Are there women that enjoy sex as much as men...

Are there women that enjoy sex as much as men? It seems like the core of most relationship problems is the single biological fact women just don't like sex as much as men.

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Bullshit sluts always scream their head off.
Op must just have a small dick.

I liked sex more than my ex boyfriend. And slightly less than my super degenerate boyfriend, but I don't feel bad about it.

Yes but they are horrible people.
Like women who compulsively cheat or want to bang as many guys as possible just so they have more bodies than their friends.

> single biological fact women just don't like sex as much as men.
For men, sex is like pizza. If it's bad, it's usually still pretty okay, although you do get one or two in your life time that are so awful you just can't finish it. For women, sex is like getting your hair cut at a new salon. Yes, it could be the best damn thing of your life, but normally it's going to be pretty mediocre and there are so many ways it could go wrong.

I genuinely don't believe men enjoy sex more, I believe that men have less of a chance for disappointment when sleeping with someone, which is more motivating and encouraging. My mate's fiance literally irritates him because she wants it so often. You just gotta find the right chick and be good enough that she's excited to sleep with you all the time.

I woke up to my lady playing around with my member before I left for work tonight. She likes it a lot more than my exwife. Granted she cheated a fuck ton. So maybe she just didn’t like me?

Men go out looking for sex
Men pay for sex
Men chase relationships for sex
If men don't cum their body will literally make them cum in their sleep because they need it

On the other hand women can live without sex. Sure, it's nice to have, but it's more about the emotional relationship than the sex.

There is zero comparison. Hell, FtM transgenders say that by far the most overwhelming thing about the transition and being pumped with testosterone is how ridiculous the sex drive gets. It's a constant craving that pretty much any healthy man has, you can't keep it under control, just satiate it and even then a few hours later you're up for more. Hell there is even a thing where if a man is aroused with two different females the refractory period pretty much disappears.

It's not about "oh men just like causal sex more". It's about "women enjoy sex, men NEED sex".

>my member
It irks me when people use "member" when referring to their penis, you're not the British parliment, although I bet the smell is quite similar. But yeah I just mention it as a general comment not really directed at you btw

They don't need sex. They can just masturbate. Nobody needs sex to live.

Women go out looking for sex
Women pay for sex
Women chase relationships for men
Most women have sex toys that they've spent real money on

>more about the emotional relationship than the sex
Are you a woman? If not, stop speaking out your backside. There are so many women who just chase dick, not relationships. I can't speak to one of my friends about who she chases because we just disagree on why she does it. Most women have a very, very powerful breeding drive as many on Jow Forums complain about and for some other those women that just translates into sleep with as many as you can get your hands on.

We're not talking about want vs 'need'. FtM trans say that they libido goes waaaaaaaaaay the fuck up, yes of course, testosterone is a hell of a drug! But to say that this means that women enjoy or like sex less than men, which is the initial concept, is flawed. You can want something significantly more than someone and still enjoy it far less.
Again, I'm not trying to say your points are wrong or flawed. I just think you equate two biological drives when you're honestly unaware of one of them. You're talking about an imperative 'need' as opposed to enjoying something, which are entirely different concepts.

I meant it more in a sexual release rather than sex way. Either way males having a significantly higher libido than females is just a fact, for God's sake the hormone that regulates sexual drive is testosterone.

In my experience, women love to fuck... They really like getting fucked good. They can't get enough of that.

only met one in 20 years so far that did. she wasnt very good at it tho besides the dirty talk during

>Women go out looking for sex
>Women pay for sex
>Women chase relationships for men
>Most women have sex toys that they've spent real money on

Except for the latter (which stems from the fact female toys are socially accepted and male toys considered a "loser" thing) none of those happen nearly to the degree it happens with men.

Either way, I am not talking about women's experiences, I'm just talking about biological stuff. Do women enjoy sex? Yes, obviously. Do they enjoy sex or crave it to the degree men do? Not even close. This is why many men are frustrated in relationships because the woman can't keep up with their libido.

And this is talking about young, healthy people. The difference becomes ten times worse as both parts age and the female sex drive all but disappears

>I'm just talking about biological stuff
Except this thread was literally started on the concept that women don't enjoy sex as much as men, so you're not exactly staying in context which is why you may be having issues with my comments.

>Do they enjoy sex or crave it to the degree men do? Not even close.
So you're just going to keep chatting out of your ass with no proof to back yourself up with, just anecdotal evidence and your opinion. Okay. I'm not sure what you're anticipating here, enjoy feeling like your partner will never enjoy sleeping with you as much as you do with her, I'm sure that's never going to do anything bad to your psyche.

