Have 7/10 coworker

>have 7/10 coworker
>she sits a few feet away from me
>I don't talk to her much, don't know what to say
>I'm her beta provider, she asks me for computer help often
>See her chatting with other guys on the workplace Skype, or guys come up to her desk and talk to her. Usually better looking and popular guys at work
>She often laughs at the things they say
How do I get social skills to talk to her? How do I get her to be interested in me?

She doesn't even consider me a friend tbqh

t. khv with no social skills, no friends, unattractive and not rich

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>She doesn't even consider me a friend tbqh

why not?

She only talks to me if she needs something, like IT help.

We haven't exchanged numbers either

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Find a common interest between you two and talk about it, learn more about her and talk about interests.

Eat her pussy

Get a pad and write 100 times, like Bart on the blackboard, YOU HAVE TO TALK TO HER.

Say Hello in the morning. Tell her a joke during the day. Say "I was thinking of trying the new Chinese place down the block for lunch. Want to join me?" Say to the office in general "Anyone want to stop for a drink after work?"

We do both like movies.. but can't talk about that all the time. Actually want to ask her about movies, but don't think it's the right time, and can't do it out of the blue

Don't know if I can ask say either of those things tbqh. Doubt anyone will want to get coffee with me

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Are you the same idiot who posted about going to coffee with your two coworkers?

Try and you might fail.

Don't try and you are guaranteed to fail

All these people and asking each other out.

Sometimes, that just doesn't really fly well if people have to work for fatal attraction. Shit's spontaneous, if you know what I mean.

Try and what if I'm brutally rejected and become a laughing stock at my workplace?

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You could try not having paranoid delusions fuelled by media misrepresentation of human interaction.

>workplace laughingstock for talking to a girl
Pretty unlikely, isn't it mate?

In what bizarro world am I living in that anons on here are telling this guy to ask her out when he not only is unattractive but has no friends and no social skills. WHY WOULD YOU EVER HIT ON A GIRL YOU WORK WITH?

Don't shit where you eat. That is my advice user and quite frankly you would have no chance in bagging her considering she only uses you. To go from tool to person of romantic interest is a galaxy wide step and you know it. Save yourself the embarrassment and do your job bucko.

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Maybe it will be fine, thinking of sending a message on our workplace Skype and asking if she wants to get coffee

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lad, do it irl not through skype

Just worried she'll reject me.

She'd ask me for coffee before, but we were on the same team then. So she would have a valid reason to have the coffee reimbursed (we can reimburse team coffees at my work)

Now that we're on different teams, she hasn't asked me for coffee at all. While before it was a daily thing

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>Don't try and you are guaranteed to fail
One must try in order for the potential for failure to exist, but the possibility for failure doesn't exist if one doesn't even try. Continue not speaking to this woman, OP. You've already won.

If she doesn't show signs of interest in you it's very unlikely she will go get a coffee with you and won't laugh about it. That's just how it works, you first have to figure out wether a girl likes you or not, if not, meet more girls until one shows signs of interest.

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You do t need to be friends with your coworkers, I myself don’t think many as friends, just people I know.

OP, sorry to break it to ou, but first of all you need to know what kind of men she’s attracted to, tops, I see you bring a friend, nothing more, sorry, lower your standards

Wow that is the first K-pop girl that I think is legitamately hot

What kinds of signs should I look for?

She used to ask me for coffee, but I explain why she likely did here

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Girls are different, but she will be around you, laugh at stupid shit you do and so on. But beware, there are girls who noly show inteerest because they are bored and want to play with you. I'd recommend to do more activities with friends/ people around the same age to get introduced to more girls, then you will get a feeling for this.

Her name is Google Reverse Image Search-chan.

Didn't know her cousin was Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpokonaa no Chōkyūmei no Chōsuke

>with friends
I have no friends though ;_;

How will she be around me.. do I just wait for her to show interest?

She did ask for some tech help.. wanted me to teach her how to be better with excel shortcuts and formulas.. is that interest, or is she just using me for tech support again?

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>She did ask for some tech help.. wanted me to teach her how to be better with excel shortcuts and formulas...
Are you stupid or something? If she doesn’t talk to you other than asking for help or work chat, she’s clearly not into you!
*Hey Janice can I borrow a pencil* OMG she’s into me
That’s how you look dumbass

Damn. So just wait for her to show some interest (if ever).. I shouldn't show interest in her?


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listen buddy, i'm alpha turbo chad of social skills, but i'm esl and i don't know if i can be a good mentor, but lemme try.

You have to create a situation where she will say yes, almost definetly.

Rule : Talk with her (Make it casual af), but don't always be the one to iniate a talk, and while holding the conversation for a while, don't hold it desperately.

Situation you want to achieve: she tells you she is thirsty, or hungry, or tired but still has stuff to do at home. THIS is where you offer coffee and cake, make it about the coffee and cake, not about you trying to make her hang out with you.

You can tell her compliments or that you would like to hang out with her sometime once you got her somewhere, but if she always has excuses in situations where she shouldn't then you just aren't her type.

Other than that this should at least guarantuee you a chance and her number

Or just get her on a boat and she'll have to say yes
...because of the implication..


>but don't always be the one to iniate a talk,
What if she never initiates?

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make her iniate, this can be hard..

You need to be needed in some way, maybe because of your IT skills, maybe because you have cookies ur sharing with the office, Or maybe because you smile very heartwarmingly.

even if she just says good day user!, that's a little win, now if she comes around a second time to ask you something or so, ur really doing good, then you should try to hold the conversation, check if you can get a good opportunity to invite her somewhere. Actually you might spot it naturally even if you don't explicitly wait for it.

You seem to have a good understanding of social stuff, just poor confidence probably, Woman especially don't care that much about looks once you get to know them, only at the very start.

I get that meme

She always asks you for help with IT .. well say ' you always ask me for help with IT, can you help me with ..' and insert whatever seems reasonable. I'd liek to try more food.. or as you say you like movies, you want to see the movie but none of your friends do.
If she says no just laugh and 'yeah noone wants to see it' ..
don't make every intraction so serious or a test

>I'm her beta provider, she asks me for computer help often
Learn your terms. Your'e not e beta provider, those are the guys who support the girl and who she is with mainly/solely for that support,
You're just a convenient orbiter or simply a coworker with a crush.

>How do I get social skills to talk to her?
Social skills you get like other skills, through practice. Talk with people, try it with other girls, learn to be comfortable and not try too hard, just have fun and have others enjoy spending time with you as well.
>How do I get her to be interested in me?
Here I could give you a few tips but I'll be honest with you - there's apparently plenty of guys way ahead of you and in contact with her and you already know each other quite a bit but you've solidified your position as rather unknown coworker - it'd be hard to catch up. On the other hand,since you're mostly strangers, it's also quite likely that you simply got infatuated by her cuteness, but you don't know her well and overappreciate the girl. Hell, for all you know, she may already have a boyfriend/husband.

Move on, stop crushing like a teen, improve as per suggestions ITT and try fresh with another girl in the future. It's not the advice you expected, but one that is less likely to just fail you.

Thanks for the advice

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No worries.
I think you have to be wary of putting the girl in a box and assuming you know her.
Short cutting this a lot - there's a girl at work for years would always be all chatty with the guys, make / laugh at suggestive comments and dress err 'nicely' compared to the other girls in the office.
Turns out she is totally naive and had no idea that she's giving the impression she's up for a bit of flirting and on the side action (she's married).
I asked her straight one time about one of the guys she used to talk to then suddenly stopped and she had no idea people thought she was having an affair with him.

So it goes to show that you can blind yourself with what you think you see.
Can't beat just being cool and making conversation - you don't have to do this all in one week.

I'm starting to wonder if OP is able to breathe without a tutorial


Thinking of going to dance lessons today and actually try to say more than just "hi" to a girl, like I've done before at the dance classes.. try to have a short conversation at least

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This same user posted a thread about trying to befriend/get with his two underlings a few weeks ago. I think this is just a LARP. Either that, or he is just a irredeemable moron with no social skills.

Went to the dance class, barely said a thing to the girls I danced with

See the class Chad talking and laughing with girls he dances with. Feels bad man

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>with no social skills
Wow, genius, what gave you that idea?

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just b.e. urself

Start with regular small talk. Every one can do that one, and you have heard people do it, so no excuses.
Just don’t expect anything. Just take everything as a personal victory and gain.

search for another girl, she probably wont be interested in you since she already marked you as the beta provider in her book.


hoping this isn't the case tbqh

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>How do I get her to be interested in me?
You don't.

