What are some books and videos to understand women and never fall into their clutches?

What are some books and videos to understand women and never fall into their clutches?

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Nothing. Your instincts compel you to chase them and their instincts compel them to manipulate you

The rationale male. The manipulated man. And others

once you no longer actively peruse them, your able to look and learn from a un bias perspective

And how is that a good thing?

>needs a book
You're beyond hope dude
Willpower or bust. Faggots who need books to step-by-step them through every little thing are destined for failure when the book stops being present-- or whatever else they use to hide their ineptitude

Don't worry, no one else will know that I read, and the contents of the book will stay in my head

> The Game
> Sperm Wars
> The Selfish Gene

the rest you can probably just get from personal experience. But those 3 books really changed my life.

They also kind of depressed me because they explain to you how the world really works. And when you understand that, it's some sad shit.

>no one else will know that I read
You can't even fucking get out there and socialize with women right now and you think you have enough social wherewithal to know how they think and see the world?

Dumb piece of shit

The manipulated man to redpill you first though

cause then your not distracted..

>and you think you have enough social wherewithal to know how they think and see the world?
No? That's why I created this thread

you just gotta try man.... thats really just it. you dont learn if you don't fail

Better to accept reality than to live in fantasy

'Manhood Academy' on Youtube


The bible.


What parts of the Bible?

The Quotations Book by Chairman Mao.


no book will ever beat real experience

The Sunni Quran.


Of course, but anyone who has experience usually does not have the knowledge of certain books, if I have both things I will be in profit

The Metaphysics of Sex by Julius Evola if you want to what was taught at the top third reich schools

(Disclaimer that Nazis are bad blah blah blah- don't shoot me)

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you'll also be gay, in all seriousness i just think books fail to express the specific knowledge for specific questions.

Mate: How to become the man woman want
Models: How to attract woman through honesty

These are actually pretty good and are not pick-up books. They are more focused on being honest with yourself and understanding woman

The art of seduction by Robert Greene

This book changed everything for me

Big NO on that one chief

learn to read or society is doomed

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You don't need a book, honestly.

TLDR: Stop giving a fuck about them but stay open-minded.

The simplest way to never be a victim is to just stop caring about women. Once you learn to not care about having a partner, you'll have a completely different viewpoint about relationships and women in general.

Remember, shitty women are actually just shit people that happen to be female. It takes an open mind to both be ready for anything and also not discriminate.

When I said that you shouldn't care about women, I lied. In reality, society is creating an illusion that relationships and partners are more important than they actually are. Shitlords who happen to be female abuse their position in society, just like any shitlord would if they had that position, but this is not all women. The first step is not wanting to pursue women. The second step is looking at them as just people, which lets you freely judge which ones are shit people and which ones are worth it.

>Once you learn to not care about having a partner
I can't, because this is my main objective that motivates me, and if it were not for this motivation I would not have sought to improve in many ways, without that goal I will decline, and I have no other better goal, I just want more knowledge for women do not abuse me. I have already improved my appearance, confidence, intelligence, social skills, etc., just because of woman. So you do not think this is good for me?

bigger no for you blind cuck, books will never beat human interaction, when your goal is human interaction. i didnt say reading in general is bad you arrogant fascist

I do not think this is good for you. You can make it work. You can benefit from it and you can live and die by it, but it's an inferior, blind and unstable point of view that tends to lead to negative outcomes more than positive ones.

Im a woman and would offer to talk to you, but youre probably too afraid you closeted fag

Sorry, but I rely more on men who understand women than women themselves, women say something but act differently

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u mad bro?

nah, but i just unloaded a tank of cum into your mom pussy

just proved my point

..yeah, probably