworker
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Debt collector is threatening to sue me. I’m going to call up and try to settle it rather than go to court...
How do you cold approach a girl if you are not a chad? I tried talking to this girl...
No erection on first time together
Women in relationships...
Is it true women see some guys as lovers, who they'll fuck almost immediately and do all manner of depraved things for...
My husband is into femdom and humiliation
How do I approach a guy who says he's "boring irl"?
What are the do's and don'ts on cheating on your gf
Tfw virgin
Jesus Christ I want to have sex so much it is consuming my mind all I can think about is sex and hot girls
My ex was a solid 8 and bumped her stats way way up by being a total freak in bed, completely insatiable...
Howdy gamers
My almost 50 year old dad recently started dating this woman that has a couple of daughters...
Any way I can improve my looks?
How to help with a gf with an eating disorder
How do I diminish my hatred for women?
30+ Thread
A girl that will break the rules
Should I break up with my gf?
Pic is me
Why is it considered a bad thing to want a girlfriend?
Has anyone ever had positive results from using this board...
How do I stop being afraid of women?
Is this cheating?
Is 26 too old to start dating? Should I just give up?
What‘s going trough a man‘s head when he looks at pic related?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
How do you alleviate the pain of women existing but not being your gf...
How do I attract white women?
How do I stop disliking female personalities?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Never in my life have I had such consistant thoughts about about killing other people...
As a guy, where do I draw the line between making my advancement with a woman and being desperate/creep?
Are there women that enjoy sex as much as men...
I hate this stupid website. I get nothing of value out of my time here...
Hello, amateur cam couple here. Do you new friends have any advice for cam shows you'd like to see? Also...
How do women, after having multiple partners, convince themselves that they are not 'unvirtuous' people...
How do I cut?
Meeting gf's parents when you are much older than her
How do I dump my gf for betraying me?
Give me ad/v/ice... how do I win over my dream girl? I've tried so hard and got so far but she still ignores me
Give me some advice for lying about work experience on my resume...
Boyfriend likes it hairy but why?
My son is communist?
Insecure about size of balls
Does anyone else become suicidal after heartbreaks...
Is love shallow
Girl likes me
To all my fellow lonely fucks out there, I hope it gets better for you. I hope it gets better for all of us...
Can people see when you screenshot their instagram stories?
Posted this on /tv/
Im 23 YO and have fallen in love with a 12 YO girl who goes to the same gym as me
Herpes Predicament
Why can’t I bond with men?
ITT: Ask the Opposite Sex Anything
Me and my gf share a flat with her friend, it's a two bedroom apartment and we live in one room whilst she has her own...
Issues with jealousy
Me and my gf share a flat with her friend, it's a two bedroom apartment and we live in one room whilst she has her own...
Recently hung out with gf yesterday
One shot at life
What are some good subsitutes for intimacy?
How can i become a confident and happy girl. My isolation drives me into insanity...
As a minority, how can I exploit anti-white sentiment to sell a movie script?
A gift
Accused of rape!?
I am lost as to what to do
Marriage Ending
I'm starting to have sexual thoughts about a female friend
When/how did everyone meet their current wife/their partner closest to their soulmate?
What the fuck happened to me
Is gf pedofile
How do i get into music? I want to develop a personality but no music appeals to me
Wake up in the am and go workout
What are some books and videos to understand women and never fall into their clutches?
Is this making it bros?
I'm a computer science major and bordering between beast and dyel. How do I meet people?
Me and my gf met this girl on Tinder and after a night hanging out we all had sex
Money and Happiness
What to do when fiancées cheated on You?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
What's the point of living if you aren't tall and good looking...
be me
ITT: Ask the Opposite Sex Anything
Please help me
I've been using Adapalene + Benzoyl Peroxide for 1 months
I'm a black female who's 4'6" and a virgin...
21M kissless, hugless, virgin
Ever had a case of double oneitis? I think I might "suffer" from one
What to do when your employer asks you to commit a crime?
For guys: How do you cope with the pressure of having to always be the one to make the first move...
How to make friends online
Go to an art museum
Im never getting over my ex she had bpd and was as mentally fucked as me...
So I came to the sudden realization tonight after receiving an email confirming shipment that while black out drunk...
Random question but kind of seriously directed at women
What advice would you give to yourself 10 years ago?
Hello anons, I'm kinda new to this thing...
Left my girlfriend of two years for someone else (the feelings are mutual, we're together now)
Does anyone have some good book recs on dating, charisma and coinfidence? I already read "models"
Meet a guy on a dating site
Dealing with missing an ex + isolation
Be me
I can't grow up
How do I stop jacking off to cuck porn?
Where to find smart girls who aren't lesbians?
I need help. I commissioned a mask artist last summer around july for a latex mask...
ITT: Ask the Opposite Sex Anything
Go to atm at bank to make cash withdrawal
Dating a stripper?
So, I have pretty much decided already. there are plenty of reasons to not be around anymore...
Would any femanons be willing to edate me provided youre ok with my looks and personality?
My girlfriend was raped before we met and I can't let go of the hatred I feel for her rapists...
How does one find himself a girlfriend?
Cultural difference?
I've done a huge mistake
Got crushes fb password (saw her type it in slowly because she's slow)
Weekend plans
What seems to matter less and less as you grow older?
Boyfriend flirts with other women. Its annoying me and he blames me for being just insecure. Am I overreacting...
How do you fix the ugly?
WHat the fuck have I done
Settling Down
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship