
Is it weird if I’m dating a woman with a teenage son?
I’m 25 and I’m currently seeing a 36 year old woman we met on tinder and our dates were fantastic easily the one girl who I’ve matched at a 100%, she did mentioned a son, but to be honest I thought it would be a young kid, he’s 15 god damn it, he’s a fucking pain in the ass.

I need ways to deal with him, nothing bad of course but a way for him to understand I do like his mom.

How can I make him like me a little bit, I’m not referring he calling me dad but at least be fucking civil

I don’t really want to end things just because of him...

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Talk to the mom about it and get her take on things. You really haven't given us much to work with

>How can I make him like me a little bit
Tell him that you post on Jow Forums and have some epic pepes.


Kids love rare Pepes. You could even trade with him.

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I just didn’t want to write too much, In my case I get bored with too much text, let me put the most important things
>I met this girl in tinder, we talked for a whole week before arranging a meeting, since we both work it was difficult to set up a date
>After that week we went out for some coffee and during the same date we went for some drinks, we talked about ourselves, things we couldn’t on the app or iMessage
> she did asked me if I would be willing to date someone with a kid, I said I wouldn’t mind, but it would be hard getting used to it, she agreed and promised to tell me more some other time, so I did not push too much about the subject, I thought she would open up when she felt confortable
> we have been going out every weekends and some other days of the week like Thursdays and Fridays for 3 months now

Finally met his kid perhaps 2 or 3 weeks ago and shit, it caught me by surprise

Hahahaha i though of that no shit, asking if he knew Jow Forums, but then I was like, perhaps that’s not a good idea

You done goofd, unless you had no other options you never date single moms. 99% it’s her that kicked the father out of her life for welfare and child support. I bet she has you buying shit for them right?

You’ll never get along with him, if you ever had a step father you’d know that. He might learn to want his mom to be happy enough to treat you with respect but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

>currently seeing a 36 year old woman we met on tinder and our dates were fantastic easily the one girl who I’ve matched at a 100%, she did mentioned a son, but to be honest I thought it would be a young kid, he’s 15 god damn it, he’s a fucking pain in the ass.
>I need ways to deal with him, nothing bad of course but a way for him to understand I do like his mom.
How is he being a pain exactly ?
Most kids at that age are dicks (I know I was), there's little you can do except perhaps find something that interests him and use that to have common ground with him.
Hopefully he's the kind of kid that'll move out when he's 18 ?

Not really, she’s one of those I don’t like you paying for my stuff, actually, in one date I will pay for everything the next she does it, next me and so on, she doesn’t want to depend on others, she made that pretty clear from the beginning. She gets weird out when I buy her flowers or presents, or she did at first, I just assumed it was something her ex did, so I’m working on that

I know, I don’t need to be called dad, but shit, I know it’s a strange situation but, well, if the mom is happy, can’t he be at least ok with it?

Retarded opinion. Everyone is different, and some single moms are very decent people.
A lot of teenage kids are just selfish and haven't learned to care of other people's well-being yet.

He has been trying to sabotage this relationship as well as his biological dad and girlfriend’s relationship.
He does subtle things like trying to walk between his mom and me to "cut me away from the herd", disagree with everything I say and pass on any food I bring.
He waits until his mom isn't around to Openly behave like a dick.
It's been a trying time for me, and my girlfriend sees it and knows her kid can be an asshole (she says he's just like his dad).

love her very much. We have a good thing going, except for her son's attitude. Some days, it grinds me down because if he were my son doing her that way, I'd get on him, and HARD. When I stand up for myself and say something, she thinks I'm being harsh.

If I ignore him, she says I'm "giving up." If I stand up for myself, she says I'm too harsh and she feels like I'm saying she's a bad parent.

She and I keep things great between us, which clearly makes him feel uncomfortable. He feels the need to be our chaperone

I feel for ya. You're stuck in the father's shoes, but without the authority to act like one because he won't let some random dude order him around.

You could always try to spend less time in situations where he's around. Go out rather than eat at her place, have her sleep at your place if she's comfortable leaving the kid alone for a night, etc...

Can he be reasoned with ? Can you have a talk with him and tell him his mom will actually be happier with you around?

You can also try to convince her that he does need to be disciplined and that it's absolutely unacceptable for him to behave like that. It's not just about you and your feelings, being a dick will actually hurt his future life if she doesn't teach him to be nice. However this will be a long and hard fight, teenagers will fight you a lot.

btw 25 is very young, too. You're closer to the 15yo than you are to his mother. No brainer he's a dick about it, 15 year old kids are little spiteful shits by default on top of that.

The only time I saw something like this work out was via laying down rules that no one has to like eachother but we'll all be civil. If not, expect to be treated like a kid and ignored or dealt with. He (my friend) also gave a lot of trust to the kids and held no hard feelings over their behavior, he got how uncomfortable of a position they felt they were in.

>You could always try to spend less time in situations where he's around.
currently doing that, taking her out of his power zone, she does like to stay with me since she and the dad aren’t fighting at anything like that, they tend to keep things civil for the child

>Can he be reasoned with ? Can you have a talk with him and tell him his mom will actually be happier with you around?
I think I can get to know him better, and eventually have a friendly bond, but I haven’t figured how to do so.

>btw 25 is very young, too. You're closer to the 15yo than you are to his mother.
I know, again, I met her on a dating app, I just wanted see what I could find, and I ended up really liking her, despite the age gap, I really enjoy being with her, I’ve never dated a woman older than me, and less with kids, this is a new territory for me

Yes, it's weird. I might even call it a bit gross. The age difference between you and his mother is actually greater that the age difference between you and him.
>I’m not referring he calling me dad
absolutely fucking laughable

No I think it's weird you're 25 and you're dating a 36 year old. Not to mention a 36 year old single mother. Get some self-respect you dolt.

Mother and son

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Just the mother, as you can imagine, the “I have a kid”, wasn’t an impediment for a horny idiot like me

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I thought it was you 2 before reading lol.

Play Apex Legends or whatever zoomer game is popular these days. Then when you are playing, you can 'accidentally' call him son. If you do this when you win, maybe it will become positively reinforced and you can become his true Dad.

I Can beat you

Dating at 44Yo
>Im 20
>her sons 20

Does he have hobbies you share, or anything you can use to connect with him? He may start to open up if you share experiences you’ve both had or relate to him with things he personally enjoys.

Wow when to Jow Forums become so cucked?
Back in my day everyone would call you a stupid faggot for dating a single mom, now people are encouraging it

What does her son look like

Man up and daddy up, the world deserves better.

Oh no
o h n o

Dude, he's 15. I was a dick to everybody when I was 15. If my parents split up, I would have been a huge dick to anyone they were dating because I wouldn't want them to pay attention to anyone but how much I was being a dick.
That's it. Let him be a dick, spend less time with him if you can.

You're dumb for dating a single mom tho.

But the body tho, and all of her is so amazing to be honest, I’m enjoying my time with her, would I marry her, perhaps not, but I’ll just go with it

This is the dude, I have to say, he’s going to be a total chad, no offense, he’s going to be great with girls, I understand why he’s mad, but I would rather us to have a civil relationship at least

I forgot the photo sorry lol that’s the kid

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>single mother household
>sees her mom thotting around with people barely above his age
>future chad