How do I diminish my hatred for women?

How do I diminish my hatred for women?

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Realise that not all stupid people are women, althogh most are, then you'll see you hate not only women but most people.

Also realise you don't need to fuck every women in the world, so you may find interesting woman to chat as you would find interesting man to chat (altho is rarer).

I suppose you should identify what you hate about women and why, and then think about why you hate them for those reasons.

They are evil

Men have violent impulses, women have whoring impulses, humans in general have a lot of shitty qualities. Hang out with the small percentage of people who control their impulses, if they'll have you.

He's obviously not, you can tell by his black and white thinking.

>Also realise you don't need to fuck every women in the world
Not OP, but isn't this just cope? I feel disgusted even pretending to be interested in what these dumb cunts say when they swallowed Chad's cum the day before.

Avoid and ignore

first you got to ask yourself why you want to

People only change if they have desire to do so. If you do then maybe you can do it by developing platonic relationships with women

When something is inevitable, you HAVE to cope.

Getting off Jow Forums would be the most help

Fuck a hooker in the ass.

Talk to them.

same way you diminish your hatred for bears. Just realize that they exist, they're different than you, and they're dangerous.

You wouldn't let a bear babysit your children. So why would you let a woman marry you in the 21st century? See it's you that needs to adjust to the world around you. Hatred makes you want to adjust the world to yourself.

>How do I diminish my hatred for women?
By diminishing the hatred you have for yourself. Life is weird. We're spit out onto this earth and told that we're supposed to want things for specific reasons and it all rarely matches up with reality. We're scared and lonely and full of emotions we can barely managed so our only reliable instinct is to lash out. The people who come here don't hate women; they hate that they need women. They hate that they wake up alone every morning. They hate the fear that lives inside of them; the fear of being alone, the fear of never being loved, the fear of not being good enough. Hating other people is a good distraction but at the end of the day you're just miserable, dude, and maybe some day you'll find a way to deal with that. Maybe not. The only meaningful thing we can do right now is stop pretending like women are the ones who did this to you. Its a convenient answer but we both know it isn't true. You gotta make something of this shitty world, dude.

So should I be alone anyway?
>althogh most are
See, it's no use.
>so you may find interesting woman
Throughout my life, until today I have not found
I hate to need women, so I have no choice.
And what can I do? If I do not hate them, they will step on top of me

Kill yourself, can’t feel anything when you’re dead
In all seriousness based on these posts you’re unsalvageable, you’re doing it out of a perceived need and you’re not going to stop hating until you drop the neurotic autism

You are a woman? So tell me how to drop the neurotic autism, you should know

No, I’m not a woman. For you I’d say hire a hooker and lose your v card, that way you’ll have gotten laid and they had gotten laid and it would be an even playing field

Read sex and character by Otto Weininger

desu women can't be "evil" because they don't understand ethics. To be evil, one has to understand what they are doing is wrong but they continue to do so anyways, women aren't capable of this introspection. They're just simply non-moral.

how many women do you talk to? have you ever been friends with a girl? do you actually understand women on a level that isnt fundamentally driven by your own ego?

I don't talk to them, I watch them talk to each other every day.

wtf did i just read

go talk to a girl then. theyre not all bad.

Cry now
But what will be the difference?

wtf this i just read x2

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You have to realize they are ruled by their emotions in ways we can't understand. You should never get too close to them, or you will get pulled into their emotional tornado.

protip: Stay a virgin if you are. The sex is not worth the bullshit. Anyone who says otherwise is lying

Are you being ironic or stating your own experience?

My own experience. Women are a meme. Date enough of them and you'll see

every person is different. give people a chance.

Observing their conversations is easier.

Realize everyones a piece of shit and to target a specific group only means there's something psychologically bubbling inside you??
Tldr go to therapy hoe

You're a fucking lost cause OP, nothing I or these anons say will absolve you of your hate, I just hope you're timid enough to not do shit about it so no one has to get hurt

You choose to suffer. Get that in your fucking head, get off the internet, and go do something. Anything you do to circumvent this solution is completely on you, not women. If you end up forever alone or suicidal, just know this:

Maybe you got indoctrinated by stupid people on Jow Forums. Maybe you were abused. but if you don't internalize the fact that reality is different from your narrow sighted pov right at this moment, just know whatever anguish you feel from this down the line, its all because of you and I don't feel sorry for you.

This is what i like to call vagina envy, it's like penis envy but its where like dudes who can't get laid or figure out how to be charasmatic enough for attention get jelly at thot powers for not having to try in those departments. Id recommend boosting your self esteem enough so you don't have to drag an entire group of people into your lonely lil pity party deal. Maybe you should try making friends:)

So what's penis envy exactly about? In what department do men have it easier?

