ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything

Before you post, check the FAQ.
Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.
If you can't handle upsetting replies (or the FAQ) don't ask. You will be bullied out of this thread if you act salty.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

>[online dating platform] is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

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Where do I meet girls who are losers and young like myself?

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>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>That crowd just seemed very desperate, and in the worst way imaginable. Just off the top of my head, because I still hear this shit in my nightmares
>>you would look good in a glass display
>>I would pay a lot for a doll that looks exactly like you. Even if it was just the head.
>I can't quite capture the feeling the second line gave me. It sounded way worse in my native language
This is why we guys hate dating. Trying to approach you with anything original, instantly gets us labelled as "nightmare fuel" because we aren't attractive to you.

And here you are, complaining about being swarmed by guys. Fucking entitled bitches.

What would you think if your gf wanted to post lewds online?

I kind of want to ask my bf if he's down. My ex wouldn't even let me post selfies online, so I fee I've been repressed a lot. I like to be shown off, and I really wouldn't even mind if he had access to the account I post them on, or even if he was the one posting them (with my consent).

Idk, don't want him leaving me tho lol, like for sure I'd rather not post lewds or bring it up if it means he might break up with me.
Also want him to post too cus I think he's hot, but yeah...

Whats the right/most attractive amount of muscle for a 30yr old?

In the past I was Jow Forums. Im in the process of getting in shape again, but want to be bigger/stronger than I was previously.

But I dont want to get too big.

Also, what are the top 5 most attractive parts of the male physique (what should I work on the most)?

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Ottermode is general dad bod biggest for millenial women nowadays. Anymore swole than body builder status and you stray into 80's macho man milf fetish and attracting twinks if you're strong fat.

What if a guy always talks badly about his gf to his ex? And seems really attached to the ex and indifferent and trapped with current?

You should do what makes you happy and healthy and be with someone who loves you as you are. You'll be miserable otherwise.

I'd say focus on being healthy foremost and fit enough to do activities you enjoy. So generally different sports have different physiques to excel at them but also you have to work with the body type you already have.

>is there such thing as "friendly date" ?

been into this girl for 2 years, she has a bf and she knows damn well I'm into her
we're good friends, she lives 4hr away so once in a while we "meet up" on week-ends,
of course no bf involve.....

still we've NOT yet crossed the line but hey....
I'm thinking of making a serious move.
in a month we're going on vacation just the 2 of us, we'll rent an airBnB in southern France

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Once again...still in progress of getting in shape again.

My muscle mass/strength has surpassed what it was previously, but looking to lose about 20lbs of fat over the 6 months. First pic was about 8% bf, currently at ~22%. Looking to get down to ~12% (visble abs, and easier to maintain than 8%bf)

Is pic related (about a month ago) considered dad bod or just fat?

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Dude, if you compare women to dolls and talk about buying their heads, you can't blame your looks. I hope this is bait.

How am I supposed to ask a girl out to a date. We have met before but have never talked to each other past that, though we have met eyes multiple times. We have each other added on social media and I was going to use that since we haven't seen I haven't seen her on campus this semester. I was planning on asking her to lunch or grab coffee, but I have no idea how to initiate the conversion. Any help would be much appreciated.

Why her? Why now?

You didn't do anything when you actually saw her regularly and it doesn't sound like you were even friends.

not a girl but vacation just the two of you in southern france seems pretty "i want you to fuck me"

dont take my word for it though

Yeah, legs look like they're getting there faster than the rest tho. Flip to core and upper a bit more than leg day. You're pretty much dad bod atm, the work and body fat reduction on your core will solidify the look.

Or she doesn't see him as interested at all, so this is like going out with a straight girl.

I find sex to be my primary motivator (as it relates to physical fitness).

I build my body for the purpose of being able to fuck harder (strength) and for longer (stamina) and to dominate my wife in bed.

>I was legitimately worried I'd get dragged off and kidnapped at several points of the day, because while these guys were fat

I laughed a little. Sure the nerd crowd is desperate to the point attention whoring super profitable but I don't think you were in a risk of being harmed. What country are you from and how pretty are you anyway?

Foul hellion, menace not the maimed maiden for you shall meet a pointy end. Away with thee!
But in all seriousness while I know how you feel, these really sound creepy. "I'd pay good money for your head". And the one about the glass case brought stabbed butterflies and people suffocating in cars to mind.

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>But in all seriousness while I know how you feel, these really sound creepy. "I'd pay good money for your head". And the one about the glass case brought stabbed butterflies and people suffocating in cars to mind.

Even in the "best" of interpretations, it means he sees her as an object to display. Not even human.

If this is for your wife, why are you asking Anonettes about what kind of guy they like? Ask your wife.

