I am lost as to what to do

> Be me
> 20
> Have friend from South Africa, 22
> Travel with him to South Africa I have always wanted to do shit like see a lion, etc.
> Meet his mother, 41, is very beautiful
> Shes a widow, husband killed by racist blacks
> Friend leaves for 3 weeks
> His mother and I are alone at her home
> Learn about her and my friends intimate personal life
> Fall in love
> Watch movie late one night
> She feel asleep
> I get up to put blanket over her.
> She wasn't actually asleep, looks up and tells me she loves me
> I cry because I am touched and I feel bad she lost her husband
> We make out though
> We have sex
> We cuddle and sleep together
> We have sex everyday for the next week until her son is supposed to come home
> Son comes back
> Doesn't know about his mother and I
> Leave South Africa
> She has my number
> 1 week passes
> Got a call from her telling me she's pregnant and its mine because I am the only guy shes had sex with since her husband died 5 years ago
> Wants to keep the baby
> I do too
> At loss at what to do from here. What do I say to my friend? How do I get her out of shithole SA?

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Lmao, dude. That's the dumbest shit I've read in a while. You fell in love because you pity fucked some desperate GILF? Let me guess, you were a virgin prior to that. Oh man, that will be the most hilarious moment when your friend finds out.

>husband killed by racist blacks
Whites murdered the native population and took the land by force. If whites can complain about brown people legally coming to their country, imagine the hatred of Africans in SA. Fucking retard.

user do you know anything about South Africas history? It sure sounds like you dont.

When the Dutch settled there it was unsettled. They turned it into a powerhouse country. A nuclear power. The blacks didnt do that. The white south Africans did. After apartheid ended it's been nothing but a downward spiral or SA. For the love of god educate yourself before you spew hateful bullshit. Even if your claims were remotely true(they arent) it would not justify racial hatred and the unjust murders current going on in South Africa. Pretending like people deserve to be killed like that is disgusting.

You must not have a good reading comprehension or something
>You fell in love because you pity fucked some desperate GILF?
No, I feel in love and fucked after. Fucking people you don't love or even like is degenerate behavior
>Let me guess, you were a virgin prior to that.
No. Prior to that I had sex with another woman. My ex I had dated for about 5 years
>Whites murdered the native population and took the land by force. If whites can complain about brown people legally coming to their country, imagine the hatred of Africans in SA
As if that makes it okay.

Lol no, she has been fucking all of the cocks there, you are just her ticket out of there.

Ignore her and your friend. You owe them nothing.

Change your phone number.

White people should not be there. The ones there are fuckin white trash.

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>I watched Stefan Molyneux
Nice projecting, man. But you have no clue.

When did he ever say that? You're just butthurt that your racist history revisionism was completely called out.

well if she is really pregnant and wants to keep it then your friend will find out eventually so might as well just tell your friend you fell in love with his mom and got her pregnant now

>1 week passes
>she is pregnant

That's now how it works user

>Whites murdered the native population and took the land by force. If whites can complain about brown people legally coming to their country, imagine the hatred of Africans in SA. Fucking retard.
Most africans currently there came to SA after it was colonised by the whites. Did you just lump them all together just because they share the same skin color?

sorry... you fell for the love narrative so i guess you just need a reality check at the moment.

I haven't. I actually know the history of the country though, whereas you fucking don't.

You're a fucking racist and hate white people, grats hope you feel proud of yourself.

How hot is she op? I have an older woman fetish as well

you done fucked up bro. Set up a gofundme

Thats her in the picture

Got more?

Fuck...that escalated quickly.
Okay well here’s some information..
At 41 it’s a gamble if the pregnancy will make it the full term(I don’t want to freak you out anymore than you already are, it’s just a biological fact).
I hope she does have a healthy baby and you two rise the kid together.
You want her to come live with you and I’m sure she’ll want the same thing so start planning her immigration. If you know for sure it’s your kid then there’s certain things you’re entitled to as a father. If you have a wedding with her the migration might go smoother but that’s just a educated guess.
I’m sorry to say this but your friend doesn’t really matter at this point, if they hate you so be it. You and this woman are in love and that’s something he’s going to need to deal with. If he wants to get violent then defend yourself with as little physical conflict as possible.

How African American of you to suggest that Tyrone

lol that’s not even close to the history of SA you dumb nigger

>ignoring the obvious bait and racist bigotry this tjread is and will be

This is absolutely true and needs attention. I swear to god of you aren't educated about sex don't fucking do it. But you cannot test a pregnancy until after 2 weeks when it actually starts. Before then the test cannot detect what hasn't started yet. After two weeks starts Day 1 of the pregnancy.

>When did he ever say that?
It's rhetorical you idiot.
>history revisionism
LOL, I'm the revisionist? This really is Jow Forums.

The claim that SA was unpopulated and Africans only came afterwards is an unproven myth Europeans used to justify their occupation.


That isn't what I was saying. There is a reason why the blacks there are split into factions and its because the current dominant black population there ARE NOT THE SA NATIVES. These people migrated there!

Even if that wasn't the case, the well being of the people there was better when it was white controlled. There is no justification for the crazy bullshit that is going on there right now. Everyone there was better off before the blacks took power, including the blacks that are currently grabbing land and murdering people. The Bantus are showing that they are completely incapable of running a country user. It doesn't matter what is myth and what is not when the evidence that they are not fit to lead is right in front of you.

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>Older woman who is hot
>claims to have not had sex in five years since her husband passed away

Aske her to adopt you and then marry her, that way you become her husband and son, your friend's step father and step brother, your son's father and step brother and hel, why not, your own step father. then, the four of you can start touring the talk shows with your story to make loads of money while you work on the movie script. You've hit the jackpot OP.

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Just marry her and you can get a greencard or something? Isn't getting your wife into the country easy?
Also who cares what your friend thinks, tell him that you made him a brother already.

Any updates op?

Wife her and save her and her son from racist blacks by moving them to your country.

Christ, I'm an American and I know more about the history of South Africa than you do. "muh poor native peoples" is a fucking meme, bro; the local tribes that occupied that land--a fraction of the blacks currently in South Africa--sold it to the colonists. You can judge them for making a bad deal, but they weren't forced into it.

Most of the blacks currently in South Africa aren't even from that part of Africa; they moved there en masse for hand outs and to feast on white guilt. Now they're taking the "oppressed minority" myth as an excuse to commit genocide.

>inb4 lol white genocide isn't real
>inb4 apartheid
>inb4 some other dumbass argument.

Would you rather the Chinese finish taking over the continent? They're far less compassionate than white colonists ever were; they have nothing against using the native populations as slave labor in the current year (and they don't even give a damn about their own people's working conditions, so why would they give a damn about Africans?).

Africa is too resource rich for growing countries to ignore for the sake of "compassion."

This user has a point, unless more time is passing than is readily apparent. Most women don't realize they're pregnant until 8 to 12 weeks after conception, and a woman of 41 is going to have significantly less fertility than a woman in her prime, which makes it even more unlikely.

There's some early detection tests that can give accurate positives as early as 7 to 10 days after ovulation. They're more expensive, and I'd wonder why she opted for one if that's the case.

It's worth pointing out that his friend would be right that using the "you're in love" excuse is just that, an excuse. You guys were left on your own for three weeks, it's more likely infatuation.

However, if the timeline does add up and its your kid get them the hell out of South Africa. Depending on you country you might be able to help your friend too.