ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

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Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
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>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

>[online dating platform] is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

Attached: download.png (225x225, 3K)

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Holy shit I actually got lucky and found a real nice guy. I feel literally no pressure around him, he's spontaneous and doesn't question unnecessary bullshit and you can be your shitty self around him, not to mention he's incredibly into me.
The thing still is that I'm completely inexperienced and don't know how to kiss or sex. Can somebody tell me how these things work and usually roll out? I already settled down for a life of a cat lady but looks like a sudden chance just came up.

Need help with awkward decision. I'm really tempted to get back in contact with my ex. But last time I saw her, I vowed to never see her again. She seemed pretty tame about it when I said that. I'm tempted to contact her again though.

Only reason is she's easy poon.

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There's various sex manuals on the interwebs. Alternatively just tell your guy you're pretty inexperienced and ask him to let you experiment. Most guys are pretty vocal about what they like so it shouldn't be a problem.

It doesn't sound like she's worth the trouble. Have a fap before you make any decisions.

How does a girl become horny in the same way most men get horny by looking at something sexual/related to their kink.

Yeah you're probably right. It's just that it's been years since I've had a crumb of coochie. Kinda desperate to feel someone instead of my dick again.

Are you a succubus?
Nice message in that pic, btw.

There's a few cute girls at my office that I chat with occasionally. I've noticed at the end of the conversation they say something like "well i should probably go back to work now haha"
is it just because they dont know how to end a conversation?
talking to the guys at work we just chat and then walk away.

>get dumped on friday at a concert because she apparently doesnt love me
>as the night progresses she gets absolutely sloppy drunk. Puking, blacking out, falling down, all that good stuff.
>and because Im a tool and still value this person I pack up her things, call a taxi, pay meme fare money, give her my hoodie so she aint cold and lead her literally to her front door
>give her saturday to detox and on sunday come back to pick up my hoodie. She realizes that probably nobody else would would have done that for her and says she loves me and wants me back whilst crying

Wat do? To an extent I really want her back but I already feel like a big enough fool. Do women normally do these 180 decisions?

lol is /x/ theorizing again because of how often I get dubs and trips?

I have no idea how to text.

I feel like this is the "meta" nowadays, all of the people in my cricket just get dates and GFs by having conversations in messenger, Snapchat or Instagram, but I don't have nor have interest in Snapchat nor Instagram, and I don't think I would use them.

When I go to the club or pub an I'm talking either with someone new or someone introduced to me by a friend, everything goes great, I can make the girl laugh and get her number or Facebook.

But then everything falls apart when it gets to the texting part because I'm boring by text, I can't quite convey my intentions nor read the mood, and I don't wanna be too direct either or reply all the time because I don't want to look like just a desperate guy.

Can someone teach me how to text or just what to do? What O usually try is to just skip to going for a coffee since I at least get to talk to them since I feel more comfortable, but usually they just say they're busy. What am I doing wrong?

I'm a 20 y/o male, virgin, studying 3rd year medicine. Never gotten a afke number, but once I get the number and it's the next day everything falls apart. Help please.

>see ex-gf again for a couple of months after we broke up
>think we're getting back together
>she fucked with someone else because apparently in her mind it was clear that she didn't want a relationship
>3 weeks have gone buy with no contact at all
>she invited me to her birthday party in 2 months
>my birthday is today
>get a text from her

should i say thank you for her birthday text or leave it unread
honestly i couldn't care less

Not ones worth keeping. Listen, your feelings are still fresh but she was prepared to leave you out on the curb figuratively. You did the right thing being the better person and taking care of her that one night, but if she doesn’t know what she wants (makes an impulse decision and changes her mind based on one night of feelings), then she will do this again.

Unread, she doesn't give a shit about you but sees you as her toy, don't show up to the party, look for someone else

okay, i'll show up because another mutual friend is celebrating with her and i'm the dj at said party
won't respond to her text then

Grills in my DND group pretty much never participate if there's a debate as to a course of action, and during combat will always look to the guys for cues on what to do as opposed to making their own decisions.
Is there a way to get them out of their shell at all and feel more comfortable to participate more independently?

Well, if you gotta show up either way, just tell her that you will go and nothing else, since then the one that will look bad is you for just showing up, but once you're at the party, don't go too close to her, and of she tries something, just say you're only there for your friend and not interested in a relationship or something like that.

You can't leave details like the fact that our had to go to the party yes or yes out man. Next time include all the info in the post

Girls are often a bit more passive and validation seeking then men.
It's something you can witness in class too, it's rare for a girl to express her opinions especially in front of men.
Encourage them and try to show you're proud of them when they do it more independently, don't judge them too harshly.