How old is too old to be a virgin?

Can i get a gf if i look like this?

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Funny...because I havent even started working out legs yet beyond 30min elliptical and treadmill.

Im about to start cycling to vary my cardio and doing squats to work on my non-existent butt.

I've always thought working on calves were a waste of time for me (though i really like them on women).
Do girls care about calves at all?

What is the general ranking/priority for the following?



Yes, friendly dates are a thing.
>"Hey user, want to go out for dinner tonight?"
>go to a bit nicer italian restaurant, she has her hair in a braid and is wearing a nice sweater
>waitress lights candle in between out faces at eye level, not very pleasant
>chat about sex and porn
>go home
>she begs me to taker her to her bf on the weekend (4h drive, same as my hometown) because she can't afford the train ticket and will get nasty if she doesn't get laid
>tell her maybe she shouldn't have gotten that pizza then
>"I was expecting you to pay"
Remeber son, don't let women get free shit from you if you have no hope of fucking them.

Wife doesnt give straightforward feedback on this topic.
Also, shes a bit overweight/out of shape (~200lbs, 5'6") and doesnt have free-time at the moment to get in shape approaching her on the topic of "what do I need to work on" makes her feel bad.

Besides...I thoroughly appreciate Jow Forums's brutal honesty..thats why I started coming here to /cgl/ instead of back in 2006 (where everyone was too concerned about being nice and e-reputation and werent honest in criticism).

>Do girls care about calves at all?
Chicken legs are no good, dude.
>What is the general ranking/priority for the following?

I was too introverted in the past, still am now too though. The only reason I want to message her is because I am inexperienced in doing so. So I was thinking of asking someone who I find attractive and who knows of me.

Did anyone here ever date their college teacher/lecturer?

I have this weird connection with one of my lecturers, she seems about 30 (I'm 24) and we get along well, sometimes go out of my way to get her attention and once I tried to prove she's into me to some girls from my class and the two times I did it, my teacher's reaction automatically made the girls think "yeah, she's got a crush on you" and told me I have a chance with her.

I don't know how this whole teacher-student thing works in college but I don't think I'll have her as a teacher after this year since its part of her degree to teach us or something, she won't be here next year is the point. I suppose that on the last class we have her, afterwords she won't technically be my teacher anymore.

Something to pursue or give up?
how do I play this out if I'm assuming there's attraction on both ends and would the age difference matter?

>So I was thinking of asking someone who I find attractive and who knows of me.

And the first person that came to mind was a girl you've never really talked to.

Use this as a wake up call. This is not about finding the perfect opening for the conversation. This is about you and your relationship with women. If you can't even make female friends, how are you going to date?

Um.... I can't imagine being married and still acting like this.. wow.

Tey communication, that's what adults usually do. How would a random group of people who have different preferences and don't care about you care at all?

young pablo escobar

How do I act with my crush at a party?

We literally went to a licensed sex+marriage therapist because she's so disinterested in sex with me and wont communicate with me on what she wants.

We were fired as clients after 2 sessions because it was obvious wife didnt want to be there (or participate) and therapist thought we'd be wasting our money.
In general, her response to therapist and me has been "I dont know what I want/what turns me on anymore".

So...if communication has failed even under supervision of a professional, not sure what else to do...

Since i've started getting back in shape (and she's started to work out once a week) sex has become a bit more frequent. At least enough that my training can be put to use and validated every now and then.

Femanons, how do you feel about anal sex?

Dude, try going to a therapist by yourself. This sounds like a pretty unhealthy situation if you ask me.

I think there are problems beyond sex.
Agree with other user about getting individual counseling.

I can give the strap, but it does nothing for me and only feels bad.

Oh, nice, i have abs :D

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Wife wakes up at 5am, has a 1.5hr commute each way, works with most challenging special needs children in the school district in a special unit (literal funnel of the most severe cases), manages new staff, and is working on PhD in evenings.
Most of the time, she doesnt even have a free weekend.
Meanwhile, she's prone to binge eating to cope (i.e. eating a jar of peanut butter with a spoon, large bags of chips, wanting to order pizza, etc). Afterwards, she feels bad and is very self-concious/aware of her weight gain.

I understand how the general stress, lack of freetime, continual fatigue, and unhappiness with self-image affects her confidence and sexual desire.

I view it all as temporary though. PhD will be done in a year or so, we plan on moving closer to work, and she's started to take HIIT fitness classes and will be doing yoga in summer.

Trying to get the ball rolling with fitness is tough, gotta start slow and be consistent. I believe in her and am just trying to support her anyway I can.
I do the laundry, cleaning, cooking, dishes, grocery shopping, etc.
And any free-time I have where she is working/at school, I dedicate to working out (time that she doesnt have).

