Hello anons, I'm kinda new to this thing...

Hello anons, I'm kinda new to this thing. But I would like you anons to tell me what's on your mind or your life and I'll do my best to provide support. Anything goes.

I specialize in anxiety, but other kinds of problems afflicting you are more than welcome.

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If you really care, go to the catalog and look for people posting about their problems and give your 2 cents, saged this shit I hope no one else replies

While it is good you called me out on that, I assure you I was in the process of doing so. I just thought this thread might serve as a purpose for anons who want advice but don’t want to make another thread for whatever reason.

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Based and redpilled

it's terrible, there are things to do but i can't do them, i have no energy to do anything.
i'm hungry and lonely and cold.
i just want a bit of happiness in my life, i just want to feel warm and hold hands.
i don't know what to do, can you help me?

How can I learn to be a normie to socialize better?

I've got a challenging one for you

How do I, as a victim of female-on-male rape among other, similar things, develop a normal, healthy sex life?

Will I ever be satisfied? It seems no matter what I buy I still want more... Although I'm really trying to save the small amount of money I make for something nice.

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>as a victim of female-on-male rape among other, similar things
Maybe you should exercise to the point where you aren't at the level of a wet noodle, kek

With a lot of self help therapy and a patient partner or sex worker.

I was unwilling to use violence against a girl

You said you were hungry and had no energy to do anything, do you eat properly? Those two go hand in hand, with a proper diet you'll start to feel more motivated, have more energy and be happier.

If you're lonely, what kind of companionship are you looking for? Friends? Lovers? Someone to play with?

Well, It's important to know why you want to do that, what are you aiming to achieve?

I'm so sorry you went through that. For something as serious as that, You need to speak to your family doctor about your options, but most likely you need to see a therapist and/or go to some form of counseling to rebuild your life back. What have you tried so far?

Hmm, I don't have too much information to go on here, do you feel empty inside and are trying to fill that void with purchases? What do you buy and what are you planning on buying?

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>really want to go on vacation, pretty much haven't left my city in over a year and a half now
>no car and can't really drive
>weather got warm, really want to go to a beach
>beach requires a plane ride
>can't afford a vacation
I can throw myself in a pool later but it's just not the same. I'm getting kind of miserable and stir crazy, but I can't afford to go anywhere. Just watched a "beach episode" in anime and it made the feels hit hard. I have a lot of financial troubles, but I really want a vacation to a nice beach somewhere.

I've been going to therapy for some months now. It's been largely effective, however if life gets in they way and I have to miss some sessions or whatever, I find I revert back to being trying to ignore my sexuality and angry and vengeful toward women. Also, these experiences were very formative. I lost my virginity this way in my teens, after having some other awful experiences as young as 5. I guess what I'm looking for is some way to be shown something else. I'd like to be able have some other acquaintance with this part of life to put it behind me.

How long have you thought about this and why do you want to do this?

If you can't afford it, it's best to do other fulfilling things that you enjoy that are more affordable, as a matter of fact you, like a lot of people may even find that the going to the beach wasn't nearly what you expected it to be.

It's great that you're getting the help you need, that's really good, it sucks that you have to miss some and you relaspe to some bad habits, have you tried bringing that up with therapy?

Do you try coping exercises when you get those negative thoughts about women and your sexuality? Why do you think having an acquaintance or someone like that help you move on?

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>what are you aiming to achieve?
I want to be more interesting to girls.

I brought it up just yesterday actually.
I haven't really. Could you give me some resources?
I don't a personal acquaintance I mean acquaintance with women and sex which differs from what I already have. I think having a different set of experiences with both will help me move on. I don't know how to do that though.

I've been to beaches before. Idk, don't you find staying in one spot for months and years on end is pretty miserable?
I'll try going for a walk I guess, or there's a lake nearby I can get to without a car. Right now I'll go buy a soda. I only have one once a week; I can afford a dollar at least.
All I've ever wanted to do is travel but I keep having financial hardships and can't. in particular I want to return to a certain beach I went to once. It was very enjoyable. I want to go a lot of places but keep putting it off and have been doing so for years now due to money. It's just miserable, man. Feels like my life is full of misery and suffering and austerity, and it never ends. This is pretty whiny I guess. Living in poverty just wears you out over time.

Uh, what's your end game? Are you trying to get a gf or simply have a social status with women? And why?

>Could you give me some resources?
Of course! here you go: my.mixtape.moe/wpzrqf.pdf

Basically whenever you feel like you're relapsing into some bad habits and just need to relax, pick ANY of the steps in here, just go with whatever one works for you.

>I don't a personal acquaintance I mean acquaintance with women and sex which differs from what I already have.
I'm so sorry I don't think I understand what you just said, can you try rewording it better please?

>I think having a different set of experiences with both will help me move on.

What do you mean by different set of experiences?

Ah I had no idea, I'm sorry for making assumptions like that, and no, I'm sorry, I can't say I relate. The lake seems like a good idea, and if money is really a struggle, what can you do to change that? You also might want to consider going to any free counceling and tell them what you've been going through. There can be lots of programs and opportunities available for low income folks such as you, take advantage of them if possible.

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>Are you trying to get a gf or simply have a social status with women? And why?
Both, because I never had a gf and a female friend. Are you finished with the questions? Can you help me?

Thank you

>I'm so sorry I don't think I understand what you just said, can you try rewording it better please?
I think if I have better experiences with both, I will improve

>What do you mean by different set of experiences?
Fully consensual, mutually pleasurable sex and the things leading up to it

Whenever someone's near me, be it my friend, gf or parents, I feel tension, anxiety. My mind goes absolutely blank, I can't focus, my motivation depletes. This doesn't happen when I'm alone.

