Tfw virgin

>tfw virgin
>don't want to have sex (wow what a fucking shocker), life is enjoyable and peaceful as is
>however I feel like I'm obligated to because of society and shit
>feel that no one in this sex crazed porn obsessed society will take me seriously if I say that I'm a virgin and that I don't really want to have sex
Should I just kill myself now for being such a faggot? I don't know what it is but I hate porn, naked women nor men really do anything to arouse me, and I'm not an incel. I do masturbate but not very often and I dislike doing it every time. Is this normal or is something very wrong with me?

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totally fine, not normal though. Think you may be Asexual (liking neither or anyone). Idk man, pussy is pretty great, maybe just go for it and see if you enjoy it.

>feel that no one in this sex crazed porn obsessed society will take me seriously if I say that I'm a virgin and that I don't really want to have sex
I have yet to be put in a single situation outside of Jow Forums where this even tangentially comes up. Unless you're running around screaming "I'm a virgin" at strangers, this is pretty much a non-issue, especially if you're not that sociable.

Some people aren't into it. You could also get your testosterone levels checked.

You are normal, but looks like you are horny so you come here to vent.

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>I have yet to be put in a single situation outside of Jow Forums where this even tangentially comes up.
The first thing that chads always ask me is, if i get laid...

Probably just me spending too much time on the net during my free time honestly, you get surrounded by so much porn and thirst that it just repels you in a way and you start to develop a distaste for it. At least that's what I think is happening anyway, not too knowledgable on psycheology and shit.


I am venting but not because I'm horny, I just spend time thinking and reflecting back on stuff and thinking to myself if it's okay or normal or good behavior or alright to do. So I just go here to get opinions and see what other people think because it's certainly a conversation that I can't have with people who know me.

Guess I can try, but I don't want to waste other people's time or be a drag on them for my own selfish bullshit. It'd be a shitty thing for me to do.

Sometimes we just need emotions to feel somethicng
I am like you
Femanon here, I don't masturbate, I think sex is filthy and that porn Is pathetic and ridicuous
However, being with my boyfriend, After cuddling and kissing, making love with him seems natural, like it is just cuddles
How old are you?
You could be asexual, aromantic, or just need feelings to it
Don't force yourself, society doesn't give a fuck

I guess a connection is what I need then because being asexual is a bleaker outcome. It would mean that I wouldn't be able to have relationships with anyone as relationships all bank on physical intimacy to work and if you don''t have that then it's bound to fail.

Nah dude if you weren't horny you wouldn't care about this stuff and you would do something more productive in your life, i mean c'mon is pretty obvious.

>Should I just kill myself now for being such a faggot?
No, I think you should start by admitting that all of the conflicting feelings and influences you have are coming from you, not from "society". If you were truly at peace with your life and your value system you wouldn't be so incredibly pained by the fact that some people out there may not like it. If you were at peace with your low sex drive you wouldn't be here sperging about it. You're asking questions that you essentially know the answers to but for some reason you insist on laying the blame of that on the specter of "society" instead of taking some time to participate in introspection and really examine your feelings. The beginning and end of your problems lies with you, OP. The only person you're at odds with is yourself.

Huh, never thought about it like that, I guess I just care too much about what other people might think and feel about the insignificant things I do and that the only way to be at peace with yourself is to accept yourself. That's pretty good.

I feel the same way. You shouldn't worry about how others perceive your status as a virgin though. People won't make that big of a deal out of it anyways, if you're not weird about it that is.

Just dont tell people you are a virgin then you idiot

>I guess I just care too much about what other people might think and feel about the insignificant things I do
You care too much because there are things about yourself that you are sensitive about. You aren't sure of yourself. You can logically defend and justify any belief you want but the fact of the matter is as soon as you step out the door and allow those beliefs to be seen by the people around you, suddenly you begin to doubt yourself and fear disapproval. Like I said, "society" isn't doing this to you. You haven't accepted yourself and your decisions therefore you are constantly worried that nobody else does either. I'll give you a little piece of wisdom; people see in the world what they see in themselves. People who are filled with chaos and confliction look at the world and see chaos and conflicting. People who are confident and secure look at the world and see confidence and security. The easiest way our mind knows how to deal with inner struggles is to externalize them. Its like how a kid with acne constantly fears that the people around him are judging him and staring at his acne. We all know they aren't judging him because of his pimples its just that his sensitivity about it causes him to constantly project that fear onto the people around him. Again, the problem is in you. As soon as you find a way to be okay with yourself you'll probably stop harboring this constant belief that other people aren't okay with you.

Based user

Where'd you get your degree in internet psychiatry?

>Where'd you get your degree in internet psychiatry?
If you honestly believe that anything I'm saying is complicated or radical enough to require education in psychiatry to understand you're not a very observant person. I don't know if you realize this but the entirety foundation of psychology is literally just observing people and their patterns and documenting it. If you've ever observed people then you're pretty much a psychologist. It's not my fault you don't pay attention to the shit happening around you.

No, I'm saying that because of how uneducated it is. Stop trying to figure out people's entire lives through a few anonymous posts, it's just fucking awkward and never accurate.

I’m asexual, In the exact same situation. If I were you, I would do your research, and see if you fit the bill. That’s what I did and it worked out alright for me