My hatred for women is just so I do not hurt myself, if I engage with them positively then they will hurt me emotionally like they all do.

I choose not to suffer, the problem is that I need them anyway, not only for sex, but for maybe building a family and not being alone like the others.

I do not just speak from my point of view, look at the facts and the reality around you, look at the divorces, look at what women do with men, it's not my fault at all, it's women who are ruining men.

Dude nobody has it easy why are you digging. You can envy people, thats a thing that happens... did you know that or did you feel the need to try start an irrelevant debate? See this is why debate team kids have no friends go watch a movie or something

I am not looking to debate, I was actually curious in what department men have it easier. You know, maybe I'd be grateful or something if I'd know.

Sorry This is Jow Forums I didn't expect a question not to be guised as a debate set up and im not in the mood to talk about anything in a well worded way. idk man its different for everyone i think even guys can get jealous at other dudes manhood. For me i just like masculinity and its not like i cant partake in it now but male culture is dope i wish it was pushed on me sometimes. I'm kinda frustrated about the easy to get laid thing i get kinda jaded. Hard to tell if im getting genuine feedback or being told what i want to hear. Cant trust either gender for whstever its reasons but you gotta learn acceptance OP cant keep living afraid of being hurt or living in hypotheticals. Keep weary enough of behavior to prepare you for hurt but not too weary to that it stunts you. To all you weirdly philosophical haters reading this fuck it life's short protecting your heart only makes it fragile stop being so whiny

you can pee standing up

Why would you want to?

To have one by my side like the others.

Why would you want that, though?

lmao underaged get out

To find happiness?

But is happiness found in the act, or in yourself? Is it you that becomes happy or is it the relationship?

You should understand that hatred is futile when it's directed at someone's nature. You cannot change an evolutionary nature of women.

The faster you realize this, the sooner you will find that you shouldn't feel hatred for women for being women, but rather it is a deep sense of disrespect for everything they say, feel, or think. This is what every successful-with-women man has learned at one point or another. Just becareful not to announce it that you disrespect women, keep it on the low and just remember to not treat them as equal, because they aren't.

How can this kind of man appreciate the presence of women then?

For their only worth- the moist hole between their legs

So in the end it all boils down to this

>so I have no choice.
yeah you do

you can either hate them or not every time

you only hate them because you haven't had enough reference experiences to determine that they aren't worth hating.
Try to become like Chad. Fuck a lot of women. Eventually you realize that they are the problem, not you.
You might say that you already feel that way, but do you really? Clearly you feel like you are missing out on something that they have to offer.
Human behavior is highly variable. Women will diss you, neglect you, cheat on you, dislike you for all kinds of irrational and retarded reasons. Once you realize that they are constructing an entirely false reality, you will stop taking them seriously.
Once you realize that they are quite literally living in a different world, you may even learn to love them.

I'm confused by what you said, I could not get the message right, the impression I have is that you're contradicting yourself.

Stop hanging out on dumb sites like Jow Forums

This is the most pseudo-intellectual cringe dialogue I've seen on Jow Forums in a long while

You seem to know a lot xD

Learn to hate jews.

What does this have to do?

You are choosing which parts of reality to look at and which parts not to. Look at all the shitty things men do. All people are simultaneously shitty and great, you choose what you want to see in them.

Befriend one. I like to talk. lymna#7451
Strictly platonic because I'm engaged.


>implying you actually want to stop hating them

Just turn gay dude. I mean I really don't understand your reasoning. You think women are evil and horrible and just good for their hole yet again like many others here you really want one? Do you hate them because in reality you can't get laid or never had a decent conversation with one or because your mother wasn't there for you? Or do you want a gf/wife because society expects it of you?

let me explain im not OP but i think i understand what does he mean. It's love and hate relationship. Urges of man to procreate are extremly strong but the only one who is he attracted to is opposite gender which has hurted him. It's impossible for a man not to have conversation with a woman in their entire life. He might hate them because he actually had conversations with them.

All men want women because our instincts and urges are literal torture. If porn wouldnt exist there would be rapes every single day. No joke.

I cant be gay, but I hate woman, that's why I need help. Do you understand Now?

every single one of you is so miserabily pathetic if i knew the faces behind these posts i would personally beat you up. you basically don't realize you don't have a brain. "avoid and ignore" yet women are the ones who TRULY avoid, ignore and rise above, and you know that, and that's what makes you hate women. if you could truly see how dumb saying this stuff makes you all look you would run away in shame. grow up. but i doubt there's any hope for all of you to become actual adult men.

while you're hating women, men who are so much better than all of you are doctors or volunteer regularly. you all deserve to starve and be homeless if you're wasting your life hating women. how fucking useless can you make yourself be... focus on stuff that actually matters.