I live with a girl for a year now and I'm losing my sanity because of the anxiety I have. It's pointless and even ridiculous, though I can't control it. Dropping her wouldn't solve the mental problem I have and, well, she has nothing in her life, so I can't really get rid of her.

Feels like I should just always be alone

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How the fuck do you have a gf if you are that way?

I felt pity for her and decided that I could help. Turns out, I can't and this whole situation drives me into the ground.

Well I was thinking that maybe consider that getting a gf or a female friend won't fix other problems in your life or necessarily make them better.

That said, I'm sorry there really isn't anything I can help you with that you probably haven't heard before. There isn't a secret to impressing the ladies. Go to the gym, get fit, go to local clubs and social activities and be be confident in your approaches. You can also try dating applications such as Tinder or Bumble.

Ah I think I understand now, but don't you think it would be better to try fixing yourself before aiming to get a girlfriend? If you're at risk of hurting a future partner, I would stick to therapy and try to do some coping exercises and until you've fully recovered from your incident. And with regards to obtaining one, again I'm sorry, but I don't have any special advice with regards to that.

I wish you nothing but the best user, good luck.

Ah I understand what you're going through, and it's very good that you understand that dropping her won't fix the root of the issue, which is what you need to do. What you need is professional help to overcome the anxiety.

Go to your local family doctor, tell him how you feel and what you've been going through and he'll refer you to programs and places where you can get the help you need.

In the meantime, please look at the PDF for coping strategies that I have linked above, they can help immsensly with your anxiety and calm you down. There are also self help resources too, I personally the "Mindshift" app for my anxiety, that's also in the pdf.

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My journey through academia might be coming to a swift and unexpected end and I'm not sure how to handle it. I'm contemplating suicide if I get thrown out of the program I'm in, seeing how everything I've worked so hard for will end up being for nothing.

Do you have any advice for someone whose dreams are about to be crushed? The thought that years worth of struggle and pain are about to be taken from me for reasons beyond my control makes me want to jump from a building after ingesting six bottles of tylenol. If the fall doesn't kill me, liver failure will.

>inb4 do it faggot

meant for and not the op.

Why are you at risk of getting kicked out? You say it's beyond your control, but Is there anything you can do to prevent it?

That said, your life should be greater than your studies, setbacks happen and believe me they fucking suck, I can relate to that, and while suicide can be a very tempting option, have you looked into other fields to study on? Who knows, you may like those better if you give them a shot.

If you're in university or college, take advantage of their free counseling resources and tell them what you're going through, you'll be surprised at how much options are available to you and what can be done for your mental health.

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You NEED to drop the fucking avatar, it IS against the rurus

As far as I know it's fine as long as you don't roleplay as the character.

You can catch reports or you can just not post with an anime girl that you aren't
If your advice is worth a single grain of salt then it'll still be worth that without a picture or name attached to your post

I'm at risk due to a major drop in my GPA. I'm severely mentally ill, which interfered with my ability to study efficiently for about ten weeks. This has happened before in my freshman year when I had my first full-blown manic episode. I was able to bring my GPA back up, but now I'm so close to graduating that I may not have time to bring it back up to where it needs to be.

When I say it was beyond my control, I had no idea that I was manic. I felt way too good and it didn't register with me that I was manic until it was too late. My old psychiatrist didn't catch it (which is why I'm seeing a new one who noticed it right off the bat) and I haven't been able to see my therapist in weeks because I've been so busy with other things.

I'm meeting with my academic advisor on Tuesday to discuss options, since my bipolar diagnosis is documented through my university and I qualify (and use) the accommodations needed under ADA. I'm praying to Christ that there's a loophole I can use since it's related to what is legally considered a disability. I'd go into another field, but I'm too far into my major to switch.

Thanks for replying, user.

Thank you to all the anons who responded and I hope I was able to even be a tiny bit of use to you all. That said, I'm gonna clock out of here until further notice, thanks again for giving me such an opportunity anons.

Well user, you sound like you're on the right track, please do meet with your academic counselor, review your options and who knows, you might only be held back instead of being entirely kicked out.

And if this really doesn't work out, there's nothing wrong with going into another field, you have no idea how many people switch careers, fields or majors at the last minute, you're not alone.

That said, I won't lie to you and say it'll be easy, it won't be, it'll be really hard to get over the fact that you feel like you might have wasted a lot of time, but with the right help and resources you can get through it and move on to the next chapter of your life. Stick with therapy and counseling and you can get through this. Wishing you nothing but the best, good luck.

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I came up with something when I had exams and just could not study enough and it help me a bunch.
This one weird trick, teachers don't even know they hate it:
Take whatever sentence you are trying to learn, be it the definition of something or whatever you teacher wants you to put in the paper, take the first letters of the words and try to make a little resume with them, read both side by side until you can sort of complete the sentence by looking at the first letters and boom you got it, aced tons of exams like this.

Here is an example: definition of force, strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement; S O E A A A O P A O M, try compresing it while still making sence; S E A P A M, read em side by side, keep the letters in a notepad, write them in your hands or any surface you can think in you body where you can see them, the teachers shouldn't be able to tell, they are just random letters to them after all.

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I'm if you can help me there.

Fuck you dude, that shit isn't funny.

How do I let go of my childhood and embrace growing up?

I'm anxious as fuck in general and just wanna move back with my parents but I shouldn't.

I want my tinnitus gone. How are we so medically advance that we can make fake genitials but we can't cure fuckin tinnitus. Fucks sake man where are the priorities

thanks for replying sakuya

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