ITT: Ask the Opposite Sex Anything

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>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

>[online dating platform] is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

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this girl wants to hook me up with one of her friends
does this ever work? should i stick it out?

Absolutely. Just don't be a sperg about it. Go on some dates. See how you like each other.

How do boners even work? Is it like when your arm is getting numb and then the whole thing starts to feel fuzzy?

>How do boners even work?
Something involving blood pressure and hormones.
>Is it like when your arm is getting numb and then the whole thing starts to feel fuzzy?
... no? It still feels like your penis, just bigger and harder.

she sent me a pic of one of them and she was an ugly beast
hopefully her other friends are as cute as she is

how do i tell her i'm not attracted to her friend without being a dickhead

how do i put my pp in her

Go out to coffee with the girl and later tell the friend that you didn't really click. Honestly she probably isn't trying to set you up with a friend, but this specific friend. So when you turn this one down she probably won't have anyone else.

Can someone help me understand this girl's behavior?

A coworker of mine (25) has recently become extremely distant. She's usually bright and cheerful with everyone else but with me she acts really distant.

She won't look at me when we speak, won't hold eye contact and clams up when I try to be nice to her. I haven't done anything to upset her that I'm aware of and I get along well with all my other coworkers except her.

I got along with her well when I first joined but this recent distance between us came out of nowhere.

Ay adv on bridging this distance?

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Talk to her about it.

yeah i probably won't even do that. she's REAL ugly. i'm an 8/10 and she's a 2/10. i get to be a cocky dickhead because it's Jow Forums

if she (my friend) won't get with me then i'll move on. she's in a relationship and has a 3yo son but her bf works a lot and neglects her. she'll probably end up cheating with him. i'm better looking, older and richer than her bf is. i'm going to steal her from him

cheating on him with me*

Could be someone talking shit behind your back. Something similar happened to me in grad school. Girl that was super nice to me suddenly stopped talking to me entirely, and pretty much ignored me in public. I'm almost certain it was because I embarrassed someone while drunk and that person started spreading rumors behind my back. Not sure what you could do.

hahaha what the fuck, you are not gonna get with your friend by getting her to suggest you go out with her friend.

move the fuck on already, she'd never try to set you up with someone if she were interested.

Damn man that sucks

Sorry to hear that happened

Eh, water under the bridge. The set of people she ran with was honestly pretty toxic. Falling out with them was for the best.

she approached me
i'm hot as fuck
she wants to fuck me but i want a serious relationship, so she realized she couldn't just have an affair with me and now she's trying to hook me up with her friends
i'll keep going and see what happens
she's obviously not happy with her current bf. we text all day every day

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>she wants to fuck me but i want a serious relationship, so she realized she couldn't just have an affair with me and now she's trying to hook me up with her friends
Sure buddy.

that's exactly what's happening
do you think she approached me just because she thought she could hook me up with one of her friends? she flirted with me for days and then gave me her number. it wasn't subtle. this has required zero effort on my end.

Where do you find women that want to settle down, marry and have kids?

I'm in my early 30s and feel like time is starting to slip away from me, but things like that seem very distant concerns for the women I meet day to day. They're almost always younger than me and have careers (as I do, that's why I meet them day to day) so that's probably it.

Am I missing something or do I have to keep up this dating thing? Dating bores me to death. I wonder if I'm missing something about getting into serious relationships with women more my age (late 20s to early 30s).

Is it bad that I'm weirdly ok with this girl being into a different person? I guess its mainly since I didn t become too emotionally invested in this?

. In the past with most girls I'd be into, I'd be quite jealous if I saw they were potentially into someone else.

In this case I'm not jealous really. Hell, I'm kinda happy for them. But still kinda wish I woulda said some thing sooner.

I've got a game plan for finding women and never having to settle for less.
First, the age between 20 and 30 is strictly for dating. By 26-30 you should've found some wife material. If you're not married by 30 you're fucked. Most importantly: between 20 and 30 dating period never settle for less. Never say "well she isn't that pretty and her personality isn't great but it's not like I'll find better". Always assume you will find better and eventually find the one.

Any tips? Suggestions?

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It's called pic related, and no it's not bad.

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>Where do you find women that want to settle down, marry and have kids?

lmao good luck bruh.

Seriously though, you want a relatively uneducated woman (NOT STUPID).

Educated women with their meme 'careers' are unlikely to have children until they get dat dere testosterone boost in their 30's when their biological clock starts screaching at them to make babies.

By that point their best eggs are long gone anyway and unfortunately a lot of them have had a number of sexual partners to relieve the stress from working at their 'jobs'.

The more partners a woman has had the more likely she is to divorce your ass a few years down the line.

Read this helpful chart
Good luck bro

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I see at as a no pressure, nothing to lose situation.
At best, you continue seeing each other and you get a gf. At worst, you don't connect and simply move on

Any actual input?

>Seriously though, you want a relatively uneducated woman
From what I've seen statistically, this isn't what you should do if you're trying to minimize chances of getting cucked. Sure, an "educated" whore isn't worth two shits, but all other things being equal, poor and/or stupid people are more inclined to degenerate behavior.

