My husband is into femdom and humiliation

My husband is into femdom and humiliation.
I started doing some things about 3 months ago and things have never been better in our relationship.
I especially enjoy making him give me all his money and/or go buy things for me.
So far it's been pretty casual and demand based.
I want to go next level and make him a submissive idiot 24/7.
Suggestions, advice from ppl who already do this, and generally new ideas are all welcome.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Google "bdsm for beginners"

People like you shouldn't be allowed to have kids

No matter how much in control you feel, you will never have a pure dominant side. So just get that through your air headed skull, at the end of the day your disgusting kind will always remain as a disposable fleshlight for men with urges.

>Get him into one of these
>Don't let him cum for about 2 weeks
>That will put him in a permanent state of arousal

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You sound like a stupid Becky basic bitch. Your boyfriend is probably an average failed Brad too. I bet you're white and dye your hair black. Basic ass bitch newsflash all that shits mainstream because of people like you now so you should have no problem finding info.

>you a disposable fleshlight for men men with urges
>stupid becky basic bitch

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this. op reeks of desperation, not dominance, and just doing something because its a meme right now. if you were truly a dom op you wouldn't need to be here asking. as someone who has had a femdom fetish for years, here is my advice: stop, and find yourself a normal relationship in the suburbs like you so obviousy want. there has been a FLOOD of "newcomers" just like you in just the last few years.
Like, you didn't even initiate the fetish, he did. That guy is probably paying other doms behind your back, real ones at that. Stop embarassing yourself.

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Yeah, 5 hours apart and the poster number went up, but that's totally all the same person there Becky you got em.

I'm gonna go with the choir on this one: it sounds like this isn't for you

you sound like a roastie

he's probably paying escorts to do the job right so i wouldnt worry much

>if you were truly a dom

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Wow Becky, that's one edgy picture! Did you find it on instagram?

Look out you guys its a girl who would break the rules xDDD

Dude seriously, I've had a dominant woman fetish since I was 13 (29 now) and my penis couldn't be softer. Stop pushing yourself on people so much is my advice you look desperate and tacky giving the opposite vibe you're aiming for.

I found it in your asshole, bratty bitch.

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And yet I can't even find a girl that will be the big spoon for a few minutes. Life is truly suffering

Women only pretend to be domme because they make money of it. All the "liberated sex workers" on twitter do it for the easy money, OP even specifies the money is the thing that turns her on the most.
Give up on the search for a dominant female, you will only end up with a faker who wants your money.

Oooooh. I get it now. You're from *that* part of twitter.

How's that act going for you here you genetic dead end of a cunt?

I've met two that had 0 interest in money they just also had 0 interest in me

right, itd be one thing if she introduced the fetish to him but she basically says she is only doing it for his pleasure.

the definition of a sub. stupid cunt

>genetic dead end of a cunt?
I'm laughing all the way to the national bank of tinder.

Looking for more of that male validation you totally don't need?

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>a girl that will break the rules
>develops meme fetish just to please a man

Where does the "breaking the rules" part come in? And no, I don't mean replying with a tumblr thot gif.

Its 2019 femdom is a literal meme
Good job falling for it. Sage is delicious on chicken :-)

Do you understand the concept of identity?

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Do you?

You're insisting you're a dominatrix while basically pleading for male attention the entire while doing it. That's not a dominatrix honey. That isn't how domination works, no matter what kind of broad tumblr definition you try to apply to it. That's why you're so badly outnumbered here. Everyone can smell the submissiveness on you.

Her man sounds extremely basic too. Literal NPC couple. I'm depressed they even exist but more depressed they're here now.

Did I ever say I wanted to touch any of you disgusting faggots?
You know nothing, stay in your basement.

are you even here to learn? you admit being new and keep replying to all criticism from people who actually have the fetish like you know better. your same thotty replies aren't making you seem hard or more domineering, only inexperienced and naive. look at how you're acting vs the overwhelming consensus you're recieving.

I'm really more into mean Stacey's anyways so you're safe from me, Becky Basic.

