My son is communist?

He's 15 and he's seriously a Communist, he reads stuff about Karl Marx and Stalin all the time, he used to LOVE video games, and now he doesn't even like them in the least, he said I was free to sell them. (I haven't)
Would the Communists in Russia or Germany even accept him as a "Comrade" if he were to go over there?
I'm just a little confused, thanks in
i got this photo from one of his Instagram "fan pages" where has gained the attention of actual left wing politicians this is really my main concern.

Attached: WAIT (2) - Copy.jpg (511x398, 21K)

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it's just phase mom

I was a fifteen year old communist until I read the gulag archipelago. Get him a copy.

I'd do some research and find some communes he can move to immediately when he turns 18. Present them all to him and tell him to choose one he likes and make sure he's ready to leave by his 18th birthday. A commune allows him to skip the war and struggle of pulling down the class system and start immediately into perfect Communism. Then ask him to write you regularly to keep you updated how life as a communist is treating him.

I think the worst possible thing to do is to actively resist him on it because it will stoke his rebellious ego even more. I know from experience as I was a rebel kid but I did much worse (or arguably better) than faggy extremist politics.

When I was 15 I was heavily into Elfenlied and edgy gore and kept looking up car crashes online.

If youre seriously concerned OP wait for a few more months if it works out or not and then start giving him History lessons, starting with Holodomor. Let this personality develop on its own and if you are a parent of a soon-to-be young adult and actually posting his image on Jow Forums while asking for parenting advice then he's probably going through more steps than you. The only solution to raise a clever offspring no matter what circumstances life puts them in btw is teaching crucial critical thinking skills

He just doesn't want to work when he's older.

The communist mindset is "I don't want to do that, someone else should do it for me".
That, is the basis of the communists. Deep down it's what they really all are.

Just ship him off the venezuela and he'll come back a radical capitalist who owns 50 sweatshops over there.

Buy him these books
Minimanual of the Urban Guerilla - Carlos Marighella
Guerilla Warfare - Che Guevera
The Urban Guerilla Concept - Red Army Faction
Chomsky on Anarchism - Noam Chomsky
Can Life Prevail - Pentti Linkola (more fascist but still very important information about ecological issues and useful for the far left as well)
The unabomber manifesto

Lean him away from stalin and mao. The only way communism can work is in an anarchist society where there are no leaders and people work together. Take him shooting as well. You have to make sure he doesnt fall in with the degenerate weak onions filled leftists who use beliefs for social points and to lat themselves on the back.

honestly this is probably the best advice.
if he's gonna be a commie, at least make sure he isn't the faggot kind

>Would the Communists in Russia or Germany even accept him as a "Comrade" if he were to go over there?
You're living thirty years in the past.

Get him on the school wrestling team, too. I think if he discovers the joy of competition and the pleasure of being a winner he will snap out of it.

Yeah like we need even more eco-fascists shitpoasting their hot takes on twitter crying about tfw no tribal waifu

Beat his ass for being such a faggot. Explain that communism has resulted in so much death & destruction that there's no way you'll continue to raise him if he pursues it.

What do you mean by destruction specifically?

Tell him to come over to /leftypol/.

I think if you ever want your spawn to reproduce you should not clip his wings with faggoty elephant walking republishit.

a thread just died for this
this bait is so obvious it hurts

> people die in a communist country because of poor leaders its communisms fault

> people die under capitalism because they dont have access to things they need to survive because fair distribution hurts profits, not capitalisms fault

There is no moral reason to be a capitalist

We could always use another useful idiot.

Yeah except you keep what you earn and without competition resources just get gouged or run out.
You can take litterally any economic problem America has ever had and directly relate it to happening because the Goverment got involved.
Name any one of them right now.
2008? Goverment
Inflation? Goverment
.com bubble? Goverment
Healthcare prices. Insurance and medicine prices? Goverment
McDonalds cheaper than healthy food? Goverment and the consumer
Massive debt that wed never pay off?
The inevitable collapse of social programs?
Irrefutable proof throwing money at poor people doesnt make them end up rich or put them into the middle class yet you think on grand scale it suddenly does.

America does suck, plot twist everywhere does. People still beg for the thing that made it suck in the first place while blaming the things that made it good I. The first place.

Under communism you work because of duty and because it makes your society better. Not because of money. I know it’s difficult to understand because of how different it is to everything you know but everything you need is provided to you by your community with the expectation that you will provide for your community. This isnt a free handout this is a society where everyone is taken care of, not by a state but by their neighbors.

And it always ends up in genocide and turmoil on large scale because?

Sell/remove all his stuff, leave his room blank exept for a mattress and a lamp

Force him to do chores if he wants food

If he complains just tell him you wanted to respect his choice in communism and support him

Because thats stupid bullshit tankie communism (and even that doesnt end up in disaster all the time look at cuba) communism will only work when its anarcho communism with no leaders, only communities working together to achieve prosperity. I suggest you read up on it because you dont know much about communism or the far left and only know about the faggot antifa (nothing like true antifascists havent even killed one yet) you see on fox news

Anarchism and Communism are litteraly the antithesis to eachother.
Anarchy is Maximum right and Communism is maximum left. Maximum State power vs Maximum individual power.
Neither are a possibility.
As soon as 2 people work together they have made a Goverment.
What will you do with the people who do no cooperate?
What will you do with the people who do not produce their fair share?
What about the people who cant produce?
Someone has to produce to cover for them.
You're just a retard who spent one semester in college and read Marx once withiut knowing he was a drunken racist covered in boils and litteraly worked one week in his entire life.
He lived off his parents money then Engles money.
You're basically doing the same thing as taking diet advice from a morbidly obese person.