My own fitness journey has motivated her to atleat try and eat better and attend workout classes regularly.

>My own fitness journey has motivated her to atleat try and eat better and attend workout classes regularly.

That's great, try therapy though. Mental helath is as important as physical health. You coming here to get feedback instead of talking with your wife is an issue that should be adressed. Good luck mate!

i want it but i'm ashamed to admit it

Straya poster who saved co worker then had in office tryst pls update
You said you'd be back Monday

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Hey ladies...
Why would a girl stop responding to my shit when I ask her out but not unfriend me on fagbook?

We've talked at length about the lack of sex/intimacy.

Its well established that I have needs that arent being fulfilled.
She gave me clearance to get a mistress/side-chick. I told her that would be ridiculous, and that I only wanted her.

I pretty much use my sexual frustration to fuel my workouts and am also doing no-porn no-fap.

I mean, I don't see why I'd unfriend someone just because I don't want to date him.

When I first started kissing anyone it was great and I could go for ages and I was really good at it, but now most of the time I just feel like I'm doing something wrong. Is this something anyone else has experienced?

How the fuck do I get out of this funk?

If person A treats badly person B because of persons B negative behaviour (that is not necessarely intentional), and justify their behaviour with "i'm just reacting to what you do", should person B feel responsable for persons A behaviour towards person B?

I hope you can understand what i've just said

Any sex,
how do you stop people assuming you're gay?
I'm a single 26 yo male. I like to wear nice clothes and shoes and style my hairs. Somehow my colleagues learned I've never experienced date with a girl. Now they all think it's because I'm gay. Well I am not. On Kinsey scale I'm between 1 and 2 probably.
What's the best option to convince them I'm not gay?

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If you do something "negative" to others, intention is not the only issue, results matter too. So they have a right to be pissed off.

Get an alibi girlfriend.

( ˘ 3˘)

That would be tricky... No girl has even shown sympathy to me for whole life. Plus I'm kinda home plant.

Why does it matter? Just do your thing.

Going out with a girl soon. We are going to get coffee. She said might be dirty because she's coming straight from her gardening job.
The weather is supposed to be cold, overcast and with high chance of rain. How bad of an idea would it be to suggest just going to my place (less than halfway between her work and the cafe) if it starts raining or she's too coverd in mud to go into a cafe? Does that sound too much like I'm tring to have sex with her?

my ex texted me on my birthday yesterday
i kinda feel bad not having at least thanked her for a day now

Yes, they have the right to be pissed off. That's not the point of the question.
The point is, do they have the right to treat the person shitty aswell?

What did they do to you? Because "ignoring you" is shitty, but it's fair. "Punching you in the gut" is shitty and not fair.

So it's hard to say if gthey overreacted when I don't know what they did, or what you did to cause it.

Not sure but its time to move on to the next hoe

What do you girls think about guys with long hair? I go to the gym 3 times per week, I'm quite handsome, but I have a long hair and sometimes a pony tail. Do girls prefer guys with Ronaldo-look like hair or it doesnt matter?

I agree on the ignoring bit.
I overreacted, this person got mad at me.
I tried to make up, and they ended up pretty much punching me in the gut.
When I asked why, the response was "i'm just reacting this way because of what you did."

I don't like long hair in general. Some guys can pull it off, but even them normally look better with shorter hair.
My boyfriend looks handsome with long hair, but yeah I still think he's hotter with short hair.

>they ended up pretty much punching me in the gut.

Did they punch you or did they just told you to leave them alone?

They've told me really mean shit.

>Trying to approach you with anything original
The classics are classics for a reason. If you aren't sure enough of yourself, I'd advice you to use them, rather than try to awkwardly do something "new". If you spaghetti a bit, you might mess it up, and turn your oneliner from a decent original, and straight up into "I'll call the cops" territory.

I can see these be fine, if they were worded slightly different, and said by someone confident and smiling. If these are said in a lower, insecure voice, it'll seem super creepy.

They also didnt really pay attention to when i explained why i behaved a certain way, because my behaviour was that way because of a reason

What did you do to them? You mention you overreacted. Did you tell mean shit to them? Was the mean shit they told you true?

My ex just wrote me a letter because she wanted to express her position on what happened.
I blamed a lot of shit on her when breaking it off with her. I didnt even pay attention to what was happening in her.

Is this shit normal? Like recieving a letter from an ex.
I still have feelings for her aswell

Not my idea of fun. I had sex with a guy once and the idiot decided to try stick it in my bum. He hardly went in much but my ass still bled, no way would I want to do that

I did overreact over stuff that wasnt that bad. It was because i had so much emotional built up from dealing with their superficial behaviour towards my feelings (to be clear, it was a person i was seeing from time to time, and this person never stated cleary what they wanted from me but i made it clear that i like them), that i couldnt handle it anymore and started to overreact and be agressive. I never said actually shitty stuff, i tended to simply use an aggressive and confrontational tone.

