Give me ad/v/ice... how do I win over my dream girl? I've tried so hard and got so far but she still ignores me

Give me ad/v/ice... how do I win over my dream girl? I've tried so hard and got so far but she still ignores me.

I'm severely autistic and I've never had a girlfriend or sex before if that makes a difference. Help.

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>I've tried so hard and got so far
In the end it doesn't even matter.

It's not gonna happen get over it

Why not?

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Compliment her. but not too frequent

You poor bastard

Because she not your dream girl, only your current obsession

She's been my dream girl since I was 7 including all my other love interests she was unironically been there in the background.

With that picture this thread feels like troll bait.

But whatever.

You’ll never get with her becuse you know you’re not good enough.
Lower your standards and get with someone more like you.

You don’t even understand the use of the word irony.. did you drop out of school?

Wrong, no.
YOU don't understand the meaning of the word irony.

Any advice?
Like what kind of compliments?

What would be ironic or “unironic” about her being in the background of your life? You don’t have half the intelligence you think you possess. Nor the mental acuity to win the affection of the person you have a crush on. Accept what you don’t have and be honest with yourself. All this deflecting is just your ego trying to protect itself from the truth.

You want good advice? Most women want a man who can provide for and protect them, they want someone with goals and talent. If you want any chance at getting with someone you’ll work on making yourself worthy of a partner.

Your advice is bad. You think everybody is the same lol.

Why don't you eat a full pineapple and see if you can say that again.

Pro tip: most people are very much the same, that’s why idiots like you are easy to read and manipulate.

>easy to read and manipulate
Am I? Why am I? It's to test you.

Any more Jow Forumsice!?!

Any more advice?

Any more advice

Any more advice?

Any more advice

Any more advice?

Any more advice

Any more advice.

Any more advice?.

Any more advice

Any more advice?

Any more advice

Any more advice?

Any more advice.

Any more advice?.

Any more advice.

Any more advice?

Any more advice

Any more advice?.

Any more advice.

Any more advice?

Any more advice

I advise you to stop

Any more advice?.

Any more advice.

>got so far
>ignores me
Pick one

Any more advice?

Shit bait OP, shit bait.

Have you ever asked them out? How did that go down? How did you ask, what did she say in response, etc.?

You say you've considered this person your dream girl since you were 7, which is hilarious foolishness, but ignoring that for a moment, tell me more about how you met and what she currently is to you. Is she your friend, a fellow student, a friend of a friend, your sister, your mother, your right hand, etc.?

What's stopping you from pursuing this girl BESIDES "hurr durr I have autism"?
Pro tip: "hurr durr I have autism" is not a valid excuse for ANYTHING.

Answer my questions completely and I'll do my best to give you the advice you're asking for.

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I asked her if she wanted to be friends and she told me that we already were friends.

I am also socially awkward and yes its a valid excuse

>I am also socially awkward and yes its a valid excuse
Nope, it isn't. You neuter yourself with thinking like that. Continue to use your social awkwardness as a crutch to hold you back and you'll never get the girl.

>I asked her if she wanted to be friends and she told me that we already were friends.
Good, so you're already friends with her. All you've gotta do now is take it a step further, but beware, if you tread too far into relationship waters, you will threaten that friendship and risk losing your connection with dream girl 1 entirely. Make sure that you're ready to take the leap before you go further.

So it sounds like you haven't asked them out yet, this is actually a good thing because asking girls out is typically a turn off for them. You're going to want to get closer to her by spending time with her instead. Here's your game plan:

Since you already know this girl, you should know what kinds of activities she enjoys. You need to ask her out to do those activities with you. It can be just the two of you, it can be with a group of friends, however makes you comfortable. Eventually you're going to want it to be just the two of you, so you can really strengthen your bond. This process takes weeks, possibly even months, but what you really want to do is break the "touch barrier". The key is to gently touch her whenever possible. For example, touching her gently on the shoulder when your behind her to get her attention. NONE of these advances should EVER be sexual at all. DO NOT DO ANYTHING SEXUAL AT THIS TIME. This should be common knowledge, but I wanted to be clear with you as you've complained about your inability to understand social clues. It's okay, you can learn to recognize them. It's important to be fun and have fun with her.


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Go out as often as you can and just have a good time with your friend. Worry less about getting into a relationship with this girl right away and worry more about getting close to her. Break that touch barrier and get comfortable with her. Once you've gone out with her a few times, try inviting her over to watch a movie or a TV show that you think is awesome. Sit close to her for the movie and be available for a physical connection. For this first movie, let her make the first move. If all goes well and she does make a move, you can continue as far as she'll allow, but if she doesn't make a move at all then it'll be up to you the next time you invite her over for a movie. It's as simple as putting your arm around her or trying to hold her hand during the movie.

Getting out of the "friendzone" and into a relationship can be difficult and frustrating, but it isn't impossible. Don't lose hope, just keep working on the relationship you've already built with her. In that regard, you actually have an advantage over others. You already know what she likes, how she enjoys spending her time and her mannerisms. All you need to do is act on them.

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Bro... Seek help immediately.

Any more advice?

Any more advice?

Any more advice?

Any more advice? I really like this girl.

Any more advice? She means a lot to me.

You have to be over 18 to post on this site

Any more advice?

You were given a full plan to work off. Now all you need to do is implement it, not keep spamming on Jow Forums. Get a fucking life you ape.

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Any more advice?

>Any more advice?

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I give you


Any more advice? She means a lot to me.

Any more advice

Any more advice?

Any more advice.

Any more advice? I like her a lot.


Any more advice?

Any more advice I love her

Any more advice. I love her.

Any more advice? I love her.

neck yourself

Any more advice? I really like her!

have you tried calling her and telling her you really liked her?

Any more advice??

No, I don't have her number.

Any more advice.

Any more advice

so what did you try so far?

Saying hi and asking if she wanted to be friends and talking a little about other stuff.

and how did she react?

Well, I asked her if she liked the class we were in and she said, "Noooooooooo." Then she just ignored me for the rest of class.

This other time we had some pretty normal conversations though I think.

I said hi and she usually says "hi" back almost every time!

Then I asked if she wanted to be friends and she said, "What?" so I asked again and she said, "I thought we were?"


Any more advice? She is my dreamgirl.

why don't you ask her out?

Because if she said no I would cry for several years.

This is a simple one to rationalise. You can either try, fail and deal with the pain or deal with the pain of never having tried at all and losing them all the same. It's not a hard decision to make, if we're being wholly rational about it.

I've heard that from here you guys told me it's supposed to be a buildup starting at friendship and I've never even hung out with her before yet.

Friends still ask each other out. Asking her out means asking her to go do something with you, not "asking her out" and then not actually doing anything like you're in fucking kindergarten.

I'm socially stupid,
I am worse off socially than a kindergartener. I've never had a gf or a friend before and I spend 99% of my life alone doing nothing.

You would be so bored if you were me you would probably give up on everything.

I don't know how to ask people out. Just being in the same room as her makes me very nervous and I get diarrhea after she leaves every time becaues I was so nervous

Any more advice?

Any more advice???

Any more advice?

Any more advice

holy shit wtf if this isn't a troll and it's actually all the same person then you should actually leave Jow Forums and go outside

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Any more advice?

Any more advice...

Any more advice.

Any more advice?

I swear to athena...

Any more advice

Any more advice?

You aren't a real girl right? Girls make me nervous. You must be G.I.R.L (Guy in real life)