Does anyone else become suicidal after heartbreaks...

Does anyone else become suicidal after heartbreaks? I'd had my heart broken many times yet this one stings a big more and I just want to jump off a bridge. Men still don't want to have a relationship with me beyond sex.

I met this guy on a dating site, and I thought things were going so well that I felt genuine love for him. And then he just ghosted me like all the guys do after 5 months.

I'm not a hoe, and even if I was, I wouldn't share my bodycount with them, I guess he just really didn't love me.

If you have a similar experience, please share.

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Yes. Every single time.

Guy, here. Make the fact you're going on a date with these guys PUBLIC knowledge. Take a photo, and upload it to your instagram or twitter.

Never give a man on-the-side-sex without getting a commitment of time and resources from him. If he attempts to dump you, drag his fucking name through the mud.

At the very least--assuming you have the looks and youth--meet guys on a sugar daddy site as opposed to Tinder. At least you get compensated for Christ's sake.

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AHHH I met him on a sugar daddy site, SA.

But thanks for the advice, I will make it clear I don't want to just fool around and will take pics.

Would it be weird if a girl told you she loved you within 5 months of "dating"? I never told him that for that reason.

bruh. I made a connection with a girl over 6 months. Not friends not... not friends? we don't hang out. but text and talk a fair bit.

Anyway she's always working so even though i asked her out, she put it off or said she wasn't ready. Then suddenly asked me out one day... and cancels the morning off. Then disappears. for a month and a half. Said something like, going through some shit, needs some time etc etc. So I give her time, never messages me again. Blocked me on Instagram that kinda stuff. ok she is not interested. happy day.

Walk into one of my normal hang out spots and suddenly shes a bartender there and acting all normal, even friendly to me like she didn't ghost on me.

Sadly this sits worse with me then her just disappearing. So I left the bar, told her it annoyed me and ya. I don't know. I can forgive not beings interested, or having shit going on and leaving or needing a break but to act normal and friendly while not even trying to explain yourself just doesn't sit well with me. Maybe I'm beings a child about this. but how the fuck can you ghost someone then when you see them again the first thing you do is try to get really close and feel my beard. You can't be close and boarder line intimate and ghost someone flat out at the same time.

am I fucking crazy?

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>I'm not a hoe, and even if I was, I wouldn't share my bodycount with them
If a "bodycount" is applicable to you, you're a whore regardless.
>Men still don't want to have a relationship with me beyond sex.
Given that you are in fact a whore, it's unsurprising that you attract manwhores. After all, you give them (and gave them) what they want.

You can blame these men for "breaking your heart", but you are the only one to blame for your broken soul.

>AHHH I met him on a sugar daddy site, SA.

Well, you have part 1 down pat. That's good.

>But thanks for the advice, I will make it clear I don't want to just fool around and will take pics.

In addition to photos of the date, take screenshots, too, of your back and forth messages.

If the guy who just broke your heart has a wife or a great career, send the screenshots to his phone. Make him compensate you for the pain he is putting you through.

>Would it be weird if a girl told you she loved you within 5 months of "dating"? I never told him that for that reason.

Depends on how you define "love".

If you're like most women, then you are defining love as, "I want us to projectile vomit our deepest emotional secrets onto each other" and intertwining that with "please take care of me forever and ever, daddy".

Most older guys don't want to get emotional. And almost all guys don't want to commit their resources.

This is why I just say both genders should just level with one another, and do a trade.

Man trades social status for the woman's beauty. Woman trades sex for the man's wealth. Have a family that'll bind you together. (Not having kids = not long term.)

Ensure you are compatible in the religion and morals department before spreading legs. That can be determined pretty quickly. Pretty simple, conservative stuff.

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Ignore this guy.

He's roleplaying as a pseudo-intellectual Hannibal Lecter all throughout Jow Forums tonight.

Use the drop down arrow in the upper right to "Hide post". I did.

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I challenge anyone to argue that OP, who in addition to blatant promiscuous behavior flat-out admits she uses a "sugar daddy" site, isn't a whore.

I'm always here.

Why would you think you would find a relationship on SA? Its not for finding a relationship aside from a transactional, sexual relationship.

>sexual relationship

Sounds redundant.

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Women pick shitty men. Repeatedly.

You're not crazy friend. You just have standards and aren't a piece of shit. Good for you. You'll find someone good out there.

My ex was like this. She actually told me recently that she is going through the same shit, all guys want is sex... and I can't find a girl who wants to be serious. Fuck man.

I'm a very average looking guy but I can't get anything online except extreme land whales

woes of being ugly and short

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You’ve really got to date a lot to find a good guy. Guys don’t get any matches on dating sites so they’ll lie to keep you around if they match with you.
But they can’t keep it up. Just go on dates, try to get to know them. Keep things non-sexual. Dump anyone that’s too sexual too early.
I started dating in January. I’ve dumped four guys since then, turned down countless others. The most physical contact I’ve had is one guy gave me a quick kiss on the lips. There’s one guy I really liked but he’s got a weird fetish that is not compatible with my lifestyle.

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Are you so retarded you were looking for an actual relationship on what is basically a prostitution website?

>There’s one guy I really liked but he’s got a weird fetish that is not compatible with my lifestyle.


