How to help with a gf with an eating disorder

My gf thinks she's fat even though she isn't fat. She frequently only eats like 250 calories each day. It scares me and I feel absolutely useless since I have no idea how to get her to stop.

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Have sex with her

Get her addicted to your excellent cooking

Sit down and talk with her about maybe counselling.

I feel like I'm just stressing her out when I tell her to stop or try to talk about it, and she seems like she will either starve herself or hate herself. She always just tells me she can't help it and there's nothing I can do.

Also she already talks to a therapist.

Have her play this

This is your fault
You would leave her if she ate normally and got fat.

No I wouldn't

Be patient with her even if it's scaring you. Telling her to stop won't help here.

Maybe make eating an activity she can gradually get to enjoy e.g. by cooking healthy stuff together, even if she won't eat much of it in the beginning.

Maybe also ask her/a therapist for advice.

My gf suffered from the same, she told me the best way to help someone realize they aren't eating enough isn't telling them "you're gonna die, you're too thin" or stuff like that, but rather "if you keep eating like that you won't give your body enough energy"

It’s quite simple. Show her emaciated girls and ask her if she wants that. Additionally you could educate her on energy balance, and that she can eat maintenance calories.

>Show her emaciated girls and ask her if she wants that
Please don't do that, it will only make things way worse

>She's not fat
Usually thats said when they are. 250 Isn't too bad. At the very least it's something. Anyway she'll have to make her mind up on her own but the best you can do is try and give alternatives for her like working out etc instead of just eating less.

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She said a few days ago that she was 140. She's really not fat.

Same thing happened to me with my gf.
Only she would constantly talk about starving herself in every conversation and eventually she made herself sick, felt light headed and was barely able to function some days.

OP know that there is NOTHING you can do and your gf is SICK. I'm sure she's a great person but she is sick if she has a disorder like that.

do NOT put the blame on yourself at all, and consider finding someone else before your heart gets broken like mine.

pic related if you get what I mean

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That's not really that bad honestly, especially if she is a small girl. If she starts eating more, she will put on weight and possibly make the problem worse. Does she actually HAVE any health problems or are you just concerned for nothing?

Lucky fucking bastard.

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Anorexia nervosa gets a rep for being a fad and something for ditzy girls wanting to look like the magazines. This is entirely unjustified, it is a very serious mental illness that about 25% of patients struggle with for their entire life and that can be fatal.

It is also not nearly as much about eating or body image as usually suggested. It is a way to control yourself, to punish yourself, to be good at something. It is usually perfectionist, type A girls who struggle with this. And oftentimes they themselves can only express that they feel fat or they are disgusted with soft bits on their body, not the underlying feeling that they fail as a human being or they are taking their feelings of powerlessness out on their body.

All you can do is support her. Try not to be TOO strict on her eating or she's just going to lie and hide harder. Don't allow it to become the focus in your relationship. Explicitly and implicitly remind her of everything that she is: funny, intelligent, loving, disarming, loyal, creative, you name it. Have fun together, distract her, create memories. Encourage her to find a professional to talk to but don't let a caretaker-patient dynamic seep into your relationship. Make sure to never, ever comment negatively on other women's weight or eating habits, don't mention calories, portion sizes, scales, anything. When you praise her body don't just focus on looks. Tell her how soft her skin is, how good she smells, how peaceful you feel holding her. Make her feel like a whole person, love the whole of her.

And really do encourage her to reach out for help.

It is very bad. A body can't sustain itself on that amount of calories. Just because you survive and can go about your day doesn't mean your body doesn't take a hit.

My sister has struggled for 15 years. At a (low) healthy weight for around 7 years now and it's still not clear if she will ever be able to carry children after the abuse her body took and the years of not menstruating.

The best advice I can give is to seek advice from a website that is an official authority on the eating disorder she is exhibiting. You must ask them what you should do.

This eating disorder is one of the most lethal mental health disorders out there. I know ppl who died from this. A lot of people die from this. Just cut to the chase and get professional advice and proceed from there. Don't deal with this on your own because you are dealing with a life threatening situation with no experience of your own. Seek help.

Like here Read what this says. Call 911 if they begin exhibiting any serious symptoms and that will probably be a major turning point for them. If they STILL continue to be anorexic they need a serious intervention from their family.

Just keep researching various sources of official information on this like i've shared and then make the decision to act today.

>sticking your dick in crazy
oh boo