I'm a black female who's 4'6" and a virgin...

I'm a black female who's 4'6" and a virgin. I really want a white boyfriend but I feel like white men aren't interested in black women since every other race has more attractive women.
I'm light skinned, so that's somewhat of a bonus, but again there's also tons more attractive women of other races white men would prefer over me. I also have bad social skills and is genuinely unattractive.

How do I unfuck my life? What are my chances of getting a white bf who is at least a 6

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are you fat? ugly? do u smell?

Not all the time. When I'm out I'm public I make sure not to smell bad because I hate it when people stink so I don't want others to put up with me stinking, but when I'm by myself, which is most of the time, I don't care how I smell. Especially now since it's my time of the month and I haven't left the house since Thursday

how ugly?
do you have a nice ass?

Post pic so we can rate

What state do you live in?

do squats. you can be a 3 but have a nice ass and most guys will not mind. most.

also pick up some reading if you want to bag a nerdy boy. Read some Michio Kaku, even if you're a brainlet he explains concepts in ways that are easy to understand. You can land a nerdy guy with an ass and a tiny bit of interest in the wonders of the universe EZ. Also be kind and learn how to cook. Many women today are useless and actually unironically brag about being so bad at cooking that they burn toast. Don't be that woman.

Be well rounded and it won't matter if you're "ugly". It doesn't matter that you're black either. Shit's totally a meme just don't be a stereotypical hoe.

No i don't have a nice ass. My body is in the awkward stage between not fat but not good looking in any way. I weigh about 103 lbs which sounds skinny but on 4'6" it's nearly overweight but not really

My hair is usually nappy and messy because I don't know how to do my hair and not knowing how to do black hair, basically the worse hair to have, makes you look like shit.
I have this weird dark mark above my mouth that conveniently looks like a moustache. It just HAD to look specifically like a moustache. I don't know how to get rid of it. I'm saving money to go to a dermatologist or maybe permanent makeup.

I'm also really hairy. Hair on my arms and legs and face grow really fast

>no i don't have a nice ass
work on it
>body is awkward
work on it
>hair is usually nappy and messy, black hair sucks
there are ways you can get it to look cute, even if its a mini-fro or something. I get that it takes a lot of effort. I'm sorry that ya got boned here, this is the only thing so far that you can't really change, but there ARE ways to make it work. I've seen it done.
ouch. you're already on the money with what to do there, but honestly if you can fix other things a lot of guys won't care about this
dude just wax until it stops growing back. beauty is pain

Good luck OP. Shits very unfair but you still have things you can do to feel better about things.

You should probably make gal pals that can help you out to do your hair. I'd have no clue as a white girl, but other mixed women could likely point out something and help educate you.
I think you could find a scrawny white guy that could appreciate you, there's usually plenty of those around. Even this /soc/ is usually filled with them.

Post face, just cut out your eyes in paint.

Look up YouTube hair styling, literally one of the biggest upload categories. Go to like h&m.com and look for inspiration for hair styles.

You have to treat yourself like you're someone who you need to take care of.

Lots of white guys like black girls. Lots of white guys don't care about race at all. Lots of white guys don't care about looks at all and only care about personality. Just keep looking and keep a positive attitude and you will find someone eventually.

Your projected body image has a big effect on your attractiveness too btw.

A girl who is confident holds herself a certain way, which men find very attractive.
Work on your posture the same way you do anything else, it's free, effective, and you can do it at home.

I like black girls and short girls, and I’m sure there are plenty of guys like me who feel the same way.

your pussy is pink on the inside ain't it? if so you fulfill the only requirement

post a photo

>I really want a white boyfriend but I feel like white men aren't interested in black women since every other race has more attractive women.
You only need one, right? Keep that in mind.

If you're not far you're already of a lot of the competition. White dudes will definitely go for black chicks, and a lot of us can find the nappy hair kinda cute.

Start working out for the body and just put yourself out in places with white guys. I'd nothing else mature a tinder or bumble and make sure your profile doesn't look ratchet.

If you're not fat you're already ahead of*

Pro-tip from a white guy who's dated black girls: braids and (clean) dreads are very attractive, much more so than unkempt nappy hair.