There's really no point getting married these days as a man.
Bitches won't consider you if you're not financially stable, yet if you are then you have other options and it's not even logical to settle for one, and hope she won't cheat on you or divorce-rape you.

I guess. Just weird that it really only manifested for the first time last night.

Why are men not allowed to have a micropenis?

Why do girls tripfag so much? Asking for a friend who’s really interested in a certain girl who breaks the rules :^)

Tripfags are mostly men with nothing better to do (and the current crop of them seems to be disproportionate even considering the userbase)--it's just that like always, the (supposed) females are more noticeable to you.

Why are girls so mean?

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it feels like cartilage thats very warm and the same feeling from your clit except spread on the entire surface of the head

alcoholic drinks my guy

Hitler, my man, it was merely cutesy rhetoric. I’m a flirt, you see :^)

most girls are nice if you're nice to them

nigga women drive from mainly emotion, they basicly 8 forever

Honestly, I think all tripfags have some sort of a superiority complex.
I really don't get it though, it kinda ruins the whole point of imageboards such as this one.

It feels like a muscle contracting, slight pleasure and warmth and a desire to stimulate it.

aka bitches, good ppl dont stop doing good things just cause someone does something bad to them


most people aren't good people

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Girls, how many guys do you plan to date before you decide to settle down?

She laughed at it, said she'll be okay.
Besides, me asking her to message me when she gets home still shows that I care

see why most people aren't really worth the time?
It's a process

If I already approached this guy twice and he hasn’t initiated any kind of conversation after wards, Safe to say he’s not interested right ?


probably not but keep trying he'll get the hint eventually

Anons, I'm confused as hell by this one girl I've been talking to for the past 5 months. I got feelings for her and she knows it, and I guess that's why she likes to tease me so much. About a month ago, she started sending me nudes and all these flirty ass texts, but she still sees me as just a friend. She's told me that she doesn't want a relationship with me (or anyone) because her ex from high school ruined her experience with dating altogether, and that she's also afraid of hurting me in the process. She says "she values me too much as a friend and person to just use me for sex and discard me afterwards." She has casual sex about once every year and told me in explicit detail about her most recent "adventure" with her work buddy, who she had known for a week at the time. Now she has him blocked on all social media and told me it's because she "only uses guys for sex now because that's all they ever wanted her for, anyway." I'm pretty sure she does this because she, herself, was used for sex in her childhood by her second grade schoolteacher, making her feel the need to "use them before they use her." I tried to tell her that it won't work out the way she wants and that she was just giving them what they wanted, anyway. I asked her to consider finding support in a serious relationship (which is obviously what I want the two of us to be in) and she just told me she'd "think about it." We still talk in a flirty sort of way, though, and I'm thinking I should just stop trying to be with her for my own sanity and well-being, but I'm just so drawn to her in every way that I can't bring myself to do it. I still want to be her friend and support her, but I want her to give relationships and hell, even love, a chance again, preferably with me. Men, what would you do in my situation? And women, does her behavior make any sense to you?

As a submissive guy (in the innocent sense, not involving b*ndage or similar), should I be seeking to transition out from submissiveness and into dominance, or am I acceptable, and should be looking for girls who'll be willing to take the dominant role? I really just want the girl to lead, and for me to be her "beloved", but I'm not sure if I'm in error for desiring this...what approximate percentage of girls are submissive, versus those which are dominant?

Is it true that girls love less than men? While men can love unconditionally they love man for what he has

but the ones who are good....dam...its really nice having people that genuinely care for you

Depends on how you approached.

dat mean she jus wanna fuk u, nigga ...not forevrr tho but def rn

That’s dumb.

After class twice. Spilled spaghetti the first time but he was nice about. Second time got interrupted by some random kid in our class but he was still responsive to was I asked him.

its the same dude

Yeah I wouldn't call that approaching desu. Try talking to him some more. Get his number and text with him or add him on Facebook.

How are we supposed to know who loves who more?
Not all girls love men for what he has, no decent girls do that.
Also not all guys love girls unconditionally, there are so many guys
dating girls only for looks, having her around as a trophy girlfriend.

Point is some women suck and some men suck too.

So is it true that girls love less than men? In some cases yes, in others no.
That's a very silly question.

am i doing the right thing in breaking up with my gf? we've both agreed we're too different. we resent each other and argue even though we love each other and care for each other. i can't get over this feeling that im doing the wrong thing, even though deep down i know it's the right thing to do. and she agrees too. we've tried to work it out but we just keep hitting the same issues like a brick wall.

>dat mean she jus wanna fuk u, nigga ...not forevrr tho but def rn
I know that, but the thing is, I don't wanna get "used and discarded" by her like she says. I want to make love to her, not just fuck her, you know? Why is love so hard to find nowadays? Feel like I should just give up on it, like it's a "lost cause" kinda thing.

Guys, do you also tend to drop hints when you like someone or is that just a girls thing?
If you do, what kind of hints do you drop?

all that shit you just typed is the equivalent to the comment above you

sorry senpai obvi. a past experience fucked up for good with her. like a flower ...if you really like it. just leave it alone. cause if you try to keep it, itll just die

>So is it true that girls love less than men? In some cases yes, in others no.
What prevails most in the majority?

loves real tho... it has a funny way to appear when you're not looking for it tho #yeet

depends. i do so if i felt the girl is interested in me.
ex. "i like ur smile"

I act like a retard.