It's also a personality thing. I'm a very outspoken person and have never had issues with this, a lot of my female friends blush when asked to reply to something in front of the class.

yeah i'll be around my friends
didn't mention because it wasn't that mention worthy imo
she'll probably talk to me and ask why i didn't answer her text but eh

Can someone please help me out with this?

Know it might be a bit long to read, but I would greatly appreciate it

What's the ideal number of girls a guy should have been with, before you met him?

My gf doesn’t wanna cuddle wat do ?
Asked her several times why she just gives me the “because” reason
I could understand if she didn’t want to because of a specific reason but this shit is tiring

2 to 4 ideally.
I'm fine with more or less than that, but if I could pick and choose that'd be what I want.


How often do you masturbate? What do you fantasize about?

From 1 to 4 times a week.
I think about stuff I did with my boyfriend mostly. Watch our lewd pics.

10 ish. He ought to have experience in dealing with relationships

A female friend of mine suddenly deactivated all her social media.
Should I be worried?

I don't know, I very rarely go to /x/. I just want to know if you consider yourself a succubus.

They might have a stalker, they might want to suicide...
You shouldn't be worried. Their lives, their problems.

Have you ever fantasized about other guys? (Not saying you’d ever cheat)

Not really. Neither before or after I got with him.
I read erotica sometimes, but he's the only guy I ever wanted to fuck *really* bad.

I guess that makes sense since he’s your bf. It’s easier to think about him because you know it’s real

I dated other guys before him, had sex with another guy. I was never this attracted to my ex. My current boyfriend is really the most attractive guy I've ever met, and we just click both personality wise and sexually.

That’s good

Can any woman just say what is the first thing they like to hear/chat about with a guy after giving them their number/social media?

A topic of mutual interest that will spark an engaging discussion.

What if I already covered most topics when I met her?

Also, guessing that just a "hey" is not a good way to open. And I don't know how to bring in new topics in a natural way via text.


Say you're in a new relationship in which you've only just reached the stage of sleeping together. At what point of setting up a date / being together / heavy petting would you like to know that you aren't getting laid because she's on her period? I don't want to run him hot and cold.

By these standards, I do fit the persona quite definitely.
8 would have to be bent a little, since I don't do that, but I know my triggers and types and how to get them without the literal definition.

It can be anything. I like light banter, or shared interests, or just tell me fun anecdotes.

>meet up
>hey babe just fyi pim on my period
there done

What did you discuss? Bring in a new point or a new response to what she said. I would personally go with "hey it's user, I was thinking about what you said about x and I agree / now realise it may be more complex than that, especially considering y and z" etc. But written how you would, of course.

Get go, girlie, establish your boundaries so he's not getting his hopes up. Consider your feelings at each point if he said no at any of those all while heavily flirting and such.

I've had random eye-contact with a girl in my uni since september and I don't know what to do. I don't talk to her or her social circle. I'd like to initiate something, but it's going to be hard af to get some info about her from the people I talk to because I just know that shit will get to her somehow (it's a very small uni). My problem is not having the balls to ask her out, my problem is making sure this is real and not some schizophrenic hoax my brain has made up. I can't deal with this shy/low-confidence shit, I've never had a problem like this before and it is driving me insane. How do I even know if there is anything other than the fact I catch her looking at me vice versa every day?


Do you mean "does a girl become horny by looking at something sexual/related to their kink?" And it depends. Lots of girls are into that kind of thing, sure. Some are more fantasy driven, or prefer to read erotica. Some have their libidos tied up in their emotions.

Yes, they're trying to be nice/polite.

She sounds like a mess. Stay away user.

If all else fails get one of those speech to text programs and talk at your computer until you get the hang of it. Or talk more like you're talking now.

Don't bother. Delete her contact information.

Try hosting a girls-only group--play it off as girls vs boys playing against each other in the same world--to coax them out and help them gain confidence. It sounds like it's coming from insecurity more than lack of interest, like they aren't sure what the right/smart moves are.

The fewer the better. I'd expect a couple serious relationships, given my age, but the fewer the better. I'm pretty traditional and hookup culture disgusts me. I just need to know he isn't going to be a clingy, over-anxious dingbat.

She might not be a cuddler, user. Break out your body pillow.