6/10 b8, will fool many

This. Totally an 'oh sweety' moment with this one. She just doesn't fucking get it.

Neither did my wife. She is extremely meek and thinks I'm yelling when I go up a single decibel. She can't handle any criticism and constantly requires validation from me. She once asked to peg me. I laughed and pulled her pants down, fucked her on the spot. Sorry ladies, 99% of the time you aren't as dom as you think.

You didn't have to. Facts are facts missy. You aren't a dom.

That's not the OP
I am OP
I am reading the good tips. Thanks whoever posted the BDSM wiki.
Looking more for some specific ideas though, all those resources list broad general know-how and not specific situations. Thanks though.

She asks for help then bitchly replies to all criticism with her stuck up basic bitch definition of dominatrix. Well shiiiiiiet honey why are you even making a thread if you already know it all.

dye your hair blonde

blondes in latex are hnnng

cool but the user that pointed out you weren't the one to initiate the fetish was actually giving you good advice.

you aren't really a dom, but if you can have fun with making your guy happy i guess it doesn't really matter

Why do you always invade these threads and make it about yourself?

Even ignoring the idea behind everyone being anonymous and that being a tripfag implies you think your opinion deserves to stand out, you always make these threads about you.

The first comment you made was fine, could you have not just ignored the obvious bait?

[spoiler] I've seen you in enough threads to know that this isn't 100% bait [/spoiler]

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whatever you do don't die your hair black you probably will tho so whatever.

dominatrix isn't about having a "uniform" its about being a fucking dominatrix and being your truest self and having a man worship you for it. I sincerly hope you aren't just falling for the goth meme with this to please your NPC of a husband. I am so sick of all you girls trying to look and act the same. You want a uniform, a handbook, but you're just gonna wind up looking like everyone else.

Nah, you have only disgusting basement opinions. You hold no fact nor flame.
This is why none of ya'll get laid except with money.

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Men are trained to enjoy novelty, so yeah, when you come at him with a completely new look and a bit of confidence he is gonna get going. Don't fall into some meme fetish just because of that. Goth dominatrix is so fucking overdone, why not go for mommy or something VAGUELY original

Tripfags bucko
They've never changed
They'll never change
That's what tripfags are. That's what they do.

seems like a borderline who got let loose. i think she's black just ignore her

>mass reply
>smug anime image
>can't accept the fact that a dom is the one that initiates the fetish not the other way around
You're blatantly butthurt. I'm married you idiot.

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Oh, suddenly no more replies!

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At the end of the day you're still playing comparison games on Jow Forums.
I guess it's more a statement of 'we really aren't convinced a dogfucker is some sort of mysterious domme, as much as she's one of those bitter people who attacks people online to help distract herself.'

are you retarded? You were replied to.

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>hur I'm married miserably
Who's flaunting identity now?

>Tee hee, I smacked my bois bottom when he asked me to!
>I'm such a dom, ladies!

I never posted anything about identity and my marriage is pretty great.

You are flustered and not realizing that you're interacting with more than one person. Frankly it is hilarious how you've confirmed basically every stereotype about namefags. Sweety, this thread wasn't about you but you've twisted it into you poorly defending yourself.

>I'm big tough sub faggot and it's law that an identity be one way
>I'm not a troll, Jow Forums!

>is wrong about something
>muh trolls!

here we go with the tumblr definintions guys, i called it

go back to tumblr niggerella

>person clearly defines an identity
>people attack identity
>hurr why you defend you
You're clearly trolling now.

Why would i dye my hair black? Is that a meme?
My hair is naturally dark blond and i dye it platinum blonde.
I naturally wear vinyl and latex.
Why are you, second guy, assuming i want a uniform or to be a goth chick, i didn't even ask for clothing tips, why are so many of you fixated on how i would dress?
I specifically asked about IDEAS. Things TO DO. Not clothing, not hair, not style.

It actually kind of is. That's required for it to be an indentity.