Sorry OP but women usually give VERY clear signs when they are interested in someone. The way you describe her, she is clearly not interested and you can't change that. Women usually decide within the first 10 seconds of meeting someone if they find him attractive or not. You're obviously beyond that threshold. Therefore I can give you 2 advice options:

A) Forget about her and try not looking at her when it can be avoided. Keep her off your radar and just focus on your work. Don't worry, there will be plenty of other girls interested in you down the road.

B) (this is the bad option) If you REALLY MUST force your luck, try to put on an act around her and make her witness you in social situations like making others laugh, listening to others problems and try to make other females around the office be empathetic towards you. Perhaps invite a MALE coworker to lunch sometime (don't invite a female, because it will make you seem desperate!! Paying for a man will project wealth and generosity to her) Women love men who are great in social interactions with others because it projects to them a 'winner' mentality and makes them want to interact with them, which can be your window if you play it right. But never look at her during those moments. She has to catch those scenes, but must always feel excluded. Basically give her the impression: 'This is someone that can care for me emotionally and financially'. But honestly your chances are so slim, better invest all that energy in someone else who appreciates you more. Save yourself the useless hassle.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck!

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>try to put on an act around her and make her witness you in social situations like making others laugh, listening to others problems and try to make other females around the office be empathetic towards you.
Thanks, I want to try this because I don't have good social skills or friends and want to get better. But even making others laugh seems impossible to me

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>can't do your fucking job without worrying about women
you need to hit the gym and start drinking before you come into work.
since I started sneaking vodka into my big ass morning coffee, I just focus on my work - and women have started to hit on me, not the other way round

I do hit the gym
I don't drink, and don't plan on coming into work drunk. I only drink socially, but as I have no friends, I never get to drink

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>she would ask me before how my work is going (when we worked together)

>I try to initiate conversation and ask how her work is going
>>her: Why do you want to know

>still see her talking to other guys and laughing at the things they say
Feels bad man

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Why don't you just do what I would do and fap to the thought of the better looking popular guys ravaging her? Because that's probably what happens anyway. She bends over after work and lets them have their way. Might as embrace it so you don't end up sad. The right girl for you will come along

First of all, read the book Models, it explains how dating works. Second of all, don't try to hit on coworkers. Third of all, try to make friends, I'm sure if you do manage to date this girl, you'll put her on a pedestal and get depressed when she doesn't respond to you in a mannerly time. You have to try, be ready to fail a lot

Not into pretending to be a cuck. Would rather try to better myself tbqh, but need some advice on how

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It's not actually being a cuck to fap to girls that aren't technically yours. You're in the clear, enjoy

If you imagine they are having sex with other guys it is

Thanks, I've read models
One of the things he mentions is to be financially secure and to have your own place. And tbqh, I'm not there. Still live with parents

H-how do I make friends? Id be fine if this coworker was my friend

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t. soi

>Don't shit where you eat

Jesus fucking christ this. Just leave it OP.

She was so nice to me when we worked together though

Messaged me on our Skype with non-work questions. Thought maybe there was some interest
Now she doesn't talk to me or message me at all

dating coworkers is common in my company. I have many coworkers in long term relationships with other coworkers

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But I'd like to be friends with coworkers since I have no friends

I see other coworkers who are friends with each other

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>just saw crush leave work with a tall, good looking Chad coworker
Feels terrible tbqh

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Don't shit where you eat. Find a woman that you don't work with.

That's my problem. I don't know anyone else. No friends, and don't meet new girls

Just saw her leave the office with a tall, good looking coworker (), and it hurt to see

Where do I even go to meet people. I'm taking dance lessons, there are a couple of cute girls, but most are older than me

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Go to events or meetups in your local area. If you're in school, talk to classmates and try to invite them out.

Leave this girl, don't shit where you eat. You keep putting her on a pedestal, which is just eating you up.

Work on yourself, gain confidence, get better, talk to girl, become friends, she introduces you to a 5/10 girl, you date her, success, gain experience and confidence, life improves, you fall in love, stop quietly pining over office girl, she feels it, she becomes jealous of your girl, tries flirting with you, you brush off her advances, she pines over you, she's in decline, you keep improving, your relationship with 5/10 dissolves, you date a girl better looking/better personality then office girl, you leave for better career, office girl is frumpy and desperate, hugs you and says she will miss you, you are pleasant to her but notice the slight scent of cat piss in her hair, office girl is a cat lady baby, you walk out of the office and into the adventure of life, office cat lady shrinks into her chair and thinks about the 3 gray hairs she found in her scalp this morning.

