How do I stop jacking off to cuck porn?

I have an addiction problem with cucking/cheating/hot wife porn. I've tried every trick in the book to kick porn and masturbation addiction. No fap, no porn, actual sex, you name it. For some reason I just can't stop jacking off to cuck porn. It's so fucking hot for me and gives me the best orgasms.

It wouldn't be a problem if it didn't make me feel like shit. I get ashamed and embarrassed by it and it kills my self esteem. My wife knows, and she doesn't like it either because she thinks it means I'm afraid she'll cheat on me. She also hates it because it takes from our sex life and I know she thinks less of me fr it (but she won't say that). Overall it's splitting us apart and just makes me feel like a bitch.

What do frens? I need serious advice and recommendations here, no trolling and this isn't bait. Please I'm getting desperate here.

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Thanks for being worthless guys you only want to respond to threads girls make because you are all virgin losers. I guess that's what I get for coming to a normalfag bored. No one here has been on this site before 2016

At that point it would be time for sex addicts anonymous.

what the fuck do you expect??

you said you tried everything. Why do you think we could help you at this point anymore?
Maybe you´re the idiot right here.

My advice, is what you propaply already know:
Go and see a professional therapist.

Hahahah based

Girl here, i recommend you to got therapist, maybe he can help you lol

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>A literal cuck
>Talking hot shit
LMAO. You want to see other men fuck your wife! You want to see other men fuck your wife! Am I making you hard cuck boy? The thought of other men fucking your wife? Why don't you invite me over and I'll fuck her for you beta cuck bitch boy? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I want to bounce your wife's ass on my cock and I want you to watch. I bet she'd love it too, me fucking her with her ass bouncing on my cock LMAO

If you truly want to stop, you can. At the end of the day it’s you sitting in front of your screen jerking off and you literally just have to not do it.
That being said, what helped me quitting masturbation altogether was being away from my desk. That was the place I always did it so I just stopped using my desktop pc, moved my laptop somewhere else in the house and kept myself busy and outside as much as possible. First 3 days are the hardest, after two weeks I didn’t feel the urge anymore.

Ah my english sucks

I´m in love

If your wife was willing to cuck you would you do it?

As someone who can relate, you won’t be able to. Just have embrace it. Nothing gets me harder during sex than thinking about other guys, usually multiple, fucking my gf. It’s just fantasy and you probably wouldn’t want it to actually happen. The more you fight it, the more taboo you make it, the harder it will be to cut back

The joke is on you, that made me hard

>literally getting cucked from cuck porn
ah life is so poetic

Hahaa thanks

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stooooop it

That´s cruel


Get involved in the NoFap reddit.

People give it a bad rap cuz there are a few crazies who give it a bad name, but just being around other people trying to quit porn will keep you motivated to turn your shit around

NoFap is the way user, renounce this virus that has infected the minds of our generation and made us a bunch of robots that wank themselves to death whilst watching some pixels going at it, replace this habit with a much healthier one, I'd recommend going to the gym or if you're too anxious how I was at the beginning grab the app Home Workout and start from there , keep track of your accomplishments gains/nofap days wise. I've struggled with anxiety/OCD for many years, I've tried Xanax and all that crap, none gave me the release that Nofap did, around day 60 I could maintain eye contact easily, I had a lot of energy and I was more focused, as soon as I wanked again and used porn, those things disappeared.
Even if you fail, go back at it as soon as possible, don't sperg out and binge for weeks because it will be a lot worse to go back, good luck.

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Damn OP.

I am a literal cuck but not by choice.

i caught my wife cheating and forgave her.

it ate me up inside so much that eventually i began searching for my wife on websites like xvideos. for hours on end i would look up her ethnicity and body type, profession, the shoft she might be working, where she might have fucked him, the themes it may have involved.

A few times i thought I got lucky, perhaps I did find some of her videos.

I actually scrubbed through a video in slow motion comparing my personal picture collection of my wifes vagina to vaginas on videos with triangulation of features and blemishes.

I mean, aparently her and her new boyfriend have an xvideo account.

I'm afraid to look at the scars on my father-in laws hands because i suspect it is him.

My wife and I have veen going through a divorce for the pst 6 months over this. She left me with nothing and no money and im sleeping on my father in-laws couch.

this isnt even 1/3 of the details if you really want to know what it feels like being cucked

stop giving the guy more cuck material

I have a fetish for this and I absolutely hate it. I think it's because of porn and being a virgin with a small dick.

sorry about that i got kinda outa hand with the venting.