Uh. This one's pretty awkward for me because I generally don't. I have a pretty low libido to begin with, and just because I'm in the mood does't usually mean I want to bother with the whole... thing. I'm one of those girls who can't really get off with the whole mood set, and who has fucking time for candles and a bath and music every time they want to get off? I'm too impatient by half, and find it tedious besides.

Which makes me sound like no fun, but I think about all sorts of things and read a lot of erotica, so eh.

Does it seem as though she's settling her affairs in order? I'd call and check in on her, just to be safe.

>Don't bother. Delete her contact information.
i should

If you could stop men from doing one thing in bed ever again, what would that thing be?

If you could stop women from doing one thing in bed ever again, what would that be?

>inb4 say no

>If you could stop men from doing one thing in bed ever again, what would that thing be?
Fucking me like an epileptic bunny.

Varies by girl. Go with shared interests or current events (though I think everyone is still burned out on politics which no one can really avoid these days when discussing current events).

Personally? Unless I'm in a very specific mood I'm impatient as hell and want to know why the fuck you're bothering/interrupting me... in under 15 seconds.

So talk about additional interests, or go in depth about things you already talked about. If you've already run out of things to talk about you're doomed.

I'd ideally suggest setting boundaries before y'all started doing the sexytimes. The sooner the better, but after it's clear you'll be heading to the bedroom sometime soon.

Walk up and talk to her you freaking sperg. You'll find out really quick whether or not she's interested.

Is it too much to ask that we all enjoy the journey? No need to rush to the end there buddy.

>If you could stop women from doing one thing in bed ever again, what would that be?
Being too rough to the D during handjobs and the like. That is a sensitive bodypart, ladies.

Just give him a blowjob instead? He will appreciate it.

What's a good message for you to not consider it a waste of your time?


What does penis taste like? Before and after orgasm

While I don't feel like I can't text, I do kinda hate it. Hearing my phone vibrate more than once in a row straight up irritates me almost every time. It's the biggest reason I've never used Tinder or the likes of it. I'm much more comfortable talking to people in person.
>I can't quite convey my intentions
Do you use emojis? If not, you should probably throw one in now and then.

It'd depend on the person sending it and my own mood more than the message. Otherwise it's very much "okay, what's important here" and "does it require me to drop what I'm doing?" if it does require me to drop what I'm doing I'm far less likely to respond in a timely fashion. There's a few interests--politics, philosophy, gardening/homesteading, beekeeping, etc--that I'm generally up for talking about, gossip can sometimes interesting but usually isn't, and story time (provided it's broken up into bite-size chunks and isn't a wall of text) is good.

If that helps?

I have read a few self help books regarding inter-sex relations and it has honestly made me feel much worse and more hopeless instead of anything else.
>When you have multiple women in your life do this and that
>Always tread your girlfriend like xyz when abc
>Let women know that you have many options besides them
>Interact like this and that with women you are dating
Are there any self help books for people that are hopeless beginners that fail to even attract women AT ALL at the moment?

Yes, that really helps for the second part, but what about the first message, what are some examples of messages people have sent you if you don't mind sharing?

How do you feel if a guy doesn't get off during sex? I have days where I just can't finish if I've jacked it earlier or if I've already had sex that day.

>soft skin

Is it gross?

A guy i'm seeing told me that he trusts me enough to have sex without a condom with me. I don't like condoms, i agreed to have sex without (the first time only).

We start having sex and right before sticking it inside he asks me "are you sure you have no sexual diseases?"

I silently flip out and start an argument saying "if you're not sure, why having sex without it? Do you realize it's rude?"

Did I overreact?

It's a practical concern that affects the rest of your lives
Fuck yes you overreacted goddamn
It's just a fucking vagina, get over yourself

Yes, very much so. It's fair to be worried about it.

You both should get tested before having sex without condoms and you should be exclusive.

>Did I overreact?

It is fair to be worried about, nothing to complain here. But what i'm complaining about is that he agreed to have sex without a condom because he trusts me and i agreed too, because i trust him too. He was the one who brought that up, and in the end we agreed together.

What's the point in asking before sticking it inside, right whene we were in the middle of everything, and ruin the moment?

You are overthinking it

Not as gross as unlemon-d raw oysters, or non kirkland blue cheese, but like an unbreaded and unseasoned boiled chicken breast with wishbone brand ranch.

You shouldn’t be having casual sex desu.

That you ate right after swishing a small dose of lowly chlorinated pool water.

Idk why, but that's a very erotic term.

Not that user, but what if you realize that relationships are overrated as fuck and never work but still would like some dick every once in a while?