Good luck OP

Not in school
I live in a big city, but the meetups don't really interest me tbqh

It's mostly tech/programming meetups, ESL meetups and 40+ group meetups

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Confidence is not just going to come out of your ass, you're just going to want it more than you're too nervous to talk to her, maybe go for a girl you are more comfortable with. If she makes you nervous and shit and you cannot even tlak to her maybe she is just not right for you

you are needy af. It's apparent in the way you talk in this thread. Learn to be a man first before you get girls

>inb4 you needy fuck reply "bbuuttt how do i becummmm mannnnn?
stfu and figure shit out

literally dont do it, i know you how you feel. i did the same and let me tell you its hell. if you feel like shit now imagine having a relationship with her (assuming youll be successful at picking her up) and when it all goes to shit youl have to see her with ither guys and she'll make sure you see every one of them.


Don't know if any of that will happen realistically though

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She doesn't make me nervous

I don't think she's interested in me, so I don't want to talk to her if she will just think of me as a creep

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Thank you, I think you're right

Which parts make me needy?

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Name of this thot?

Use reverse image search

You fucking do it you prick.

Stop giving a shit about people like that.

If you don't want to do meetups, try talking to coworkers, invite them out once you guys get closer.

>Saw her at the water cooler today
>Just said hi, didn't know what else to say
>She just said hi
What do? How do I have a conversation

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If she’s not interested in you, just stop thinking about it. You’re at work. Do your job and go home.

Ask her how's she doing, is she having fun in what she's doing. Stop hitting on her now, she's probably already know you're trying to do so and it might make her uncomfortable. Also don't date coworkers

listen man you are way too pathetic for this sort of thing
all you keep doing is asking how do i do it, what if they say no, what do i do, over and over and over and over again, people have already given you answers countless times
dont try to date someone you work with if you value your job at all, especially when you are this socially inept, it is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT guaranteed to end badly

as far as how to do this shit just fucking practice, listen to even the worst advice in this thread and stop asking the same question. just practice with other human beings, talk to them, ask them questions, take a fucking interest in them.
you have no interesting qualities about yourself from this thread but you keep expecting this woman to message you all the time to show interest, but why would she? if you arent messaging her (a healthy, normal human amount) or talking to her about shit, why does she have to reach out to you?
>oh but i thought she was maybe kinda a little somewhat interested why doesnt she talk to me anymore
because you didnt talk to her you dumbfuck retard, men are the aggressors and unless you are a gigachad you always will have to be, try harder

Seriously, how does this retard have a job.


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Seriously nigga, you need to improve your social skills first, then get friends, and then a gf

>people have already given you answers countless times
tbqh the answer given is to practice conversations more

>What do I even say
>Who do I talk to and why would anyone want to talk to me
Some days at work I go the whole day without talking to anyone

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Nigga then going you're start asking how to wipe your ass. Talk to your coworkers, ask them how they're doing and how's work. Search up conversation topics

>How do I get her to be interested in me?
you don't. don't even try. if you do then just she'll consider you a creep and stop talking to you entirely.

if i told you there are tons of rich and famous people living dream lives and they don't invite you to parties on their yachts, it wouldn't bother you because they're not part of your life anyway.
well, she is the same. she's a person with a separate life from you, with a separate social circle that she will not allow you to penetrate. she's got railed doggy style last night and loved every pump. you won't be part of that life and it's too late to even consider it. see her as a coworker and no more.
you can try to get more fit, find clubs where maybe you can meet other people and socialize, and maybe be a bit more ready for the next time you have a qtpi coworker. but for this one it is too late.

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Say you want to fuck, and ask if she is up for coming over. Simple as that.

>ask them how they're doing and how's work.
I literally asked 'how's work" yesterday to the grill and she replied and then wrote "why do you want to know"

And I can't ask that every day to the same person can I?

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She doesn’t want to talk to you.

But she used to talk to me, ask how my work is going and other questions

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She doesn’t want to talk to you anymore.

Well why not, what did I do? How do I get her to want to talk to me?

Inb4 you were being creepy. I don't think I was

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