How can they not see it

How can these journalists write articles and not see the answer glaring right there in their fucking face?



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>Attempts to diversify the schools without touching the test have failed. Neither the expansion of free test prep for minority students nor a new plan to offer the specialized high school exam during the school day made a dent in the admissions numbers.

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We live in a retarded dimension.

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Very brave and powerful of them to criticize the all-city public schools for not being diverse enough, I wonder when the follow up article will be about the need to diversify the private and rich neighborhood public 90% white / Asian schools that they send their own kids to?

>few address the elephant in the room

Oh shit he's gonna say it

>merit testing is raycis

You gotta be shitting me

See all those Asians? Must be their Asian privilege that got them into the school.

The other 892 were Jews.

You need to gentrify black people. Trying to fix the problem at high school level is too late.
Need to end:
1. Food deserts
2. Lack of breastfeeding
3. Welfare for single moms so that dads have to stick around

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>Must be their Asian privilege that got them into the school.
they're the only ones smart enough to game the test with an earwig and a team of guys with books in a van parked outside

They know it but they refuse to acknowledge that they know it for fear of repercussions.

>The other 892 were Jews.
only 1/4 the rest were the true jews the Asians, probably mostly chinese with some Koreans thrown in

>yes it’s a test, no it’s not an equal playing field
Wew lad, she’s getting dangerously close to the truth.

It's wrongthink, so they torment themselves mentality for having the thought, until they no longer do. or at least they convince themselves they don't.

probably are counting the poo's as asians as well, maybe even arabs. Not that they are known for there high intellect, but might be some.

exams are racist


everyone at the NYT needs to subscribe to pewdiepie

>by eliza shapiro
now how many jews got in?

>Eliza Shapiro
OP is a faggot

Meritocracy is raycis.

If only there were some millionaire negroes they could hit up to start some negro test prep program, since apparently that's the problem. But there aren't, sadly. No millionaire negroes at all.

Equality in opportunity, not equality in results, why can't they understand?
Equality in results is also impossible.

>Eliza Shapiro
was that Ben's sister?

because they genuinly believe that IQ is bullshit and it's all "socio economics and institutionalized racism". those people live in a fucking bubble. the only blacks they meet are those outliers that somehow managed to end up on the right end of the bell curve. so the journos assume every black is like that.
then there's their kike handlers who push this agenda knowingly

Fucking somebody needs to kill some liberal journalists already. An example have to be set for spewing random bullshit

These patterns... where have I seen them before...

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>You gotta be shitting me
typical boomer kid. boomer parents told their brood that "you can be anything you want sweetie". so those fags believe that merit is bullshit because if you really want you can be a brain surgeon. society is just so racist that it makes blacks and wymyn not want to be brain surgeons.

Boomer here, old enough to live through this some odd 30 years ago.

In a 1984 regime, the media sure have to play by party line guide book, but that doesn't mean an editor worth any salt (ie less likely to get brainwashed) actually believes it.

So they play the cartman's "women can be funny" gag - make a sport of making it sound as ridiculous as possible. They can't fight it head on (its their livelyhood), but at least have a little amusement by mocking it.

Tongue in cheek like this is especially common in china nowadays, and in post communist slav-lands it has a sort of folk halo.

there are millionaire negros. but those negros keep their distance to the black community. mollybot had a interview with such a negro once. negro told that black community is a fucking crab bucket. they try to pull you back and give you shit if you don't squander your money on "black issues". negro told mollybot the only way to become successful as a black is to stay away from other black people

ffs pls stop posting this shit. their sample size in that one study was 20. 20 kikes were testes. vs over 800 blacks and over 1000 whites.

Commie ideology is based on subjective thought, user. This is why they can't see it.

Because they don't actually believe that people are inherently different. They believe we are all inherently equal, and if not, it MUST be because of society. Do you really think they would be all for diversity if they knew that people are inherently, genetically, different? Of course not. These are the people who look at a black guy who did bad in school, beat people, killed people, robbed people and then look at a white person with good grades, no criminal record, and works hard, and then says "The only difference between these two people is the color of the skin. Everything else is because of society, and because of that, we MUST work harder to equalize these injustices!"

They're just low information dummies who believe SO SO much in what they spout that they refuse to even consider the possibility that people aren't inherently equal.

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That's gonna fix their ape genes?

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How the fuck are these mother fuckers so rascist accidentally