I stopped jacking off to cuck porn when it had nothing to do with my life anymore.

for some reason it seems like my porn addiction goes hand in hand with certain aspects of my life.

One time my wife & I had just finished relaxing in the bed watching netflix before her night shift. I made a sexual advance but she was "too tired" and had to be ready and rested for work.

I dropped her off and she kissed me goodbye, I drove around the corner and waited till 10:20. Her co-worker pulled into the drive-wave. saw me staring right at him, then pretended like he was looking for something with his lights on and then sped off.

im so stupid for not hiding better

he was probably going to fuck my wife all night while I watched from outside through the window

its posts like this that proves Jow Forums is a shitty place for advice. All you did is give the poor guy more material. You're not fucking helping. He wants to go back to a life where he's not addicted to a disgusting fetish and you're fueling it. Jesus christ have some self awareness and kill yourself.

@OP: just fucking stop dude. Nofap is the way. Repeatedly tell yourself there is no fucking point to jacking it. Its a waste. Save up and let it all out in or on a woman. It's a lot easier than you think it is. REPEAT "I AM NOT GOING TO FAP" over and over and over and over and eventually the urges pass.

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its actually your post that proves it with your judgmental attitude.

imagine being this fucking stupid. thinking that a cuck has any business giving advice when they don't respect themselves. Kill yourself.

>these are the people giving you relationship advice

It's your kink dumbass. It's what gets you going, your turn on, your naughty thing, it's what revs your engine! Idk if your the cuck or the bull, but there's no need to be ashamed.

There's succeaaful people who love to watch people fuck their wives.

Kinda weird?

Would I try it personally?

Am I gonna talk shit about another man's kink?
Fuck no, because it doesn't really concern me, nor does it effect me in any way.

>muh success
Success is defined in many ways. I doubt their lives are going that well if they have this disgusting and degrading kink and I doubt they feel very good about themselves at the end of the day.

I would never take advice from anyone into this fetish and no one should. Stay mad.

1. know that free cuckold porn is a jewish weapon to reduce the population of goyim
2. watch this
3. thank me later.

You have a wife and you are sitting around jacking off to cuck porn. Jesus christ man, get your shit together. I can't even find a girl that will text me back and you're married and actively trying to blow it as hard as you can. How do you stop? You just stop, it's that fucking simple. Do it for your wife, and more importantly do it for yourself. I have no girlfriend, and I don't even watch porn. The closest I get is I got this one girl that doesn't mind if I sext her from time to time, other than that I just use my imagination when I jack off. But when you've been single as long as me eventually your sex drive just kind of dies from not being in use I guess. Don't end up like me, quit watching that bullshit and go fuck your wife.

Electrocution therapy? Other kinks you could rtry with your wife??? Hypnosis therapy?

Ask yourself why you enjoy it. Maybe you arei feeling inferior to ultra-virile guys and taking masochistic pleasure in it. Or you secretly hate your wife and want her seen degraded. Or you are you are closet-gay/bi for other men.

Cucking exploits the same biological glitch as swinging. Since we desire what we see others desiring, the sight of our "object of desire" being wanted (especially when there's "physical proof") makes us want them more. It's like a turbocharger for your brain's stimulus-reward circuit.

Read about it:

>Maybe you arei feeling inferior to ultra-virile guys and taking masochistic pleasure in it.
Not OP, but this is my problem. Literally can't stop thinking of bigger, more virile dicks pleasuring girls I'm interested in because of the despair it gives me. What's the best way to get past this?

Self-reflect next time you open up porn. Be like "what am I doing? Hiding in a room holding my dick while I look at smut on a screen? What else could I be doing? Do I really need this?"

A pinch of consciousness will snap you out of it

>What's the best way to get past this?
Stop fapping to porn, work out, eat healthier, and gain some virility. Bigger dicks aren't even more virile dude. If they were, our fathers would all have big dicks and we would all have big dicks. As far as primates go, even extremely small men have huge as fucking cocks. Just stop with the fucking porn. Porn is bad for you.

>not just cuck porn
>interracial cuck porn
it's for the best that I'll never have a gf. No girl wants to deal with this shit.

Develop a different fetish that you can cum to. Or if you have a fetish you hate always incorporate that into your cuckold porn so it always ends up mediocre. Alternatively staple your dick every time you feel like looking at it.