What are some good subsitutes for intimacy?

What are some good subsitutes for intimacy?
Anime and escorts aren't cutting it anymore, I need something new.
I'm past the point of no return in age, no amount of self-improvement will make me desirable.

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>no amount of self-improvement will make me desirable

Yea? Who told you this? yourself?

Get a dog. It will become your best friend. Take it places go on walks etc.

He went to the gym once a week for 30min

Various people, both online and offline. Not directed at me specifically, but in general.
No amount of self-improvement will make a female want to have to deal with teaching a 27yo guy how it is to be in a relationship for the first time.
I can't motivate myself to go to the gym, since I'm past the point of no return.

Better yourself. Even if you don't find intimacy, you'll still feel healthy and accomplished at least.

How old are you? 30?

Read the other post, I'm 27.
My only contact with females is through escorts, which are legal in my country.

How about cuddle buddies?

I don't have any female friends.
And I doubt anyone would want to do that with me.

So, any ideas anons?
What else can I do other than anime culture and seeing escorts every so often?
No real woman will give me the time of day at this point, so please spare the 'how to get a girl' advice.

Just go to the gym BRO just get fit BRO

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As a fellow anime lover i advise you to stop pursuing real life females. They are icky and will cheat on you and they just love jamals dick anyway. It's better to donate semen to sperm bank and create more anime lovers like us. Then we can create 2Bs and live forever in man world full of pretty androids. Isnt this dream just beatiful?

>Anime and escorts aren't cutting it anymore
Normie as fuck.

But I never pursued real life females, I know better than to try that.
But I do miss intimacy and realise anime, manga, VNs, etc etc can only be effective escapism for so long.
I'm past the point of caring wether I'm a 'normie' or not.

Do you have decent paid job at least?
If you can afford escorts i presume yes.

Wait to 30, apparently life changes after that age and some girls would find you interesting. Your financial situation will be big advantage.
Think about this: women spent a lot of time doing makeup/cosmetic stuff, picking clothes etc. For what? To be more interesting in eyes of men. And now think how many time do you spent to be more desirable by women?
Go to the gym; you will become better looking and could make some female friends, which even if you wouldn't find interesting they will probably know hella lot more women.
Find some hobby. It doesn't neet to be sociable. You can even carve in wood, but having some hobby will also make you more interesting.
And read some books. Again, they doesn't need to be social tutorials, read some novels, biographies. This type of books can teach you a lot about life.
And how to find time to do all this stuff? Well, stop watching anime, fapping and doing escorts.
You are 27 now, so you have 3 years to become better version of youself. Don't bother with fact that you weren't in relstionship before.

And stop with this "ooo I'm past the point of no return oooo no amount of self-improvement will make me desirable" bullshit.

You KNOW that all this is just temporary solution, you KNOW that you need a real woman. So either man up and or get lost.
If you are afraid you have already lost.

I'm a trust fund baby.
I spent most of my life so far as a shut-in neet.
Currently in uni, trying to turn shit around.
But my contacts with the real world so far have been less than encouraging.

You are still studying, surrouned by other young people. You have no money issues. You already had sex. A lot of guys asking here for advice don't have this. Just follow general gym/go out advice that are served here, you have some part of the job already behind you.

Dude i'm older than you and never had a GF and there are guides out there SPECIFICALLY made for people like us on how to succeed in the dating scene and in life. It is extremely irrational in the face of all this help out there to let your emotions get the better of you and decide you're past saving. That's just extreme pessimism at its finest. I know how easy it can be to want to wallow in misery and give up but you have to fight that.

>gave up on self improvement

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She doesn't need to teach you. You just fuck and spend time together, it isn't hard you stupid faggot. The idea that there's something to be "learned" only exists in your stupid head. There are literal teenagers in relationships. Besides that, in what demented logic having lost 7 years from a 60+ yo life a point of no return for learning shit 99% of the population knows how to do.

You really don't deserve to succeed.

You sorta have a point, if I deserved to succeed I'd have done so by now.

Fuck me that image is too real.

So get therapy. It is in the middle of the image.

Alright then fuckers, any good ways to get over the 'it's too late, might as well not try' mindset?
Therapy hasn't done jackshit.

>You just fuck and spend time together
Not if you're unmarried, degenerate

Looking for an aswer to

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>Wait to 30, apparently life changes after that age and some girls would find you interesting. Your financial situation will be big advantage.
Imagine having so little self respect that you're willing to wait 30 years for a whiff of female companionship.

Why do all the weak ones feel like life is handed to people? You work for what you want in this world or you become a bum. That’s the reason so many miserable fucks base their quality of life on getting their dick in pussy. What comes after? What the hell are you living for besides someone validating your existence by fucking you? Get a damn trade skill man.

Yeah, imagine you’re on your death bed and you think back to all the time you wasted not doing what you want with your life. If that doesn’t scare you into working towards life goals then nothing will.

>What comes after? What the hell are you living for besides someone validating your existence by fucking you
That's the endgame
Everything is to get to that point
Some people are just really weird about their detours

If that’s all you’re living for then no wonder you can’t get laid. Women can smell desperation like a dead tooth.

Doomer music

And what are you "living for"? We exist to reproduce. Whatever you're considering to be your raison d'etre is a distraction.