As a minority, how can I exploit anti-white sentiment to sell a movie script?

I'm an Arab who immigrated to Canada at a young age. Not Muslim unfortunately, although I have a Muslim name.

I recently watched a couple of very highly-rated movies that turned out to be absolute trash: Get Out and Sorry To Bother You. I have never been more certain of anything than the fact that these movies got hyped because "black good, whitey bad". Self-hating white critics trip over themselves to praise this garbage.

Could I profit from the current social climate by writing some script about quirky arabs being oppressed by evil whitey? Let's say I write it (and I'm confident I can write something better than Get Out), how would I go about selling it? How do I get that extra visibility that my mediocre script wouldn't get otherwise? How does it go from Canada to Los Angeles? What pointers can you give me, for example should I make everyone black instead of Arab for bonus points, or would I lose points for racial appropriation?

Don't bother preaching to me about integrity. I need money to fix health problems, buy a house, attract a quality girlfriend. I didn't make your countries this way, and wish they weren't this way. Sorry bro.

Don't see this as helping a foreigner get one over you, but as you helping a fellow user. As consolation, remember I wouldn't believe the anti-white things I write.

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U should just contact the right people
Why do you think them trash stuff u talked about got easily heard about
They had the right people to publish it at the right place
Try to do the same

Spout other lefty drivel and present scripts to Soros and other Jew-financed companies first and foremost.

Good luck exploiting the system, and cheers for not actually believing that shit and being a brainwashed idiot. You seem chill.

The demand for racist-whites and hate crimes FAR exceeds the supply. This results in legacy media creating hate hoaxes and propaganda pieces like "BlackkKklansman" for the liberal Baby Boomer crowd that lives in cities.

The fact is, you would have to write your script and sell it to Baby Boomer legacy media. The problem is, new media--the internet--has caught onto this and it is creating a backlash by whites against demographics like yourself like I never thought possible.

The Great White Awakening has surprised even me. You can think of it like a giant slowly sitting up. Trump is the sitting up part. There's a lot more to go.

You would be foolish to engage in a business that could eventually create mob violence against you in the coming years.

There's an old saying, "Buy low, sell high." So here is my advice: You would do much better by taking the side of whites because there is a huge demand there. It's why Donald Trump got elected so unexpectedly. But as many have said, "He's a great symbol for whites; but he's not delivering."

Even black people like Candace Owens want the United States to remain majority white. I recommend following her lead.

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>I want to write about things I don't believe in to get paid
So you're asking us to help you sell your soul? Nah senpai. Jow Forums is Jow Forums and all but you came to the wrong place. Go to resetera you fucking faggot.

like 85% of movies are about white people with minorities as side characters or just absent, even now you're worse off than a white guy at your level. This is a stupid idea

Candace Owens is a scammer and you know it.

Well for one, it has been done before, I don't remember the name but I'm pretty sure I've watched something were sandniggers were the victims. Also, I wouldn't say Get Out was trash, it does not deserve all the praise it got, but it was an ok movie, I've seen worst with higher budget.

I don't think so because Arabs have a bad reputation already. You would have to be Syrian to get any sympathy because they are actually going through a lot. Arabs? You live life on easy mode. Oil rich country full of misogyny makes mens life top of the world.

tell that to the lefties in western nations that think muslims dindu nuffin

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It's not about making a quick buck, it's about you having to rub shoulders with soulless insectoid NPCs and I don't want to wish that hell upon you.

But if you really wanted to know, I'd probably make some sort of whiteploitation film. Make whites look like the stylish yet reasonable nazis ever doing the most lynchian horrific atrocities to non-whites. For example,

>a pure aryan squad of jackboot thugs burst into a mosque and shoot everyone up except the kids
>the aryans then rescue the kid and give him to a perfectly traditional nuclear family to raise, except the parents decide his gender identity is a girl and force him to transition

I don't know, something ridiculous like that

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tell muslims in the middle east and africa that white people aren't trying to kill them.

t. muslim sympathizer

honestly user it doesn't really matter to me. If the muslims win everything the lefties stand for: LGBT rights and the whole 9 yards is going to go up in flames. These leftists support their own demise and that is hilarious

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I think making a satire of liberal bullshit would be great, I just don’t think the people who run the entertainment industry will make it easy for you regardless of you being non-Muslim. Arabs aren’t widely accepted like blacks are,mainly because black people have used their talents to get white fans.
I don’t know too many Arab actors who could be a lead in a film.

As we send air strikes when we feel like it

you're confusing the muslim leaders hand picked by mormons at the CIA with Muslim people in general. it's an easy mistake to make if you don't know any history and blindly trust the federal bureaucracy

Nah. You're seriously fucking stupid if you believe the drivel you just shat out.

This is what I'm talking about. You lefties are like lambs to slaughter and you're happy about it.

Make a movie about Iran Contra or about how the CIA disposed of all the strong leaders in the Middle East, thus creating the migrant crisis the West is dealing with.

You don't need to lie and exaggerate to make the white leaders responsible for the problems in the West, they do can do that just fine on their own.

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>Candace Owens is a scammer

What is the "scam"?

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Get Out isnt trash and I bet if you think that your boring script trying to exploit won't be good at all tbqhwy famalam

You just need enough people following your story
Ideally you were razzed all throughout [period of your life] for being [short/fat/weird/smelly/foreign] but ultimately it was the cultural divide that made everything even more difficult.
You experienced insight when [you made a friend/you connected with family/you scored a date] and that led you to the conclusion that literally anyone with a fucking pulse should manage: soon colour is completely fucking irrelevant and in the eventual heat death of the planet, we'll all be bleached skeletons.

The End.

Look OP, Amy Schumer got paid to whip out one of her tits on TV. I'm SURE if you cry on Twitter for long enough you'll get traction.
Just remember this isn't an idea unique to you. I'd wager most SJW-ism is rooted in self-indulgent goals like this.

the problem is that Get out was considered by the media to be the best thing ever, when it was really just alright.

Wtf why would you perpetuate this crap. Fuck off.

Believe it or not sorry to bother you was a hell of a movie, I say it as a white person The commie filmaker boots riley, is a true visionairy a socialist black David Lynch.
So I begin by telling you, you cant match this guy's talent...but it is possible to sell a movie about getting bullied in school as a muslim, and how the non racist white girl helped you. (The white savior storyline always helps, and makes it realistic) plus maybe add some elements of you being unfairly scrutinized after 911 and falling in love with that white girl classmate, and also get shitted on by your muslim family. I mean there are a lot of storylines to sell here...

I dont think you need to make the cast all black muslims are pretty hot right now after the christchurch incident and black lives matter is old hat so you just need to shit this thing out quick before people move onto something else.
A really lazy and cynical sketch out: A muslim family or community experiences bigotry from the wider native community, you can set it in europe or whatever where this happens it wouldn't fly too good set in Canada and places like that where people literally suck off minorities in the streets out of white guilt. To be a total asshole you can draw heavy handed "profound" parallels with Jewish persecution in Europe in the 1930's which is probably just about the right intellectual level of the brainwashed teenagers and butthurt niggers that your shit will appeal to.

>[insert moderate figure here] IS A GRIFTER


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It's the latest meme by extremists to discredit anyone who doesn't advocate open bloodshed.

Kids these days.

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I don't see how an Arab with a muslim name could get work of any kind in a realm dominated by wealthy jews. Change your name to a hebrew one for noclip mode.