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Not a female but I've had all my friends bail on me recently, my first gf cheated on me through the whole 3 month relationship, second gf never cared enough to actually go on a date with me (both these were in high school so it was possible to see each other without dates) and my most recent gf after 5 years of being single just kinda stopped responding or making time for dates even though I was the one driving an hour out to see her every time
Other than that every girl I've had feelings for has ghosted me, even the girl that reached out to contact me through several friends
I can definitely relate with feeling suicidal, even tried it once, but I guess my knife was too dull for a proper cut and i just passed out drunk
I'm not real sure what advice to give you but to hang on, and hopefully it gets better? Its generic and i have no reason to believe it will work, but there you go

>an actual relationship


What's the difference?

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>Guys don’t get any matches on dating sites so they’ll lie to keep you around if they match with you.
Can confirm we get no matches but I've never lied cause why start a relationship on a lie. At most I've downplayed the fact I'm currently unemployed and living at home, but never lied about it

A hooker goes away when paid.

You can use a female in a relationship for a lot more than sex, and indeed, if she's not giving you a lot more than just access to her pussy you may as well go back to hookers.

>A hooker goes away when paid.

Paid what amount?

>You can use a female in a relationship for a lot more than sex

Same as a mistress.

>if she's not giving you a lot more than just access to her pussy you may as well go back to hookers.

A relationship might give you access to a family court and child support, too.

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He likes cuckolding. I don't want to bang other dudes so my bf can jerk off to it. Grosses me out.

What do you consider lying? I consider a lot of downplaying to be lying.
For example, a lot of guys downplay that they're only looking for a casual relationship to be more appealing to women that are only looking for serious relationships.
You can tell them over and over again that you're only looking for something serious, sex is really private and important to you, you don't do hookups or date multiple people at once etc. What you want ultimately is to get married and start a family.
And they'll say "Well I definitely am also looking for a serious relationship if I meet the right person." Over and over again.
Then you give them a chance, try to take things slow. Everything seems good. They keep coming on to you after you tell them all these things. So you start believing you're the right person, that they know that you are only interested in a serious relationship. You've said it a hundred times and they always tell you that they are also interested in a serious relationship, with the right girl. They tell you how special you are to them, they are so appreciative of you. They're so glad that they met you. You start believing you are the right girl.
So things get serious. You start sleeping with them. Their Dad dies, and you take time off work to comfort them. Help them through the funeral. Try to cheer them up when they come to you for comfort.
Then something happens. They meet someone else. Have to move for school. The reasons change but the result is always the same.
"I told you in the beginning that I was only looking for something casual."

Those guys seem pretty shit user, I guess you need to word questions better or get more specific about what you're asking, so theres no way they can twist their answer? I know a guy that did stuff like that and while he isnt proud, he knew there was always a way because the questions were always pretty open ended. If you get specific about it then the only way they can get past is by lying, which I guess doesnt really help, but at least they cant claim they were honest? I dont know how to really help other than listen, since a lot of guys can be pretty scummy and hide their intentions.
To answer your question, I consider lying to be deceiving someone. Telling a false statement, or wording it so specifically that the only way to defend what you meant is to say "Well technically..."
I only downplay my employment and living status in that when I talk about something I word it so that I can steer around that I'm unemployed living at home. If asked, I'll answer honestly. I just would rather someone decide not to date me because I'm unlikable, not just cause I'm down on my luck at the moment

They act shitty but it's on me, huh? No matter what they do.
Men lie. Maybe women do too, but I've never dated a woman so I don't know.
Listen to what men say and know that nothing you ever say to them will ever mean anything. It's always what they say. OP, find a man that says he wants to marry you, make you his wife, and have children with you. Anything less and you'll be disappointed.

I don’t trust anyone who hasn’t contemplated suicide at least once. They say it’s not normal to have those feelings. Those people are either lying to themselves or they never had any traumatic event happen that made them question the point of dealing with more pain. I understand it’s not okay to live like that, and reaching out for help seems like a waste of everyone’s time. My mindset, if this is the only life we get it should be one filled with more good memories than bad ones. Nobody who broke my heart is worth dying for, they can go fuck themselves.

>They act shitty but it's on me, huh? No matter what they do.
Didnt mean that it's your fault, just that you cant change other people's behavior, you can only change your own to adapt to it and prevent it
>Men lie. Maybe women do too, but I've never dated a woman so I don't know.
I've found women lie less, at least on dating sites, but it's hard to lie when you're barely sending one sentence responses at most
>Listen to what men say and know that nothing you ever say to them will ever mean anything.
Nah I've seen firsthand how a woman can destroy a man that was previously confident and independent, just by saying something he did hurt her. He also tried getting into her hobbies to spend more time with her. So this statement is untrue
>OP, find a man that says he wants to marry you, make you his wife, and have children with you. Anything less and you'll be disappointed.
Agreed on this point

Kids can damage a relationship by virtue of becoming the least important person in her life for 18 years. If she’s a good woman she’ll know how to be a good mom and partner. Most default to single mom mode and leave the dad for government handouts plus the child support from the guy who only wanted to take care of his family but the “love ran dry” and she hates herself for doing that to a man who stepped up and supported her and their kid.

People are cunts expect for the ones who know a good thing when they have it.

yes, and every time

With the guys you fall for and sleep with what is the timeline? How long before you sleep with them?