Me and my gf share a flat with her friend, it's a two bedroom apartment and we live in one room whilst she has her own...

me and my gf share a flat with her friend, it's a two bedroom apartment and we live in one room whilst she has her own. the rent is $1500 and we initially split it equally between each person so 500,500,500. This rent renewal me and my gf calculated that we play $1000 for nearly a slighly larger room whilst our flat mate pays $500. when we asked to split more evenly ($900 for our room and $600 for her room) she said its not fair and had a bitchfit. what do you guys think is fair?

Attached: RoomSketcher-2-Bedroom-Floor-Plans.jpg (600x450, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>living away from home
>living with another roastie

I think it's pretty fair, especially considering you're still going to be paying more of the rent

that's what i think, might have to tell her to fuck off and find another place.

>This rent renewal me and my gf calculated that we play $1000 for nearly a slighly larger room whilst our flat mate pays $500
You must be some kind of math genius. How long did it take you and your gf to realize you pay 2/3 of the rent for a slightly larger room.
You already made the agreement and now you want to reneg on it.
Besides, who else are you going to find to pay 500$ of your rent to live with literal morons?

P.s: Wow, girls really do go for those top tier males, lol.

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>me and my gf
fuck off normalscum


Attached: normiesgetout.jpg (750x1000, 64K)

that was the deal made when we were all student and the agreement was signed at the agency. we now don't have a contract and at the time I didn't have to worry about money. i doubt you will know anything about this topic as probably your mom didn't make you sign an agreement to live in the basement.

ask your gf. is she ok with telling her friend to fuck off?

I'm in a similar situation. My boyfriend, roommate and I just split it three ways. We have a good friendship and she's an excellent roommate. I wouldn't want a small amount of money to get in the way of that. My advice is to just keep things the way they've been, unless the roommate is getting on your nerves and you have someone else in mind to fill the bed.

she doesn't mind. if we have to pay $1000 a month might as well put it towards a mortgage for a house.

she has been okay as a person, but she never was keen towards cleaning, splitting bills etc which is the only reason we would move it. she has a philosophy of 'whats yours, is mine' which doesn't really work for m.e

1: fuck yourself and never post here again
2: you're being a real jew about this. If 3 people live in an apartment the rent should be split 3 ways. Just because you're fucking one of your roommates doesn't mean that the 3rd wheel should have to pay extra.

>i doubt you will know anything about this topic as probably your mom didn't make you sign an agreement to live in the basement.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, that is rich coming from a literal moron who relies on not only 1 but 2 females paying his rent
you are such a fucking loser, dude
even the guys who actually live at home are less losers than you

Attached: C367neuXAAIoLxj.jpg (798x770, 64K)

this is why you will never dip your cock in anything else than a sponge pussy

That sounds irritating. Maybe have a house meeting and just kind of discuss all these things.

It's never a comfortable situation, when you're getting pissed off that someone ate all of your snacks or refuses to clean up after themselves, and you want to confront them about it. But don't let her take advantage of the situation like that.

you are literally fucking demented. i am not gonna be a charity for someone.

I've fucked 50 girls
you barely got one through being massively retarded
loooooooooooool, you already are and you are completely retarded for not seeing it before now
jesus christ, you must be the dumbest poster on Jow Forums I have ever seen

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>3 people live in an apartment together
>two of them are fucking
>"because we are fucking, we should not have to pay as much to live here"
>post on r9k for some reason asking people to validate your greed
>angry when people tell you you're being a jew

pic related

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All this trouble for a measly 12 hundred a year. Holy shit dude just pick up two extra shifts per year and it's covered. If you had any sense you'd be trying to get the roommate to put out too, even if it's just a blowjob.

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Are you a jew? Who gives a shit about that paltry amount.

Just fucking get your own place with your gf and no one else already.

>that image
I am really sad that is fake.
Pic related.

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Hey user. I've been renting rooms with my partner for years. Use and show the bitch the results. 900/600 rent is totally fair, more than fair in fact. It's two people living in one room, it makes no sense to pay $500 for each person while the other person gets an entire room for themselves.

>resorting to virgin shaming

It's a two bedroom meant for one person per room. Just because you decided to move in doesn't mean you get to reduce your rent for sharing a room. Keep rent same and pay 2/3 for utilities. If you don't like this then move out and get your own damn place.

Your suggestion isn't unreasonable but I can see why it would piss her friend off. Should've thought about it before you began splitting the way you did.