He’s at that age where he thinks he knows how the world works, it’ll take a girl breaking his heart to snap out of that mindset. Although he might want to grow a beard with that mustache if he wants a girl to be attracted to him.

You litteraly unironically look at all of civilizations history and say " OKay this is example of Capitlism being bad but examples of my ideas being bad dont count cause potatoes and the exact same things I think totally arent the exact same things said before every single Socialist and Communist revolution even though it's all written down from people who were there or on fucking video hehehehehehe"

Someone decides they want control so they don’t have to work hard like everyone else, and a mass murdering commie is created out of thinking they’re above manual labor.

I don't see how losing interest in video games is a bad thing. If he's taken an interest in politics tell him he should read more than just communist/leftist stuff to get a well rounded view of other ideolegies, start introducing him to things that are slightly more normal over time. Let him know that there are ups and downs to all sides of politics.

introduce him to Jow Forums :)

Left wing and communism is far apart you dumb ape. Your son will come to realize the futility of his ideology. But at least one of you read...

your son has grown up in an environment where the ruling class blatantly steals everything that isn't nailed down and is refusing to meaningfully address climate change, which, if left unchecked, will cause the civilization he's living in to collapse and possibly kill him in the process. if he's interested in leftist elements of party politics that's a good sign because it means he believes democracy still works and believes in using it reign in the current anarcho-capitalist system. that seems like a reasonable.and well-adjusted belief - at least he's not joining neonazi terrorist groups.

a lot of the people in this thread are suggesting more or less torturing him into sharing your exact political views. don't do that, it won't work and will only traumatize him.

Communism is literally left wing authortarian, how are you this retarded?

Why do all these awful bait threads about "my _____ is a leftist" always think lefties don't play video games? Or even better, were once 'gamers' but have been 'brainwashed by all the anti-video game propaganda'. Honestly it's such a big give away that it's a poor troll attempt.

Since this thread will attract communists I'm going to ask a question I was always curious about.

How does one become a communist exactly in today's world? Since population right now is really high, trying to spread the wealth kinda equally would result in everyone being dirt poor. I know that the 1% have as much wealth as the other 99% or something, but if you think you can cuck the elites, that's foolish. Even in the countries who were communist the elites were always rich.

what's wrong with being a communist?

No real communist will debate these points because you've very clearly done little research or are specifically providing leading points which are suitably vague that you'd be able to manipulate the situation continuously. We're used to the right wing playbook of vaguery, not being able to argue a single point to its conclusion and trolling at this point, desu.

Show him what happens in literally any communist country, especially today. Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba sure are paradise!

Head on over to (brace yourself; it's not always a fun place). If there's a redpill thread go there and ask for anti-communism redpills (you don't have to go into why), if there isn't repost this thread there. Print out anything you find convincing and ask your son to read them.

My next suggestion would be introducing your son to other philosophers; start with the Greeks. If you're American, Robert Curry has a nice little book about the Founders philosophies and is a good launch-point if you want to turn your son into a patriot. Avoid scumbags like Hegel (most German and French philosophies are full retard).

The idea is to expose your son to other ideas, thinkers, and the realities of communism. Anyone exposed to more compelling ideas will quickly realize that communism is an authoritarian pipedream with no understanding of human nature.

Hell, make him sit down and watch Yuri:

Any smart 15 year old who is NOT a communist is not to be trusted. He'll get over it.

Are you having fun under all that tinfoil, user?

I think the better question is "what ISN'T wrong with being a communist?"

>not answering what seems like genuine curiosity to the best of your ability

Bro, pls. Do you even want to inform people about your stances, or do you just want to scream about how someone hasn't read Marx yet?

>not being apolitical at 15

Then again, at that age I had a friend who couldn't decide whether he was a Nazi or a Communist every few months. The boy was brown and throwing sieg heils, or playing the soviet national anthem on his mp3.

I'm not interested in sealions sorry.

Let him read Sorel


Huh, I learned something new. Thanks user.

What an incoherent conspiracy theory

A lot of communist these days are sexual deviants who think that the communist revolution will free them from current societal views on their deviancy

Not right wing since I'm not really too decided on politics yet, but I don't understand the appeal either.
Isn't society already really tolerant to weird sexual stuff? Heard that you even got more chances for Google to look over your CV if you are a tranny.

> not right wing
> uses tranny unironically

You're just an idiot centrist liberal then, so basically a right wing enabler, which is even worse because you don't even stand for something.

Get him Hayek, and economics in one lesson.
It is good to show him a plethora of opposing ideas.

If by being centrist you mean not having a stick up my ass, then yeah totally

You people are so fucked in the head, user. It's like leftism is "all political viewpoints except my own are EVIL" the fucking ideology.

>implying he didn't use tranny because this is fucking Jow Forums you doublenigger

Talk to your son. Humour his ideas, don't just dismiss them out of hand. Provide well argued counterpoints, but not in a confrontational manner.
this provides an outlet for his frustration at society, and if you teach him to appreciate good, logical arguments, he will naturally be drawn away from communism, seeing it for the logically flawed idea that it is.

t. former 12-15 year old commie

Your son is a lost cause at that age OP..
Go hard on educating him and hope for the best..

capitalism has also lead to death and destruction, kind of a dumb argument, people are still going to die no matter what political system is in place.