The mean shit they've told me was true, they accused my behaviour. But they also accused me of not giving a shit about what they say, which isnt true.

Edit: they did state what they wanted, but they never acted on it and then blamed me for that

Because they're tend to make fun of me.

Depends on the girl, duh.

I for one have always been really into long hair, like if a guy has long hair I will find him very attractive (unless his face type really doesn't suit long hair but that's rare). I'm also into metal so most guys I've dated had long hair cause it goes with the scene

And in the end the mean shit they've told me was "i lost the desire to do anything with you, i just wanted you for sex because of your shitty behaviour."

What's the worst thing anyone has ever said to you from an emotional breakdown? Did it cross the line of forgiveness? How do you feel about it now?

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I think so. If that person meant anything to them at all they want to have a good resolution. Closure isn't a myth. Many people find closure in therapy and in time vut some people need to tell their message directly to feel settled. There's no saying whether she still harbors feelings but if you do you can get your closure by opening your heart in return.

why do women like alternative medicine so much?

>What's the worst thing anyone has ever said to you from an emotional breakdown?
I accused my s/o of being a constant fuckup because she was emotionally cheating on me
>Did it cross the line of forgiveness?
Yes indeed
>How do you feel about it now?
Bad, I should have been more clear on how she was hurting me
but instead I went to defcon 1
and now I'm alone

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>desks in class similar to pic related
>have my jacket off and crumpled up in my lap
>raise it up to my desk to take a sip of water
>must have brushed up against the cute girl wearing a crop top in the seat in front of me because she looks back and smiles
>she has goosebumps for the rest of the class period
what did she mean by this?

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Sounds like she thought you were playing with yourself.
>jacket in lap

Jerking off in public while doing math seems like too much effort, especially when it's my last class for the day. Where the fuck else am I supposed to put my jacket?

A girl I like told me about a guy she's texting on snapchat in the middle of a conversation. Do people text each other platonically on snapchat or did she basically tell me ''i'm not interested in you'' ? She has seemed interested in me so far so it felt weird

Boy i am on and off dating for a very long time, with which i have a more than friends kind of relation, said that i'm one of the most important females for him.

What could that mean?

dont pay for anything, split it all.

>Where the fuck else am I supposed to put my jacket?
Over the side, on the back, underneath, on the ground since you don't care to crumple it?

Well, learn for next time and don't be an agressive asshole.

>said that i'm one of the most important females for him.
>What could that mean?

You're her girlfriend, or she's trying to make you jealous. Ask her out and find out.

As an average dude, do I stand any chances of having a girl approach me?
I'm a bit tired of making the first move and getting rejected or ghosted the same week.

Frankly, only if you're okay with being approached by below average girls. I am around average and approach guys out of my league all the time.
Works a lot.

It sort of happened to me so there must be a chance. Dunno if its going anywhere further yet though.

What did you learn from those rejections?

So I have a date this Friday.
Grill is way cooler and smarter than me
We seem to have common interests and I'm trying not to rush things so we can learn more about each other but I am somewhat worried that the education gap might be too great to surmount
Also she likes rdr2 and bf1
Am I being stupid?
>Just ended a LTR with a grill but still FWB
How much is this a turnoff?

>Grill is way cooler and smarter than me

The other relationship is less of a turnoff than your crippling insecurity, but both are bad.

The idea doesn't hold any special appeal to me. I'm sure I would enjoy the sensation though as I do like to have my ass fingered.

I would only ever consider it with a guy who has a realistic understanding of anal. A.k.a. knows he can't slide it in like in porn and isn't mortified at the idea of seeing/smelling some shit.

Is it normal for guys to feel more intense emotions when they finish inside their partner instead of in a condom, or is my bf kinda weird (he's weird in other ways but I like it)? Like he cried the first time he came in me and he is always more cuddly after we have unprotected sex.

Personally I would never want to be with a guy who had to pull himself away from another woman to be with me. There's a difference between sleeping with someone on occasion when single, or having a fwb you see once in a blue moon, or regularly sleeping with a woman you have serious history with.

She might feel differently though. Also yeah as hard as it is going into a date feeling like you're inferior is not the right mindset. Apparently she saw something in you, sometimes we're our own worst critics. She's the one who decides whether she likes you enough, not you.

Sure, especially as you age, girls in their mid twenties are much more likely to single someone out themselves than girls in their late teens for example. But it's not common enough to rely on that if a relationship is your end game. Nothing wrong with taking a break from pursuing, regardless.