Marriage Ending

I don't think I can continued being married. Looking back, I honestly don't know what I was thinking. I've never been a shining example of human achievement, but I generally accept my flaws as flaws and strive to fix them. I thought I found a woman who behaved in a similar manner for once.

She just doesn't. Same flaws for 6 years, same arguments. It's like have a child that will never mature. She's sweet and I love her, but those things are useless in the face of impending death and boredom. We're 30 and it's as though we're 60.

If this marriage fails, I will NEVER fucking do this again. Fucking random women on dating sites was the epitome of female usefulness. God only knows what could possibly salvage this sinking ship. I was doing well enough to get by when I was alone, I just don't have the strength to take care of two lame adults. Our fertility issues have effectively killed us.

Anybody on here ever make it in a marriage without children? Anybody without children think that their partner is a ball and chain and realize you were only tolerating their imperfections because you loved them and thought they'd be a great parent?

I was not prepared for just the two of us twiddling our fucking thumbs together. Especially when thumb twiddling seems satisfies them.

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you sound like you're shifting all the blame buddy

She's the one that's infertile. The minor flaws are now magnified in an unbearable manner. I don't know what to do.

Kind of different. Been with her 6 years and same. I am a self improvement person. Always trying to be better. My income has doubled since meeting her, I've learned, grown, made new habits.

And she hasn't. Same person she was 6 years ago. Same problems same arguments. Worse yet she blows with money, and her incomes actually gone down a lot since meeting with changing jobs and shit.

And I'm really just tired. It wasn't about kids. Neither of us want them. The plus side is we get on like best friends in the fucking world when were together but she isn't growing, and, yeah, she's becoming a huge financial burden.

It sucks because I actually do love her more than anything in the world but between the lack of maturity, the same shit and the money, she's actually lowering my quality of life. Been doing a lot of psychadelics lately and that's changed my perspective a lot, too.

Gotta do what you gotta do bro.

>she's the one that's infertile
You said you had to take care of two lame adults, so I assumed by "lame" you meant that you were also infertile.

You talk about tolerating her imperfections as if no other woman has imperfections. If you've tried to fix things, and have fixed yourself, and can do better. Well, leave her. If you actually still love this woman but are just terribly frustrated with how bullshit it all is, then its more complicated and you need therapy or something to shake things up. Communicate. Tell her you're fucking bored and you need more out of your relationship with her than "twiddling your thumbs" whatever that means.

In my experience, women may be childish but a good man can bring out the best in a woman/vice versa. You quite frankly don't sound like a good man if you're shitting on the entire idea of marriage simply because of your self-admitted poor decisions.

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Think of how we evolved

Did women need to be pinnacles of self improvement and human achievement? No they NEEDED to be able to sit on their fat asses and let babies suck their tits. That was how they evolved

It was men hunting for dangerous beasts to eat and climbing trees for honey guarded by killer bees

Thinking you will find spiritual respite in a woman is a waste of time. It's all about utility

Lol, her fertility is my poor decision. I'm not sure what your point was. Communication has unfortunately been extremely thorough. The last few years have been shit for both of us for many reasons, but I'm bouncing back. She's basically the same as she was a few years ago, only now she's also infertile.

You can replace thumb twiddling with spinning our tires, or stagnating as humans who plan to be alive for 60 more years. I don't plan to just sit on the couch with her for the next 60 years. Any plans that are made and executed are nearly on my recommendation alone.

The sad part is that she's the best woman I've found all around by leaps and bounds. Women are just generally garbage IMO so it makes her look like a rare gem.

>I just don't plan on sitting on the couch with her for the next 60 years
then don't. Do what you want to do and if she comes along and you guys reignite that flame then great, if not oh well.

You refuse to give us many details so I'm not sure what you were looking for by posting here. If I were to guess, you want some people to reassure you that you're not a shitbag for leaving her.

If shes got issues and needs help through them ,but you won't and you abandon her, yeah I can't say that you're a good person. Better own up to it though yeah?


Are you blind or just retarded?

>Anybody on here ever make it in a marriage without children? Anybody without children think that their partner is a ball and chain and realize you were only tolerating their imperfections because you loved them and thought they'd be a great parent?

Just leave.

OP you have consistently avoided providing pertinent information. All vernacular you've used in this thread basically proves that you're avoiding confronting shit and are shifting blame.

>for many reasons
>women are garbage, but hey ive been bouncing back

>muh greentext
yeah and you were told to adopt or leave her if children were so important. You lack self awareness and expected advice from Jow Forums of all places with the relatively few details. I don't feel bad for you OP.

just get spindle transfer/surrogacy unless you're muslim/poorfag. werked 4 me though I don't trash my wife online.

Told. This is advice not commands dick face. You've been pretending to be some fucking guru the whole time. Just leave. I never needed your sympathy fuckwit.

After 6 years I now trash her IRL as well sadly. Nothing seems to motivate her. Now divorce is on the table and she's just now waking up. Might still be time left with luck. We're trying in vitro and that will probably be the end of the line for me. I've spent enough years in suspenseful purgatories to last me a lifetime.

It's cheaper to get a new wife than to get a surrogacy. Also maybe OP does not want the subhuman genes that can come from an Ukranian or Indian surrogacy

lmao you deserve every bit of this shit marriage OP. have fun

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surrogacy fucks kids up desu. Sooner adopt.

your wife suffers from depression

Infertility is a major issue and I feel bad for her since it will be hard to find a husband , but you sound like a cunt. I have the feeling you deserve this miserable marriage.

Leave her and become a manwhore, you're gonna feel great at 60 when no woman will want to fuck you anymore and you'll have no one by your side to make your last years somehow bearable. Whores, man or women, always regret it in the end.

>waaahhh you are not giving the advice I like
Also OP:
>waaaahhh you are giving me actual advice, why don't just tell me that everything is all right?

It is not, we suffer from overpopulation. Infertility is just another way nature has to control itself, just like faggots and trannies.
OP's wife SHOULD NOT, under any circunstances, have a kid, the consequences from that degenerate birth can be disastrous.

couples counseling

>basically op is a misogynist but thought he needed to procreate so he chose someone randomly, bow he can't get his biological offspring so he wants to bail
>all of this is totally not his fault at all and it's because of the womynz!!!!
>poor bait trying to ripe up the retards here