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Maybe I taste bad. My keeps her eyes closed tight and she has this stiff expression on her face when she sucks on me. She reacts when I cum in her mouth, and she takes a while to swallow. She says I don’t taste bad but I think she’s lying

Yeah relationships can be overrated sometimes. Maybe you’re just not ready for one. I know i’m not. although I think about pussy, that doesn’t mean I should be having casual sex.

I don’t want to get an STDmor knock some random girl up

There's a woman who
>stares at me
>touches her hair when she sees me
>her hands shake when she is talking to me
what does she mean by this?

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This is a relatively dumb argument though. My faggot ex gave me HPV because he cheated multiple times without my knowledge until it was too late. We were in a relationship was close to a decade-long, and we quit using condoms a few years in, which I guess was my mistake.

But still, getting STDs isn't exclusive to casual sex.

I was the “other woman” to a guy with a girlfriend for months, he told me he loved me, etc. Last month he told me that he loves me but I need to back off because he was moving in with his gf and whatever was going on between us has to stop. He said he wants to try to be faithful. I was hurt but I accepted it, felt like it was karma for getting into that situation in the first place. After they moved in, I didn’t hear from him for weeks and spent that time trying to distance myself emotionally. I figured he was completely finished with me. But now he’s suddenly messaging me again and trying to get me to hang out, etc. Why doesn’t he just stay away from me if he’s made his choice?

Is 26 too old to start dating? I feel like every 20yo girl will laugh at my clumsy attempts to make everything right on a date.

>This is a relatively dumb argument though
No it’s not. Not everyone is a cheater. You just had a shitty boyfriend.

>has HPV
Do you tell every guy you sleep with about that before hand?

I got my first gf at 27

It's not. While it doesn't eliminate your chances of getting an STD, avoiding casual sex greatly decreases your chances.
It's like saying "it's dumb to argue that you shouldn't drive when drunk, because sometimes you'll hit people with your car when sober".

I haven't slept with anyone after leaving my ex, so. I would if the situation called for it, but I'm basically a Christmas cake at this point. Doubt any sex is happening for me anymore.

Because he's a cheater and a scumbag.
Block him and move on.

>I'm basically a Christmas cake at this point

its a japanese thing where they call women “christmas cakes” bc they’re only good til the 25th/age 25. user is a weeb.

My point is that people thumbing their noses at casual sex and viewing it as this STD-guaranteed boogeyman can land a lot of good-natured monogamous people in trouble. Not everyone is a cheater, but a LOT of people are cheaters. Like, a disproportionate amount of people.

I thought the same thing, that I was safe because I was in a really long-term relationship. That's far from the case, obviously. No one can be trusted when it comes to sexual health, was what I was trying to say.

Once a cheater always a cheater
So you’d tell every dude in advance you have STDs?

Some people just don't like the taste in general; and your GF might be one of those people. If it's worrying you, it might help to make sure you thoroughly wash your junk pre-coitus and add a bunch of pineapple to your diet.

My ex-gf had no anus hairs, but she never said anything about removing them, so I guess she was just bald down there. Is that common? Do women usually let their ass hairs grow?

You're not safe but you're a lot safer than anyone engaging in casual sex.
I don't think that everyone who has an STD is a slut, and I don't think that having sex with a long term partner will save you from STDs forever. But it greatly decreases your chances, it is proven.
I do agree with you that no one can be trusted.

>My point is that people thumbing their noses at casual sex and viewing it as this STD-guaranteed boogeyman can land a lot of good-natured monogamous people in trouble.
How? Monogamous people don’t do casual sex and cheat..

You just had a shitty boyfriend. Loyalty and trust is required in a relationship. Obviously he wasn’t loyal. With casual sex, loyalty doesn’t exist. You put yourself at much greater risk.

How is a ONS worth getting a life long STD?

He says he wants to be friends but I feel like that isn’t easy when he was kissing me and feeling me up and saying how much he loves me just last month.

just bc she didnt say anything about it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. a lot of girls get their anus waxed at the same time they get their vag done.

Again - he's a scumbag and a cheater, just block him and move on.
It doesn't matter in which terms he wants to be with you, you don't want to have a man like that in your life.
You either end up being the other woman, or the girlfriend of a scumbag. No positive outcome.

What did she look like?

Please answer- do you tell every guy you sleep with that you have an STD before anything happens?

She said she hasn't slept with any guy, but would tell them if she was about to.
Why do you keep asking? Can't you read?

Very cute desu. Not joking, but she’s better looking than any of my friends’ gfs. I’m saying that from a non-biased point of view too.

I think there is two different femanons