So then say it like that.
You're right but..
When you say they need sex you sound like those dudes encouraging rape because they can't get who they want and that is such a detriment to society.

Yeah they need a release. I get it.
Women do too but more so in cycles rather than constantly.

Yes, but I have to be deeply emotionally attached to the guy (like my bf). My ex years ago never ever initiated and could barely get it up much less keep it up and we ultimately broke up due to the lack of essential physical intimacy, so it varies I guess.

I mean what you're arguing is that craving it more is not enjoying something more which is at best debatable. If you're asking for sources on men wanting sex more than women then I don't know what to say to you, do you also want sources on the earth orbiting the sun? It is established science.

> which is at best debatable
Yes. That may just be why I'm debating it. It's clear from the rest of your response that you're unwilling to shift your opinions though, so enjoy your thought processes I guess.

Yeah I realized that afterwards. That was never my intention, and I apologize for that.

Well I would say that sex being less of a need for women means they would have an easier time going without it. And if you have an easier time parting with something then I think it is a reasonably conclusion that you want it less than someone who ranks it as more of a priority.

Giving an example, I have sex in the morning. Then I can have sex in the afternoon and in a horny day, probably in the evening as well. My GF is satisfied with just the morning. I am frustrated because obviously I can't force it on her. Who wants it more?

>If men don't cum their body will literally make them cum in their sleep because they need it
I have been told this too.
It have never happened to me personally, I don't think it is that common.

Anyway, men pay for sex because they have to. A desperate woman can find a guy just by lowering her standards, it is not the same thing.
But say women didn't care about sex and could live without sex for a long time, why would a woman cheat on their partner? Obviously sex matters to both genders. I think it is more likely that it is societal to make women more ashamed of admitting to it as it isn't attractive for a woman to crave a ton of dick.

My wife wants to fuck every day.

>enjoy feeling like your partner will never enjoy sleeping with you as much as you do with her, I'm sure that's never going to do anything bad to your psyche
This is basically something every man deals with and society has conditioned us into. Sex is a "for him" thing.

stfu stupid whore, nobody cares about your relationship problems

For men, sex is a need.
For females, sex is a tool.

My current gf wants to fuck all the time, be it morning, day or evening. I think that a guy with low testosterone wants less sex than a girl with relatively high testosterone. A certain level of test in girls is desirable, because it makes them super horny without altering their features.

Women are just wired differently and often shamed from exploring their body instead of finding what naturally arouses them.
Stop the sex opression and then you will see more women enjoying sex, plain as day.

I don't care much for penetration but receiving oral feels fucking amazing

Straight men just don’t know how to get women off in terms of sex, the fact is that most women can’t cum from penetration alone. Even then it’s not like her clit is a magic orgasm button like you’ll see in porn (although it might be for some). Men just get off easier and don’t understand female sexual response.

Also if you’ve been on adv for more than five seconds you’ll see that the core of most relationship problems is 99% communication rather than sex itself. People are afraid of the truth.

How can you expect me to learn how to get women off if they don't want to be with me? This shit is such an insidious double bind that it makes me furious to even read.

Find out what the reason is they don't want to be with you and fix it.

women are encouraged to buy toys and explore though. in fact most women have zero fucking idea about men's erogenous zones either, they just assume stroke dick -> make it cum when the male body is just as complex
in fact since male orgasm is so easy to achieve there is a much bigger emphasis on the man pleasing the woman than the inverse. that's why so many women just starfish in bed
obviously since men do not deserve empathy noone says jackshit about this

"I've been under the impression that you're not really into me"

There is a saying that men want sex and women want chocolate. It's not entirely false.
For men sex is the end all be all of the relationship. You get in one to have sex regularly with a person you enjoy the company of.
For women sex is just one of many perks. It's nice, but it doesn't outweigh the other perks.

This is why many men will tolerate abuse, being disrespected, being belittled as long as you keep the sex coming. Male bonding is oftentimes incredibly strong and can suffice for companionship, but you don't want to fuck your mates.

You learn by listening to the woman in front of you when you’re with her lmao not magically before. You can’t fix an engine if you’ve never even seen one. Asking someone what they like in bed is not only good but expected eventually, so it’s better to get it out of the way right off the bat.

They're really not encouraged to consume sex toys with the way they are packaged usually. Most are sold with sexy partially nude women on the box so that men buy them "for the wife." It's silly, but that 50 shades of grey book really sold a lot more cheap ass and highly breakable bdsm gear than dildos. And the societal pressure for men to know their bodies along with ours instead of giving equal responsibility is the true cancer behind all the starfishes in bed.

