How do I attract white women?

How do I attract white women?

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show them your 9 inch deek

us whiteys have nothing on you

first of all, be white

post penor mandingo.

Im only 5 inches

Be a nigger.
So it looks like you're already done. Now go to a public area and watch them crawl all over you like the race-traitor disgusting worthless prostitutes they are.

Dude we can't even attract fat women.

>only 5 inches

pick one

become a mumble rapper. girls love that shit

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black user here.

Literally just show interest/flirt. A lot of white women have never actually been hit on by a black guy let alone dated/hooked up with one. Hell, a lot of them have honest to god never had a sustained conversation with a black guy. You'll be such a new and curious experience for most of them they will be grinning like idiots and dizzy with thoughts of "OMG liek, is this really happening lol?!" while you're chatting them up.

There will be some who are flat out not into black guys (might even blatantly tell you as much), some who are intrigued but not quite willing to take the plunge (especially if you're in public and their friends can see them; these ones you just give them your number because they may be down if you can be their dirty little secret), and then there will be the ones who are down as fuck for something new.

tl;dr Just go for it.

the advantage of racism is that you'll immediately notice when someone doesn't hate you

It's a meme and a lie retard

so you are black and you have a small dick? is over for you my niggy

Nigga have you ever done a lick of research? I thought whitey was supposed to be smart. The world is more than porn jfc

that doesn't matter, what girls see in porn and movies is what girls expect

Travel to sweden or germany.

You can mount them in the streets like an animal and it's fine as long as your skin is darker browner than a hispanic.

Actually, at this stage I think they have laws now requiring the fathers of these girls to tie a ribbon around them when they offer them to you.

>reality doesnt matter
Theres big cock white porn and the world record is held by some fat white guy. I dont see your point but at least I know you know the truth and are just being a giant fag.

Dont have 7 baby mommas
No "suh cuz, brah homie, niggah" type shit
Dont be a drug dealer or addict
Be successful and cleanly
Good manners

that doesn't matter once again, people keep watching BBC, and white girl will only date a black guy if he has a big dick, sorry bro but thats just how it i.

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Whatever man.

I am a girl, lol.

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>If he has a big dick
And money.

And a nice car.

And can handle your two children from different fathers

is that a pic of you? If so, you make me seethe with jealousy, fuck you!

Why do you do that with your sleeve? I always think it looks dumb covering your face like that..

You have no idea how lonely that picture makes me feel.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Even if that's not you, it still makes me feel lonely because girls exist like that and aren't dating me right now.


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Nice try, tranny. I can see all your masculine features

How 0_o ?

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oh cool so you're a tranny. nice. i was right about you being a giant fag how about that?

If you remove the screw stuck below your lips Id slam that boihole desu. And I rarely find females and traps that are worth my slamming since Im considered an 8/10

Are you transsexual?

Honestly, never mind.

Claim to be a freedom fighting liberal on social media. Just retweet stupid bullshit like how trump is evil and how europe should keep letting refugees pour acid on their citizens because they have to be tolerante of other cultures. Just be really pc and eventually white women sjws will flock to you because of your skin color and because they think you're smart for contributing to ruining the human race. After that just sorta lead them on a little till they ask you to help cuck their highschool sweet heart. This sounds like a joke but my friend did the same thing and it worked like a charm. Just be paitent.

>a lot of them have honest to god never had a sustained conversation with a black guy. You'll be such a new and curious experience for most of them they will be grinning like idiots and dizzy with thoughts of "OMG liek, is this really happening lol?!" while you're chatting them up

It's like you actually went to my high school.

women are fucking retarded

Not just women. I did this exact thing on my first day of college. Parents had just left the dorm, I was ten minutes into unpacking my boxes, and this girl Kristie shows up in my doorway in a plaid pleated skirt in knee high leather boots talking about how we should play pool later and hangout while she caresses the doorframe.

First time in life I'd ever been shown that kind of attention from a white girl and in my head was definitely like "holy shit. is this real life?"

t. black user

Hahaha that's mean

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Ew ew. I thought you were hot at first but now Im disgusted. Try posting nude pics then we might like you