Meeting gf's parents when you are much older than her

Any tips on meeting your gf's parents when there is a significant age gap between you and her? I'll be 30 in a few months. Girlfriend is 20. Are her parents going to think "why isn't this guy dating someone his own age"?

Any horror stories, or good stories of this experience that you can share, Jow Forums?

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10 years isn’t that big of a gap for couples. It would be bad if you and the parents are the same age or so.

The dads are always cunts, but if he wants his daughter to be happy he’ll give you common respect.

So what? I’m 470,572 years old, and my gf is only 451,330. We have a 19,422 year age difference and we’re fine

Just show them that you are serious about her and that you are well off and respectable person.

I dated a guy 12 years older than me when I was 20 and while my parents couldn't say anything (they have a 10 year age gap) they disliked him because of his socioeconomic standing. Pretty sad but I have a feeling a lot of parents, especially fathers judge on this

I have 3 sets of aunts and uncles with a 9 year age gap. My sister is dating an older guy, I feel like she would just blame my 3 uncles (2 on one side, 1 on the other) if my parents weren’t okay with it.

Why don't you date someone your own age?

because he can date a 20 year old

He doesn't need you to answer for him. OP is a big boy now, he can explain why he preys on the young and naive on his own. Mmmkay.

because I can date a 20 year old


My Ex's mother tried to stab me, so yeah, be ready to dodge. Not even joking

I believe it depends more on how long you have been dating more than your age

Was talking to this Palestinian Muslim girl on Facebook book last year around this time; sent her a stupid video of myself saying I wanted her and she should be with me; I was wearing a military baseball hat, black mask on my face, black white hoodie sweater, black shorts, long white socks, black shoes, basic Mexican look; first time I ever talked or messaged her before; she liked me and was smiling; she took a picture of herself and her MOM and her mom looked shocked, disgusted, uncertain look and expression on her face; couple days later I erase video and my picture because she never messaged me back and I never talk to her again; she was literally crying on her profile for me and was obsessed with me and the Mexican flag and used the Mexican flag as a substitution for me; as far as I know I could of gotten some sweet 18 year old virgin A1 Muslim chocha if I wanted to; she even invited her friend to Fuck me too; they were both ugly

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Hey OP! Lucky you, I've been in your shoes, twice!

Just be chill. If you have your shit together, let them know it, better yet, have her tell them as much.

Tell them how special she is to you, the usual, etc.

I really hope you are being gentlemanly and paying for all meals / dates etc., if you do, you're good to go.

If her parents are even slightly redpilled, they'll realize that a guy doesn't WANT to date 30+ year old women, so there's really nothing to explain.

If they ask or bring up the age gap, subtly redpill them by saying something like 'well its great that she's young so we have plenty of time to enjoy our relationship and see where it goes.

Also, most redpilled parents realize that guys in their early 20s offer their daughters absolutely nothing but a dick in their hand and risk that they'll end up losers; they are still half-baked, while they can directly evaluate your bona fides and not have to guess.

Don't know how "redpilled" they are, but the dad has a picture of the former flag of South Africa as his Facebook cover photo. They are from there originally.

sounds pretty redpilled to me

let me give you another tip... you must be VERY patient with her. the first time I dated a girl that was ~10 years younger than me, I got frustrated a lot with her inexperience in life. at some points you must ask her to trust you on things, because you have more life experience (but don't ever tell her this because it can be taken as an underhanded compliment that she is less experienced).

Anyways, be patient and loving, even if she's being a dumb 20 year old.

10 years isn't that big a gap really.

10 years is huge. This sicko was an adult when she was literally a kid.

You are a disgusting predator. Stick to women your own age.

25 and 15 would be a creepy age gap. 30 and 20 is not.

If it were my daughter you'd be swallowing your own teeth.

You're 30. You should have found someone your own age and be settled with her awaiting your first child. You'd have to do your best to convince me you were real unlucky in love, cunt.

30 and 20 is absolutely creepy. The 30 year old has lived a life, possibly has kids with an ex, has a house, real career. The 20 year old is just a kid still in university. Big age gaps like this don't matter if you're both 30+, but OP is a sick predator.

Good thing you will never have a daughter. Or lose your virginity.

t. 30 year old loser who has to prey on children

Man, I can't comprehend why such a stable and nice guy like you has never even kissed a girl.

top kek. you're the loser asking for advice on meeting parents at fucking THIRTY years old


I'm not OP nor am I a loser. Why are you so buttmad? A 30 year old guy is dating your crush?


Nah they're still adults who can still make decisions. Saying OP is a predator is really extreme

Damn, i wish i had a 10 year younger cutie, i am fine 8 though since i am 28. 20 qt best qt

>meet somewhere public (restaurant is usually best)
>be yourself, parents can tell when you are faking
>dress and groom yourself nicely
>don't look old

I dated a girl 10 years younger. Didn't know untill she mentioned uni a few months in our relation. By that time, I was already a regular client at her parent's business and shit was awkward. But they sort of already knew I am a decent human being.

You should be fine, most parents are most often understanding of who one can love.

20/F here

why not date someone your own age? like... when i was a 10 year old in elementary school you were the age i am now

age gaps don’t matter as much when you’re older but she’s likely still in school/figuring adulthood out

that being said, it’s a free country so just be calm about it and have confidence when you meet her parents. explain the situation and if they like you they like you and if they don’t they don’t

Love doesn't know age.

t. pedo

>just turned 30
>no kids, no past relationships, never even held a girl's hand
>shitty apartment

At l-least I have a career....


Who gives a fuck. She's an adult. People whining in this thread are just jealous.

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Ah yes, the psychological profile of someone who has repressed feelings of wanting to fuck their own daughter and is buttmad because someone else will be enjoying it instead.

You wouldn't punch anyone queer, stay mad.