Why are tumblrfags like you so obsessed with having to indentify as everything under the sun? Can't you just fuck off and be the normie everyone can see you really are?

Facts are facts. Doms initiate the fetish. Truth hurts sweetheart.

Again, it is funny how you've made this all about you. You took it personal and have made an ass out of yourself.

Don't even mind them, they only know the contact of a domme's through porn.
Explore the niche fetishes before moving to edge play, hun.

that guy literally said being a dom isn't about having a uniform. Jesus christ namefag, you're impeccably stupid.

Hi, could you answer my question?
I know you've seen it and i'm interested in why you keep on arguing with people. You've derailed OP'S thread and the poor OP only wants advice on stepping on her husband.

TLDR: Why are you constantly derailing threads?

because like all other namefags, they're an attention whore

Dunno why you think a tripfag is gonna be honest
They're not here because they're confident. They came to an anonymous imageboard to have an identity, like come on
These are that fat girl on Facebook who called herself 'tripgoddess'

You're the fool for engaging them. They'll never reply to points that are well-made, they'll only post in a thread so they can keep that attention coming ...

Why else trip? If your advice was good it'd be good and wouldn't need a label. Right? Perfect logic, but damned if a tripfag cares-- they're too inflammatory for other places that require registering but they can't stand /b/ because there's no tripfagging or IDs there anymore which means you're truly anonymous which bakes their cake right to a crisp.

Remember, you're only as wise as are your replies to the tripfags few.

Considering you sound like you're 14 I think I'll stick with my own experiences and not some underprivliged minority girl LARPing badlyonline. The only identity you've shown yourself to have on here is a childish, borderline personality one. I feel like I'm talking to a small stupid toddler, not a dom and that's the truth. Do you feel like one right now? I bet your palms are all sweaty and shaky.

What does edge play have to do with this? Are you just saying words at this point?

Bondage, Impact Play, Tickling/Teasing play, Pictophilia stuff, Temperature Play
Whatever you want to try.

Christ you guys are dense

That wasn't an answer his question. Good lord you are helpless.

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Why is everyone answering the nonsensical BS "a girl that will break the rules" is saying?
Look i initiated this saying my husband is into femdom and humiliation, but that doesn't change the fact that i initiated it and i enjoy maaaany aspects of it and i've done many things.
I didin't go to reddit to get some normal bs ideas.
I came to the most degenerate place i could think of because i want the most degenerate and obscure shit possible especially in humiliation. Because i have done a bunch of stuff but want to take it to the next level.
All you guys have said are pretty normal shit. Even the BDSM wiki "consent bla bla".
Stop answering that dumb person, hit me with your most degenerate weird shit possible.

I want to try answering my question

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shit on his face and make him wish he never married you

nothing is more dominant than taking a shit on someone. really gets the point across what you think of them

Because Jow Forums is a dead board whose nearly every OP is just in denial anyway, either you reply to bait or you become the bait.

Rule number one of the tripfag is never break the illusion.

You sound like an ugly fuck who has to go on Jow Forums to put "normal" "basic" people in a catagory lower than to feel better about grotesque features and a "big" brain thats not "big" enough to figure geeks and eccentricities (aka crazy ppl) are a stereotype too. meditating helps

do more than make demands, grab his face by his cheeks look him in the eyes and say "Im going to fuck you, and you're gonna like it you disgusting pig". He'll be hard as a rock.

Fuck off larping incel

I don't get why people don't understand that that is the reason Jow Forums is a fun place to talk. Each post is its individual identity and you are purely judged not by your past but by the content of that post/chain discussion.

People beat me to it, but you could get away with forcing him into a diaper and denying him entry into the bathroom while taunting him as he wets/shits himself. It's more of a dominant humiliation kinda thing, but the plus is that controlling something so basic and core to most humans is a pretty dominating thing in of itself.

You want /b/ not /a/

Have him spend day on all fours. Leash and pull him around. Use him as furniture.
Fuck one of his friends in front of him. Tie him up and whip him if he won't stay in place.