Haha you're right!
Oh well, I really have nothing better to do right now so I don't mind overtyping.

I think it's about equal, really.

How does one act like a retard?

I'm direct as all hell about the way I feel, not sure if most guys are the same, though. I'll say something like "hey, I kinda like you, we should go out sometime." It works most of the time for me since I got a very deep voice, I guess. Other times, I just scare the girl with my voice. It's a blessing and a curse.

I make really stupid jokes and laugh at them. Try to act more "outgoing" and failing.

I let the girl talk about herself, listen a lot and keep looking into her eyes. But in terms of flirting I try to avoid, I just reciprocate her gaze to me and maybe smile.

you ever do anything wrong on purpose for the amusement of other my niggy? owo

If he's introverted, he won't see any reason to go out of his way to talk to you--it doesn't mean he isn't interested, just that his instinct isn't to approach you back (doubly so if all you gave were "hints" at your own interest).
If he is the gregarious type, then it's probably a good bet, though.

"Hints" are infuriating to deal with. If I want to express something, I'll say it.

This smells a little incel-ish. Plus even if I did take that advice, it's not clear to me where I'd go to find an "uneducated woman" that's interested in a family.

How do I convince wamen to watch Shield Brah no anime. And also accept 2D waifus, so that humanity can peacefully decimate itself and save earth-chan?

f-friends? pls answer

I can't leave it alone. When I fall for someone, I fall HARD. It's hard to get myself outta this mindset sometimes.
Thanks. Glad to see people still have hope in this stuff.

Asked a girl out and she said yes. Had to cancel due to family reasons, which I get, but when I tried to reschedule she never replied. Haven't talked to her for an entire day now. Do I give up?

No? She canceled due to family reasons, maybe she's busy with that currently.
Give her some space for a while and then try again.

sounds like u big gay senpai

Guys, what would be a perfect date in your opinion?
Where would you want to go? What would you want to do?

Take an ice cream and see the stars at night lying on the grass.

I only know this info cause ive gone through it (puts on shades) ...caused a lot of sad boi hours tho :/ . i was.lucky to have friends to support me. at one point i even had to rebuild the friend group after it being destroyed. but when it came back it was stronger than ever. thats the thing with people , the more to push yourself the more you'll be able to handle in the future...hopefully no betas try to exaggerate this into a obvi dumbass scenario.

Aww, that's really cute!
What an easy yet great idea :D

>Haven't talked to her for an entire day
Mate, that's nothing if she has shit going on in her life. You're not dating, you can't expect her to prioritise you over her family.

Just give her a casual prompt in a couple days and stop panicking.

nigga , anything similar to them disney shits, bitches deep throat Disney niggas all day

Just going for a walk, sitting on a bench somewhere with something to drink and talking about anything and everything.

She's not interested in you. When a girl says yes to a date, it doesn't mean she wants to go out on a date with you.

Not in the same way I don't think. But I'll probably look at them a lot and try to be relatively present.

Overall date: cooking something fancy with her. Lasagne, maybe. With brownies for dessert?

First date: been trying to come up with something for a while, but someone in /soc/ had one that I liked. Volunteering at an animal shelter. Never done it before, but I like animals.

I kind of doubt anyone would be up for it though, so I'd probably go for something more standard like dinner or something. If it's someone I already knew I could go for, idk, something else nature-related? Like going to the Audobon maybe?

Dancing could be fun, but I haven't danced in years.

I asked what a perfect date for YOU would be.
Not what them bitches would like.

Is that really the best date you can think of?
Seems almost too generic, it's something you can do whenever with anyone.
Not trying to shame you, perhaps you're just a simple man.

Very cute idea! I love it!
I think a lot of girls would be up for it, especially because it's so different from what other guys suggest. I never volunteered at an animal shelter, it seems like a fun experience, definitively a date to remember.

>something fancy

Most women are subs from social conditioning. You could back off to just being a switch. Domme's exist, but most of them are ice queens. There is no error in just wanting to be submissive, but if you're not going out to kink events and munches all around your state, chances and choices are going to be slim unless you live near a high populated area.

Taking girls on a hike is a necessary shit-test desu. If they moan too much they're out of the running.

>Is that really the best date you can think of?
I mean the IDEAL would probably be just sitting in my room/their room playing cards and talking but it's really not much different.

Watching anime or playing games with my SO was the time of my life, that and going on walks when the weather was nice. If there is a beach nearby beach days are really great or just walking through a forest. We did stuff like go to aqaruiums/museums/theme parks but that stuff was whatever, six flags was fun tho.

i mean its the main idea probably take her for a walk at a park with a river(body of water) and talk and when the suns setting turning the sky orange pull out a rose that was carefully placed in my jacket sleeve when shes not looking...its a lot of work do create that "magic" feeling in her heart for about 5 seconds and that would be my ideal date because making her that happy would make me happy...nigga