Me and my gf share a flat with her friend, it's a two bedroom apartment and we live in one room whilst she has her own...

me and my gf share a flat with her friend, it's a two bedroom apartment and we live in one room whilst she has her own. the rent is $1500 and we initially split it equally between each person so 500,500,500. This rent renewal me and my gf calculated that we play $1000 for nearly a slighly larger room whilst our flat mate pays $500. when we asked to split more evenly ($900 for our room and $600 for her room) she said its not fair and had a bitchfit. what do you guys think is fair?

pic unrelated

Attached: RoomSketcher-2-Bedroom-Floor-Plans.jpg (600x450, 28K)

The world isn't fair.
Use less pay less

who's name is on the lease?

How long you been living like this?

Did it seem fair upon the original agreement?

What changed?

living with a couple is bad enough. Let her pay 500

These are good questions

Rent isn't just for the room you live in, but all the shared space and other costs (water, heat, electricity, garbage disposal etc.) as well. Sit down together and calcualte a fair redistribution of rent that accounts for all of these factors. Otherwise your present agreement isn't fair.

You and your girlfriend are not one person. You literally just asked your roommate if you and your girlfriend could each pay 50 dollars less towards the rent, and somehow acted like that was more fair. Why do you think you deserve to pay less rent?

Rent is split between people, not the space used.
If you want to be an asshole, move out and find your own place.
The girl who made a bitchfit about it is in the right.
You guys are the fucking dummies.

You are using 2/3 of the electricity, heating, phone, cable, etc

It’s a reason why rent is split between people and not what is being used.
It’s clear you haven’t rented and moved out from your parents.
What if that single girl just use the couch, what if she travels and don’t use the space for a couple of weeks, or decide she dosent need heat, she can just wear thick clothes. Or shower elsewhere. It would be impossible to calculate and not fair.

The couple who want to pay less are moronic and should apologize

This is so obvious how did you not bring it up before you moved in.

You fucked up by agreeing to split it evenly in the first place. I actually think you're right that since you and your girlfriend share a room you should each pay less. In my last apartment, living with two other guys, one of the rooms was noticably smaller and we all agreed before moving in that the guy who got the smaller room would pay a little less of the rent. But, you decided to let her get comfortable paying less, and then sprung this on her right before renewing the lease. That's the real dick move here, because you didn't bother to have an actual conversation with her months earlier so she could have realistic options other than to just agree to it. This is also why I recommend never living with friends btw, money can get between people too easily.
I've moved around a few times and these have usually been separate bills from the rent itself. Bills should be split evenly between anyone living in the space, that much I agree on (except in the rare case one person is using way more of something), but as far as the actual rent goes I would never put myself in OP's situation in the first place. In a two bedroom, if I was sharing a room, I would not agree to pay a full third of the rent.

>I actually think you're right that since you and your girlfriend share a room you should each pay less

They do pay less, they each pay less by splitting the rent between them.

>In a two bedroom, if I was sharing a room, I would not agree to pay a full third of the rent.

If OP made the decision out of lack of options or desperation then he still made the agreement when he made it. His options may not have been between 1) having a fair rental agreement or 2) finding another living arrangement that would.

Desperation is what makes people agree to things sometimes and that is nobody else's fault.

If his options now are better he can analyze them and decide before complaining later on about HIS time he agreed. If he can get a lease in his own name and move with his girl then why not but if he has no choice but to accept this living arrangement he shouldn't blame his roommate unless they're extorting him or putting a gun to his head. As far as I know nobody is forcing him to accept this. Not his roommates fault his credit isn't that good or he doesn't make enough to cover the the leasing office expects.

>They do pay less, they each pay less by splitting the rent between them.

Not gonna lie, I'm assuming this. for all I know OP is paying his girl's share.

You can’t just switch up your original living agreement, you and your girlfriend are assholes.

As with most women who has a hard working boyfriend, they tend to slack until the dude snaps from the stress of taking care of what amounts to a adult dependent.

Just because you share a bedroom doesn't change that you have 3 incomes and you all want to live there.
Obviously it isn't fair to renegotiate the deal between you all without the party that is going to pay more for no reason.

It would make sense to renegotiate should your living situation change or the price goes up or something like that.
Say the friend gets a boyfriend living with her too.
Now you are 4 people. Then it makes sense to tell everyone to pay $375, effectively making the friend pay more.
But $1500 isn't that much on rent to begin with. Arguing over this seems petty.

I haven't seen that OP responded to how other household bills are split, or if possibly water/sewer/trash or anything else is included in the rent. I have seen apartments that offer cable and Internet and include it with rent. So please breakdown the bills for us anons OP.

If you were just 3 roommates then I'd say the person with the single private room should pay more but your a couple. If she had a bf move in what would be the fair distribution of rent payments then? They pay 300 apiece and you pay 450 apiece because of the room sizes?

May advice is if this has been an overall good living environment and you get along well enough continue with your initial agreement. If the reason for bringing up a change in money is because it hasn't been too good, then move out.

Everyone pays evenly and there's no argument
That's how it goes

If they don't like it they can fuck off. The only time I don't charge equal rent is if they got no bedroom.

Everyone pays the same rent. No problems. 800 each from all 3 heads

Your roommate us 100 percent in the right. 1000/500 split. And this is coming from someone who is married sharing a place with a single girl and my wife.

You're basically using your extra vote on the matter as a couple to push your roommate around.

Look, splitting bills down to the minute payment scheme is an easy way to turn a workable situation into a fucking nightmare. "Oh hey, you're using 15% more water, I'm calculating that into your rent!!!" - this is how you turn your life into hell on earth.

Split it 500 each way, you're all sharing one apartment. Don't start nickel and diming people over every square inch of territory they've got. The reason you split the rent is so you can all afford to live there, you're not the property owner trying to extract value from the land you own.

If she isn't willing to pay, ask for a threesome every month in lieu of the extra $100.


>do it or we'll make your life here a living hell for the rest of the time you're a resident.
Then steal his food, throw away a sock here and there, sabotage his shit, and just use his shit as yours. He'll leave soon or capitulate, and if he leaves you can just charge the next person the correct amount.

or this

Couples do things together. And if they're in the same room, they're going to be sharing the same light source. Couples also shower together, sharing water. 2/3 argument is not fair. You fucking retard.