What to do when fiancées cheated on You?

This Monday i catch my fiancés on cheating me.The worst in this is that she found nee guy just a feed days after our engagement? To this time i was thinking that she was loving onset girl but now i see that she is manipulative and really bad person. Right now i don't know what to do ? it really hurt especially when I remember that one night she tell You that "I Love You and You are the best think in my live" and in the morning she text to other gay "Hello my honey, i miss You and love You and I what to run away with You.......".
I'm thinking how i can make her pay for this what she done to me? What to do ? Especial when I saw the right now shes telling everybody that I'm the bad guy for kicking her out. I know this is clasic story but i rely dont know what to do. Especialy that the 'Guy' is fucking Lawyer

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Leave her and cut all contact. This will probably be the worst pain you'll feel in your life, but it's better in the long run.

Cut contact you just sided a bullet big time friend, you were living a lie I’m so sorry, I know it’s cliche to say but give it time, you need to bounce back, hit the gym, make money, and pick up a new girl

Took me about 2 years to get (sort of) over it. But the other a one are right. Cut all contact and leave her for good. Better to realize this now than later.

I'v I already did this im waiting when she will take all her stuff. But i saw her conversation on whatsup and she tell her frends that im the worst....Also flirt with 2 guys in the same time (regarding the layer). And this happened few days ago. And this hurts the moust that she says that sshes devastated whant me to forgive her but in really shes full of hit.

Why do her friends opinion of you matter? Cut contact with anything involving her is what we are implying here

Im surprised the cucks haven't shown up yet. Regardless, you should move on. Women aren't worth that hassle, and you've probably learned that from this

Because all this time she will be playing a victim. Girl which is hurtled by everybody. Especially me . She will be manipulating and lye to others and this also hurts me. That for all what sshes done she will be the seen as hurted girl and this not truth.

>Especialy that the 'Guy' is fucking Lawyer
You mean he's fucking her lawyer?
What a fag

Leave, retard

No i men't that the guy she was cheating me with is lawyer

I know i'm trying.

Not good enough faggot
Are you 12? 'trying' is what fucken teenagers do
You're an adult. Leave

she left, now i only wait whes she pic up her stuf.


Why are you waiting? Send it to a storage unit and make her ass pay. Wrap that shit up and tarp it on the front lawn
I'm sure her lawyer man drives, he can go box by box back to his place with her knickers.

Maybe Your right i didn't give Herr any deadline

Where are you from OP?
Anyway, just kick all her stuff out.

Sounds like hes from a german speaking country based on the Herr typo

Look my man, i cant even begin to know how hard this all must be.
Think about it though, you just missed a huge bullet. Think about finding out only 20 years later and you all have 2 kids, a joint account and a few businesses that are in both names. Not to even talk about all the time wasted with a liar.

Leave it outside. On the yard or on the hallway, or possibly on the building entrance. Just quickly go through everything and dump it as quickly as possible

>Because all this time she will be playing a victim.
Of course she will. Break contact with her and the friends who support her. Block, change locks, everything

It's not about a deadline
It's about "since you no longer wish to be a part of my life, I will not waste any more of that life waiting on you. Here's your shit, it's organized and safe (don't just kick it onto the street), but please get the fuck out of my life literally as soon as is physically, humanly and philosophically possible."

Go back to ESL and fuck your teacher. It'll help you get over her, and you might actually be able to speak the language this time round.

Hes probably drunk and from another country. Go chill on him. This guys life was a lie