I need help. I commissioned a mask artist last summer around july for a latex mask...

I need help. I commissioned a mask artist last summer around july for a latex mask. I payed 4k for it and told them "no rush" in a confidence thing. While they have had other projects, he has not sent me photos of the project, given me updates/ statuses on it. He is a legit artist but what should I do? He already said I'm not getting a refund for it and "ill get it when its done" thoughts?

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I'm not going to call you a retard for commissioning something or hiring any service for the matter without setting a ETA but if he refuses to so much as give you updates on the thing, something might be up.

I don't presume any kind of contract was involved?

Sounds like you got played. Hopefully you signed a contract and this hasn't just been talked about in-person or on the phone, or else you might be out 4 grand without a messy legal battle. If you did sign a contract or agreement (which you really should have demanded for this kind of thing, since I assume this guy is a freelancer), I'd let him know you're calling a lawyer.

he hasn't refused but said more than once that he'd send update photos and stuff. AND yes, sadly, as the retard I am, I did not sign anything.

There's a decent chance you got fucked then. Anyway, since you already can expect the worse, avoid being confrontational.

Try to figure out how long he took on similar projects and drop that subtly during conversation.

>yo dude, I know it's a complicated project but I've seen some of your work done in x - any chance I get preview or maybe a loose ETA?

Not an expert or anything but it's been almost an year. How long or how much work could this dude possibly have accepted?

4000 dollars. Whew. You could have given them to me.

he said he wasn't sure on an ETA. guy somehow has a little attitude when he talks over IG all the time too. I'm being super nice although I am annoyed/suspicious.

You're right to ask for updates. If you didn't give him deadlines or anything in writing, he probably hasn't started, aside from initial design sketches (or whatever the first step is in making a mask, fuck if I know). If you keep checking in and asking for updates, he'll get it done so that he doesn't have to keep hearing from you.
Also, make sure that you sign a fair contract that allows you to get your money back if it isn't done by a certain date. If he won't do that, go somewhere else. Just things to think about for next time you start commissioning people to make things.
>t. musician who has dealt with contracts before and saw what it's like to deal with composers who won't follow timelines and/or specific requests

What was your payment method? If you used Paypal or something similar, you can file a complaint.

he just messaged me, update coming coming

Also, if you have a record of the correspondences, such as email or texts, then that will help your situation.

i did use paypal.

i have ig messages, an email sent to him, and a paypal receipt.
guys says ill get a photo "soon" but thats literally the vaguest time window ever. especially in this situation

Make sure you keep all of your records and if he keeps playing around, file a complaint to get your money back.

thanks pal

Good luck. Dealing with artists who are bad at business/dishonest/lazy is a pain in the ass I know all too well. Most likely, he spent all the money you gave him and now has no real motivation to actually do the work.

he said he could put more regency into it

whats does he mean by this?

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A word of warning to anyone interested in commissions I don't care if you make more dough than the upper middle class, you'd want to protect commissions as you would invest in a car or a mortgage. Especially if they're in the thousands. You are of course subject to the artists time and compensation but $4000 up front is just so sketchy. I always trust artists who ask for 50% upon starting and the remainder 50% on completion. If they ask for the cash up front you better be priority or else they aren't worth your time.

i did the 50% with every commission but this one

Friends and family or goods and services? If it's F&F ur fucked lol

>I'll get it when it's done
With so many stories exactly like this on the internet I have no idea why any of you get ANYthing online. Online artists sound like fucking hosers and scammers who get officially backed by websites that cover up their bullshit.

Report him to something and tell them he's swindled your fucking four gs, has no progress and refuses to communicate about it in any constructive fashion.

And in the future? If you pay four grand for something, maybe don't ever do it on the fucking internet because way more than 4000 has gone sideways on the internet and just *poof* without comeuppance.

thanks yo

also legit told me after i asked him about a detail "it will be..i have to get back to work..." like this dude uses dots for dramatic uses unironically? sending me a big vibe

Take it to small claims court. I've handled stuff like this a lot if you want to ask any specifics. If you paid via Paypal or other similar service, you can press for a refund via the service as the purchase wasn't fulfilled on seller's end.

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