>invite girl to date
>"so anyway Katie, how is your sex life? Do you fuck like a tiger?"

Maybe, but the thing is that there is no societal stigma behind owning vibes and all kind of toys as a woman. Whereas a man owning a toy is seen as being a failure that can't get any, so in that respect women do have the advantage.

And starfishes just comes from women being lazy and the "sex is something women do for men" mindset.

There's your first fallacy...

Women don't enjoy sex, they enjoy the benefits of giving sex to a man, such as money, status, etc etc.

Nah, man, there's still plenty of stigma with being the "Whore that carries a sex toy in her purse" kinda woman. There are even still a lot of men out there that flinch when their gf's tampons reside in sight of the toilet. Sure there's no stigma in a house by yourself or a single bedroom apartment, otherwise... yeah even girls turn on themselves sometimes. And not in the fun sexy way that sounded..

I think that the reason why it seems that men enjoy it more is because women get it easier
but once in a relationship if u know what you're doing I think both enjoy it the same
unless she's a whinny bitch who thinks denying sex makes her more special

I think that the reason why it seems that men enjoy it more is because women get it easier
but once in a relationship if u know what you're doing I think both enjoy it the same
unless she's a whiny bitch who thinks denying sex makes her more special

Women enjoy sex as much, if not more than men. You don't see the hundreds of texts women send out daily asking for dick because you're not one of those guys they want to fuck.

>Nah, man, there's still plenty of stigma with being the "Whore that carries a sex toy in her purse" kinda woman.
From who? I've never heard anyone say anything even slightly like that.

>There are even still a lot of men out there that flinch when their gf's tampons reside in sight of the toilet.
You mean used tampons? Well yeah, because it's unhygienic and disgusting. You'd be yelling at me too if I wiped my ass and scattered the used toilet paper squares on the floor. How is your period blood more sacred than any other bodily discharge?

That stigma doesn't exist even close to the way the "lmao fat virgin with a fleshlight" one does.

See this is the issue. You’re jumping all the way to fucking when you’re on a date. You have no sense of context or pacing. Even with what you were saying before:

>“how am I supposed to know what they want if they don’t want to be with me”

You’re not because you haven’t gotten there yet. Asking someone if they like something in bed makes sense WHEN YOU’RE ABOUT TO FUCK. Not on the first date, not on the way to their apartment, not even in their apartment. Literally as a form of foreplay you can talk about it, but none of this matters if you can’t get there first. Also

>do you fuck like a tiger?
>how’s your sex life?

Neither of these questions tell you anything about what the person enjoys in terms of sex. It’s about the individuals body, not anything else.

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>Asking someone what they like in bed is not only good but expected eventually, so it’s better to get it out of the way right off the bat.
>Asking someone if they like something in bed makes sense WHEN YOU’RE ABOUT TO FUCK. Not on the first date, not on the way to their apartment, not even in their apartment

Right off the bat as in right before the first time you have sex. That might not have been clear, but to be fair I assumed it was common sense to not ask someone if they want their nipples licked when you meet them at a coffee shop.

And how does that advice help when you can't even get to the point where you have sex???

You didn't ask "how to have sex".
What you asked is obviously irrelevant unless you are having sex.

>How can you expect me to learn how to get women off if they don't want to be with me?
This was quite literally my question

Make them want to be with you.

You can't.
Which was already said in so many words, but apparently you need it simplified.

There are some, but it depends on your sex drive. Some guys sex drives are crazy high.
I am a femanon. I only have one partner at a time and have to be in a relationship.
I'd probably have sex everyday if I could. But it would be a quickie during the week, with longer sessions on weekends or vacations.
My exbf and I had a lot of problems and we barely had sex at the end, despite me wanting to.

Truly ravenous sluts exist. But not as common as horny men.

I actually think female and Male sex drive are almost equal. The problem is that as men we want sex, upfront, consistently, and the desire isn't really based on how things are going. It's like eating food for us. Just consistent need.

With women it's very mood, environment and buildup based. They doing just look at the guy, and boom they are ready for sex. They need some relaxation, some charm, some food, some ideas of a positive future. When this stuff is running good women can be very horny. When this stuff is running low their sex drive can drop to almost nothing for weeks at a time.

It makes sense because biologically sperm needs to be ejected regularly, but such a need does not exist in the female body.

this entire thread is idiotic. women want sex just as much as men. as in, some women want sex all the time, some women never want it. some men want sex all the time, some never want it. there are plenty of women out there with high sex drives, you're probably just shit at making it enjoyable.

And here we see why user has this issue of not getting dates. I literally pointed this out but apparently you need to work on your comprehension skills.

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