How can they not see it

They know it but they refuse to acknowledge that they know it for fear of repercussions.

>The other 892 were Jews.
only 1/4 the rest were the true jews the Asians, probably mostly chinese with some Koreans thrown in

>yes it’s a test, no it’s not an equal playing field
Wew lad, she’s getting dangerously close to the truth.

It's wrongthink, so they torment themselves mentality for having the thought, until they no longer do. or at least they convince themselves they don't.

probably are counting the poo's as asians as well, maybe even arabs. Not that they are known for there high intellect, but might be some.

exams are racist


everyone at the NYT needs to subscribe to pewdiepie

>by eliza shapiro
now how many jews got in?

>Eliza Shapiro
OP is a faggot