Got instagram

Hey OP, my wife is mullatto and she uses miss jessie hair products (usually get it from target). The basic idea is, your hair needs ALOT of moisture. So when you shower, you’re going to use tubes of conditioner. After you let it soak, comb through the knots. Not going to lie, this part hurts the most. Once you can get your comb through most parts, wash off, then apply the miss jessie stuff once you’re out. People will be complimenting you everywhere.
Here’s another tip; if you find you physically can’t comb through knots, take some scissors and just break apart the bisect between two strands that won’t pull apart. My wife got sick of maintaining the sides of her head so she buzzed that area and left the fro on top.
Hope this helps.

god damn you are one short bitch
I thought black people were tall

I’m a 6ft 180lb fit white man with a handsome face and I would gladly be your bf if you live in southern california

I'm a white dude, black girls are adorable.
1. Everyone likes short girls. Mine is 4'11. Would be totally ok with her being shorter.
2. Get good at makeup.
3. Try asking men out. We love that shit. Just be ok with getting a no.
4. Get good at sniffing out fuckboys and shit men, they'll make you wish you stayed single. I don't care how hot they are or how good a dicking they can give. Do not EVER think you can "change" a man
4. Shave everything, everyday.
5. Relax. Men can smell desperate and they don't like it.
6. Get girlfriend's. Make sure they aren't bitches. Having friends opens you up to men.
7. Be feminine.

Also, why white boys? Would you not date in your own race?

That's a little too much for 4'6". Lose a little weight. Like, 10 pounds. Do weight lifting not just stuff like a treadmill.

>why white boys

White guys are the most attractive to women of all races. Every other race is undesirable.

Tallest is whites.

Chances are pretty good, imo. If a type of woman exists, there's bound to be a guy out there who is into your specific look.

Heck, I'm white and I like black girls and womanlets. You'll do fine, just put yourself out there somehow and he'll come for you.

Stop chasing after white guys you pathetic fuck. If you have already ended up on Jow Forums groveling for the least desirable white men, you should kys


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>white men
>the least desirable

Black woman white man is immensely popular
Just keep looking, dating is a numbers game

I know a white guy married to a black woman. It sounds as though when they met they had shared interests in music and politics (it's almost fetish-like on his side, at least; he's always talking about how white people don't know what black people go through, BLM, and how his family is "multicultural" now). They've both got kids from previous relationships and a pair of twins together.

I'd suggest, if you want a certain kind of white guy, you get involved in interests you'd expect he'd be involved in. Just be yourself, social awkwardness and all; guys will forgive a lot if you aren't trying to change how they go about their interests and you aren't an annoying/whiny hambeast.

Like said there's a lot of videos about this on Youtube; even Youtube comments on videos about black/"natural" hair can be very educational (I'm white and learned tons of things about protective styling, washing frequency/process, and how much moisture is involved from that). Alternatively find a black salon in your arena and go there to ask a hair stylist for help; you might get a little shit, but that's worth it if you come away knowing how to do your hair.

Videos about hair type should help you narrow down your specific "hair type" then you should be able to search that--"4c hair care"--to get to specific information and protips about your hair. It might not be entirely low maintenance, but some black girls can go for weeks without washing their hair (shower caps are a thing guys).

Foundation will be a quick coverup for the "moustache" and I'd go with waxing over shaving on certain parts of your body; it'll increase the time between shaves and you'll run through less razors as a hirsute woman trying to shave everything (alternatively just pick spots where you'll let your hair grow; most people don't mind arm hair).

Remember OP, to love yourself before you try to love another. A boyfriend is not going to automatically fix your life.

That guy sounds like someone I would never want to date tbqh, Not OP but jeez

Show us your tits

Ew, keep that confined to

This thread is worthless without pics.

Being 4'6 isn't too much off a problem if you have a nice body. But we don't know what we're talking about here.

If you have no ass, workout to get one.

How was this not the first reply? Fuck all of you fucking white knights.

If I had a GF that was 4'6, doing anything with her would make people see me as a pedo regardless of what I or she told them. I would probably make her wear t-shirts that say something like "I'm over 18, it's okay".

A) blue board
B) we're not all sexless edgy losers like you
C) D) if you were even remotely passable as a shitposter or troll you'd be on /b/. Don't act like you're not just a failed troll

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