How do you cold approach a girl if you are not a chad? I tried talking to this girl...

How do you cold approach a girl if you are not a chad? I tried talking to this girl, she wasn't even cute she was fat and she wouldn't even look at me, kept staring at her phone. I realize girls are busy and get tired of guys approaching, but I can't be better if I never practice.

Femanons, especially the attractive ones out there, probably get hit on every time they go outside. How do I manage to get a number when there's nothing physically too unique about me? Basically how do I build a chad personality? I look like pic related, but I'm short about 5'9

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You have to be awesome and know it.

First off, I am cute and fat and I get hit on all the time. Don't hit on women that aren't your type. We are not there for you to practice.
Second, and this relates to the first point, women are very wary of bs. Be genuine. Nothing is more of a turn off than meeting a guy and realizing you don't know anything about him after talking with him. Don't spend the whole conversation complimenting a woman. Try to get to know her, but also reveal things about yourself.
Third, you really only need one good character trait for some woman out there to find you attractive. If you meet enough people one of them will be someone you're attracted to. What do your friends like about you? Are you funny? Be funny. Are you smart? Be smart. Are you very dependable? Etc.

Uh.. be a Chad?

>I am cute and fat

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-Karen Carpenter

Is it really worth it dude? What do you honestly think you will get out either sex or a relationship? Searching for satisfaction outside if yourself is silly. Where does satisfaction originate? Outside of your own feelings? No, from inside you. You are running and running stressing yourself over biological bullshit when you can be more satisfied by not wasting time and energy stressing over this stuff

I have more fun, and enjoy more success when I stop thinking about I want, and help others get what they want.

Watch these. If you can't bother spending the time, you're not allowed to complain about girls being buzy, whatever that means.

Cold approach is VERY hard, even for Chads.

You have to have some point of contact. If you're in the same class, ask if she got the assignment you missed. If you ride the same bus, comment on the traffic or weather. If you're at a party, ask how she knows the host.

This works, but is a lot easier if you make the interaction in continuum with your daily routine of talking to strangers in general. The more you talk to clerks, bus driver, little old women feeding pigeons in the park, postal workers and people waiting at bus stops, the more natural it'll be to strike up conversations with fit women.

shut up incel

hitting the gym could never hurt

In case anyone cares, notice how OP says the girl wasn't "cute", that she was fat, and that he wants practice.

Imagine you are a girl and a dude with no social aptitude comes up to you to use you as practice, because he is not even into you at all. Would you be interested in that? I wouldn't.

It's not about being "Chad", it's about not being a waste of time.

It is about self improvement honestly. I know that being satisfied with yourself is better than any relationship, and I think that comes when you know that you can get any girl. You don't have the feeling of inadequacy.
I wasn't trying to romance her, it was just friendly chat in the bus. I was just trying to have a conversation, but she wasn't interested at all. Although that could be because of many reasons.

>it was just friendly chat in the bus.

Do you often see people talking on the bs when they didn't get in together?

Also, you wanted to get her number, didn't you?

>Although that could be because of many reasons.

And yet your first thought was that you are not hot enough and need to be more "Chad".

>Although that could be because of many reasons.
Keep this in mind with every interaction, and you'll diminish the chance of meltdown due to rejection. In fact, you'll diminish the chance of rejection.

I'm trying to be more social in general. She was next to me on the bus, I made some small talk. I don't think that was inappropriate or anything. Just trying to be friendly. Because for years I've done exactly that, just be totally silent.

And let me be insecure in peace! I'm trying to change that though.

>Because for years I've done exactly that, just be totally silent.

On the bus it's fine to be silent. The problem is if you are at a party or even a class and you sit by yourself not speaking with other people. That's when you are "too shy".

If you want to improve socially, you need to accept social boundaries. Talking to a woman on the bus is not the best way to come out of your shell.

All right, I won't verbally harass women on the bus anymore. Bad autist

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See? You overreact. Even if it was a dude he would probably have ignored you. It's a stranger on the bus with their phone out, you can't expect them to just drop everything to make small talk with you.

Careful, I saw a guy asking closed-ended questions and talking a lot about himself to a girl, when he got off the bus the girl laughed at him behind his back.

You are right, I'm sorry. Won't try again.
I don't care much, my intentions are sincere.

How does one identify good character traits?
I have no idea if I have any, or what they are.

>approach one girl
>she isn't receptive
Ok, whatever, try another. That's the crux of it; to stop letting every little failure defeat you.