Ever had a case of double oneitis? I think I might "suffer" from one

ever had a case of double oneitis? I think I might "suffer" from one.

oneitis #1:
>my ex
>seen her once in the past almost 2 years
>6/10 at best, on the chubby side but isn't really bad. mentally unstable with trauma from the past, severely depressed
>she agreed to meet me recently but before we met she ghosted me so date is probably not gonna happen
>feel like absolute shit because of her because I still love her
>is oneitis because she was the only person to have ever really loved me and I felt totally comfortable around her

>oneitis #2
>my friend from uni
>i help her with math and she helps me with french (i do help her way more than she does tho)
>9/10 qt3.14 with great body just the archetypical godess image imo
>some buddies of mine say she definitely likes me but I don't know
>asked her out for a date
>"with great pleasure user;))) but after finals"
>oneitis because of how perfect she is (great body, beautiful, smart, mentally stable etc.)

and I'm just here stuck between these two. what the fuck should I do?

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Then it's not oneitis.

how old are you OP?



focus on earning money and one night stands until you are 30. otherwise you will have to offer a lot of value to a woman you probably do not even want to have children with when you are 30.

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>one night stands
I wish
so what you're saying is that at this age I won't be with a girl long enough to have children anyway? and start being serious about women when I hit the age when it's a matter of merely years before I want to start a family. I think it makes sense

Nothing wrong with being attracted to multiple women. Just ask one of them out. Or ask both out and see who you connect with better

the thing is, my ex ghosts me and probably doesn't want to do anything with me.
the other girl said that she will gladly go out for a date with me, but after finals. that would be nice if not the fact that finals are in may lole
maybe med students don't have that much time though

anyway I feel like I can't be attracted to any other woman. just these two, and that's my problem

men can enhance their market value with money.

If you got a house with 23 you can also date 23 year olds.

If you got a house with 35, you can also date 23 year olds.

If you got no house at age 30, you have to date a 30 year old.


If you just want to have sex, you have to be social and talk to at least 1000 women and be perceived as a high value guy (which you cannot pretend forever since you have no house).

It is the same with animals.
A beaver that has a dam finds a female to mate.
A beaver without its own territory will hardly find any females.

this. he is absolutely right.

but do not stop at asking them out, ask as many girls out as possible.

as soon as you ask them out and they say no, you will ask other women out. just focus on one each time.

makes sense, will take a note of that. btw, it seems weird to me to be a 30 year old dating 23 years old. doesn't it feel like dating an immature schoolgirl while being a serious adult? just curious

is "yes, with pleasure, but not now" same as "no"?
also, I'm trying. I don't have too many female friends and I suck at tinder

yes, it feels weird, especially for the girl, that is why you need the money to compensate, but if you want a woman to have kids with it is best to pick them at the age where they are most fertile.

the less educated a woman is, the more children she will have. So if you want children, pick a uneducated girl.

In the picture every dot represents a country on earth.

Also if you do not want kids, then pick an educated smart girl, since they are less fertile and thereby their market value is lower.

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What an absolute fucking bullshit!
Honestly how fucking retarded are you, to believe what you just wrote?

Wake the fuck up. A house won't give you shit. And it's definetly not the key to datind 20 year old with 30.
Holy fuck. Get out of your mums basement and experience social structures first hand instead of listening to some bulkshit online. Since I pretty much think, that this is what you're doing.
If you're a loser with 30, there won't be any 30 year old, who mates with you.
Apart from that. You don't want those women neither.

The only good advice here was: Gonout and approach women.

You dumb faggot. Don't believe that girl that she hasn't time. Finals are in May you say. All she does is hoping that you will move on and that's it.
Tell her you want to meet her now and that learning non stop isn't good.
If she doesn't want to: Move on
Eventually try later. But don't focus on her. You're 20 and still a kid.
Also stop masturbating to them. I know that you're doing it.
It makes it not easier.

I do want to have kids of course.
you're telling me that relationships are going to be more and more uncomfortable as I age?

The guy has no fucking clue.
Don't fucking listen to him. Honestly.

your coldreading skills are below average
I was on nofap since last december, had an orgasm 3 days ago without porn and am now on nofap again.

I got my first gf by approaching 1000 girls and was in a 4.5 year relationship.

I regret studying since I could have made more money without it. (made a video about it where I calculate it. if you are interested I can mail it to you)

Look at the pickup artists, they have a lot of sex but many have children way too late in life (or never).

Orgasm can be an addiction, no matter if it is fapping or sex. Brain scans during orgasm look similar to brain scans during cocaine rush.

I learned a lot from muslim and jewish religion.

There fapping and sex before marriage are forbidden.

Those religions lower the degeneracy, and help their believers chasing ideals that do not help you evolutionary.
>But what about not being 100% sexually compatible you may ask.
Funny thing is that it doesn't matter that much in evolution. It matters though, how many children you have.

Imagine all the money and time you spend on a gf. I would say it is $100 a month. Why not add those to your own marked value.

Of course there is also the "create single mothers strategy" but those kids will have it quite hard.

only if your confidence is low. to get successful, you have to get used to live outside your comfort zone. that is hard to do if you do not have any alpha role models and are raised by a dominant mother.

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Is this true? Shall I take a stick on our next date?

just a quote from alex from 4 weeks natural

and what do you know? how many kids do you have? will having a gf early in life while not having your own territory where to raise kids help you have more kids?

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No, dingus. These are memes.
Pick a girl or date around, you know what's going to happen either way.

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What if I do this as well?

It's gotta be a sure thing then, right?

just watch this documentary on beavers
they need a dam to mate.
no dam, no kids, no matter the pickup skills.

Beavers are awesome, no pun intended.

destroyed my former oneitis' relationship, then abandoned her


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based and redpilled unless you miss her and regret what you did

>unless you miss her and regret what you did

n-no of course not ;_;