Posted this on /tv/

>posted this on /tv/
>have cute coworker
>we gave each other movie recommendations
>most of mine aren't on streaming sites
>offered to give her a USB memory stick with the movies on it
suggested this is a terrible idea
what should i do instead Jow Forums?

thinking of pretending i forgot all about it.
/tv/'s suggestion was to somehow get her to watch the movies together. can't invite her to my place, i live an hour away from her. i don't have the balls to suggest we watch movies together or have a movie night at her place, picturing me suggesting this makes me cringe

this grill has many Chad guy friends. even told me about a high-end dinner she went to with one of her guy "friends"

pic somewhat related

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>posted this on /tv/
What the fuck you fucking idiot how the fuck was this tv related i swear to christ you newfags get dumber by the year jesus no wonder that board is so shit if its full of lobotomy patients like your retarded ass

Is /tv/ full of incels? I have never been.
It's too late now and honestly there isn't much difference between giving her the flash drive and scheduling a hang out to watch some.
If she isn't interested then changing the game plan doesn't help you since she will blow you off regardless.

are you okay bud?
i asked for movie recommendations on /tv/, things a grill would like

Ask her on date. You wont get better advice than this. Ask her out. Burger and park. Netflix and chill.

asking a coworker on a date seems hard tbqh, what if she says no? then when we work together it would be awkward

i don't even have her number
maybe being friends with her is the way to go

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>has low sense of comprehension
>writes this much and contributed nothing
based retard

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Ask her on a date without using the word date so you have some plausible deniability.

You ask her for the date before the number and you will get the number to help facilitate the date.


>i don't have the balls to suggest we watch movies together or have a movie night at her place, picturing me suggesting this makes me cringe
Bruh, you gotta be bold. It sounds washed up but nothing that worthwhile comes easy and without fear and risk. Be bold and not like her provider friends who spend 200 bucks for dinner. Just be a chill and normal guy, worst case scenario you end up watching movies with a girl and nothing romantic comes out of it. Big deal.

What's the worst that could happen if you ask her out?

>asking a coworker on a date seems hard tbqh, what if she says no? then when we work together it would be awkward

and this is why you don't date coworkers, then if she does date you, and she goes sideways enjoy getting fired from HR complaints.

so just give her the memorystick and was considering saying something like "hey you know, i'd be down for a movie night, i think we have the same taste in movies"

she's a coworker. she could complain to HR that i'm being inappropriate
or word will get around that i asked her out

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do you have Face, Height and Frame?

Look what you do is this

You dont give her anything. Instead just tell her your recommendations and when she says she couldnt find them online then you invite her over to your place to watch them as a movie night. Its gonna take some balls on your part cause you sound like a pussy btw

>have a cute coworker
>to scared to date her
Well OP then just give up or fix your act you fucking gay faggot

i wouldn't say that i do

i already offered to give her a usb stick though
>invite her over to your place
i live about 30 minutes away by car, an hour by transit. and worse live with my parents

what if she isn't in to me
i always see her talking to better looking, tall guys tbqh

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So tell your parents to go somewhere for a night

Her arms can't be that long

they literally have nowhere else to go

and i'd be embarrassed to bring people to my house. my room is fine, but the rest of the house is a little cluttered. not hoarders level, but a quarter of the way there

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I live an hour and a half away from my gf by car and have spent every weekend with her for 2 years. If you can't get her to watch a movie with you she isn't interested. And fuck your parents.

Give her the USB, but with one or two movies, then after she sees them, talk about them but end the conversation by inviting her to the movie theater as a date(this is important), by taking her to a movie theater she won't feel that much of a pressure and will more likely agree after it go somewhere to eat and talk, once she's more confident around you too you can invite her to your place.

Unless he's an asshole, your dad is one of the best wingmen you'll ever get. A dad will throw his wife out the house overhead if it meant his son has a chance getting laid tonight. He'll find a place.

>A dad will throw his wife out the house overhead if it meant his son has a chance getting laid tonight. He'll find a place.
not my parents, they are very conservative when it comes to relationships. and literally don't have anywhere else to go if i asked them to leave

thanks, i like this idea
was going to put 5 movies on it, but this might be better

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why would a girl choose me, a guy that lives with his parents in the suburbs

over a Chad that has his own condo in the downtown core?

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getting fired

don't try to date a coworker OP

You're never going to get pussy with that attitude.
Stop making excuses.
Identify the problem, come up with solutions, put solutions into effect, review progress. P-MOPS and PERT method bro.

Question, if u work at the same place as these chads, why can you not afford a place of your own like them? Not downtown but at least your own.

Also, just treat her regular, don't put this bitch on a pedastool. This will make her wonder why her sexual powers aren't working on you and she will try to test you or step up her game with bolder actions. THEN you act. It's all a game user.

OP for real here's my advice

Do not shit where you eat

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thanks for the advice

the Chads either
>have rich parents that give them an allowance or down payment on a condo
>live with roommates
>are fine spending 50%+ of their after-tax income on housing

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>self-defeatism in every reply
just give up then

Cucked for life

in the reply you quoted i was just being honest tbqh

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>saw her chatting and laughing with two different Chads this morning, popular, funny guys at my workplace
>she emailed and asked me for the memory stick, but I didn't bring it with me. Wasn't sure she was interested in it tbqh

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KYS after killing your family and friends first. How does a subhuman miss the point then accuse me of doing it; I hope you drown before you pour more shit onto this website

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