be me

> be me
> meet a girl freshman year (college)
> we become best friends
> start sleeping together (no sex because coincidentally one of us is always in a relationship)
> start cuddling
> start doing everything together
> fast forward a year
> she drunk texts me telling me she wants sex. I wasn’t in town
> I hit her up the next day
> “sorry user. I don’t really like you in that way, but things can change!”
> fast forward a year
> I’m single, she’s talking to a guy
> we lay in bed and cuddle - something that’s happened a hundred times before
> lately, she’s been more affectionate. Kissing me on the cheek, touching my thigh, playfully getting on me in cowgirl position and grinding, etc
> she does it again but all night
> I kiss her cheek and neck back - something I’ve never done before
> shemoansandshit.jpg
> we make out for a few hours
> she pushes my hand down and I finger her
> I’m waiting for her to touch me back or something before I fuck
> it never happens
> we eventually get tired and I go home

I love this girl, but I’m not sure if I love her like that. However, I’ve been wanting this for years, so I was happy as hell. I want it to go further, buuuut we have plans on moving in together this summer. What should I do anons? This happened a few weeks ago and we haven’t talked about it, and things are pretty much the way they’ve always been, but now I give her butt rubs and she’ll playfully lat her hand on my dick sometimes.

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how fucking dense are you user?

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>itt: normalfags laugh at guy with literal autism

Just came back to this thread and I thought I'd give you a bump. So OP, have you realized that she wants your dick yet or do more of us have to tell you so?


Who the fuck sleeps with a girl “hundreds” of times and doesn’t fuck? Are you retarded?

Nigga you're as dumb as a bottle of shampoo

Let me spell it out for you. She wants to fuck. But she wants you to make the first move. Next time just fucking go for it you absolute numbnut

OP here. I never once asked if she wants me to fuck, y’all just don’t know how to read.

She’s my best friend and we’re moving in together. My question is should I complicate that by fucking.


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I guess I never properly stated my question, so I deserve the insults.
I fuck girls all the time, anons. This girl in particular I have strong feelings for. I don’t know if I want to date her, or if I love her as a sister. I just don’t know.
If we fuck regularly, I don’t know if I’ll be able to not “make it weird” or get jealous when she brings a guy home to fuck when we live together. On the other hand, maybe I’ll be able to separate sex and friendship (like I have for every girl before) and it’ll be all good.

So I’m more or less asking “should I fuck my best friend roommate who I’m pretty much in love with”.

Are you sure love is adequate word for whatever the fuck you are trying to convey here? If you do then keep it as it is. Making out with someone you have feelings for should be exciting enough to not bother going further.

OP surely you're pulling my leg. Please give it back. You can't be real. This girl can't be real. Am I real?

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It really was enough desu

IT appears to me that she’s a potential marriage material for you, but you don’t yet realise it. You shouldn’t bang her unless you both want to commit to a serious relationship. Imagine having a girl that you connect with on so many different levels and she’s also your gf. What else would a guy ask for?

Its the 21st century dumb dumb.Thats called rape.

lolno incel

it must be so nice to have a girl kiss your cheek. i'm such a loser that despite being 23 i've never had any contact from girls and don't know a thing about what it feels like to be loved by one... :( ur a lucky guy

also the playful cowgirl sounds so nice too bc i imagine that their bums are very soft. but i don't want sex bc i find it gross

Shes doesnt want to beg you for it, just go for it the next time you see each other. Holy shit, how can you have your finger in her pussy and make her cum thinking "oh she probably doesnt want s*x that would be too far right"
Just fuck her and stop caring just.. holy shit OP this is the thread Ive seen that made me the most mad

Wow stop posting anytime you disgusting weirdo

:( that made me feel really sad

Op here. Read my last comment. My question was whether it’s smart to fuck your best friend who is gonna be your roommate soon, and you think you’ll catch feelings if you do.

Short answer: no it's not smart live somewhere else

Long answer: just hit her in the vagoo with ur benis my man, she likes the stability of ur relationship; she wants it or you need to live somewhere else so she can see how much she wants it.

Listen OP, you're dumb as fuck but I've been there.

Have you considered starting a serious relationship with her?

Not really because we’ve never been single at the same time

Why dont you want to live with your girlfriend?

meant for sorry

That was me lol

My bad I got confused. And I’m single - she’s not

better make a move she's gonna get bored with your ass. next time after you finger her for a couple minutes just pull out your dick and smash that pussy. if she stops you she stops you but it would be weird if she did