GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

Vent or write letters here.

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You deleted your social media for like a day before reactivating instagram, but you also haven't been on it since you activated it.
I hope everything is alright. You're free to open up to me, you know?

I'm afraid of pretty girls/girls that I like physically.
I'm pretty good looking guy, but I had severe depression and anxiety in the past, and never had a loving relationship or a relationship that lasted more than 3 weeks.
Never been in a relationship with a girl that I really liked. It's like I always tried to impress others and to show society that I'm capable of having a girlfriend.

I'm going through shit too, you know.
It isn't just you. Fuck..

I care a lot about you and I think I've been a good friend. You treat me like shit.

To the girl who was wanting my initial last thread, it's J, and just know that I've used the name "Emily" here before and gotten three different hits from some hilariously different people (I think one said something about wanting to fuck her brother?....Probably not my Emily.)

I'm sure that's what your dumbass friend is thinking, though.

Yeah, I'm not Emily. I'm not looking for a J either.

I will never know if forcing you to live would have ended with a better result than letting you die. And I have to live with that decision, whether it was a mistake or not That sounds really selfish of me. You're probably pretty upset with me seeing how I've done nothing but wallow in misery. I just can't let you go. I'm sorry.

I tried to be a good little sheep, hoping one day I'll become a Shepard. But the system says sheep can't be anything but sheep. Now all I can hope is that I won't get eaten by the wolves.

I just don't want to put in the effort.

Lol he cracked

Me too. Let it die

I really wish I could stop over-valuing everything you say to me after I asked you out. I wish I could stop limiting my emotions to the barest level when we hang out now because I'm unsure what I'll say otherwise, be it angry or passionate.
It makes it really hard to get over you when you act as if my change in attitude and action for the last year of our 5 year friendship was purely because I was platonically trying to get closer to you, not romantically. Did you just forget what it was like before I started to open up to you here and there or was willing to put up with some of your more melodramatic moments? Why do you get so pissed when I try to bring it back to how it was before, me not taking your shit all the time or constantly complimenting you or boosting your self esteem.
I know it probably will never go back to us hanging out in discord every other night talking about music/art/games with some mutual friends, but don't blame that fully on me. Most of our friends are moving on with their lives, getting longer hours at work or different jobs with day schedules (me included).
Last but not least, either date our mutual friend or stop putting a collar on him. We both know he's an orbiting bitch boy and has said some hella nasty passive aggressive stuff and obfuscated insults to keep you feeling like he might be your only option and we've talked in detail about this. Hell, it's one of the reasons I took a shot in the first place, to make the inactioned action. It's not the only reason, but you being in that strange codependent psudo-relationship is helping neither of you. Hell, his girlfriend hates your guts.

>and just know that I've used the name "Emily" here before and gotten three different hits from some hilariously different people (I think one said something about wanting to fuck her brother?....Probably not my Emily.)
Why is this relevant, exactly?

/b or /r9k has some tranny they worship named Emily

A pet?

Fuck all women

Lol that was me, I actually butted into the larp and wasn't original person who replied to you. Funny that you are a J, what a coincidence.

oh my god what's gonna happen now

I will die with it.

No, that's not it. Best friend was in a coma and I could have convinced her parents to let her live longer instead of letting her go. But they thought it was best for her to not suffer anymore, and I reluctantly agreed. And I'll never know if she would have recovered or not.

It was their choice to make desu.

I know it was, but I've always wonder what would have happened if I decided to convince them otherwise.

Don't. You did nothing wrong.

I want to believe that. Deep down inside, I know I do. But I still can't bring myself to let her go.

Serendipity at it's finest that you're reading this, sans god of course. The internet's so large, you're here by chance. My alphabet soup files are so big, no human could read them all, so again, congrats, the semi-martingale variables that rule all conspired to lead you here. Without further delay--You all fucking suck. I hope when christ comes back he comes as shiva. You had your chance, and you blew it. If you're reading this in the next 156 years, chances are you're a total fucking piece of shit. Fuck you.

Doctor prescribed Zoloft and I don’t feel happy anymore lol I’m not sad either just like numb

It takes some time for the numb feeling to go away-

What happens after that

I feel like I was happy sometimes and carefree but I would have bad ptsd moments so I went to the doctor and they gave me that.

The brain have to adapt to the pills first. You will eventually feel normal again after a couple of weeks or so.

I'm so bad at UX design and it's supposed to be easy. I just don't get it man, I guess I can't relate to the way normal people use things. why me? This is so stupid, it should just be an afterthought to creating a product. The important part is that it just werks.

You just have to deal with the grind, man. UX design are pretty much important in web/graphic design.

I just got accepted into university. Lena, suck my metaphorical dick for telling me that I couldn't do it.

She is all mine. Go fuck yourself.

I wish you would die.

Living is constantly exhausting it doesn’t seem worth it but I have responsibilities here so I can’t go yet

I really want to know how this dude makes so much money. Literally lives in his office but I think it'd be a great mentorship opportunity just to learn a new hustle. I think I might try to set something up and see if he's looking for an apprentice or something.

Get off Jow Forums and just ask her out.

Anything else is a excuse

Ur so funny. U should've started this last year instead of partying every weekend and acting like you had no responsibility. Now you think you can just come back like nothing happened? Guess what? A lot of shit happened and now you're going to have to prove you're stable and safe. But of course you'll still blame me for your poor choices. Dumbass

what has the US done the last 3-4 years? Built nothing. It's political system has become a banana republic, taken over by low IQ white nationalists. There's basically a Cold Civil War as everyone hates each other.

I asked him out he isn't gay but he still wants to hang out. I want to hang out but it kills me

Maybe it's not the job for you.

Yeah pretty much

Maybe you could get a job doing something more mundane and keep that as your hobby to maintain creative liberties

Or just don’t give up bruh

Okay I’ll try it for longer then. Thanks

Better a banana republic than the puppet state we've been since before the first world war.

Realized that I haven't taking a single step forward even after 6 months. I'm devastated.

How do I move on?
I'm trying so hard to, but I'm just so heart broken.

i think i'm falling for one of my friends. he held my hands when they were cold today. we listened to a song with our faces right beside each other. i'm in a relationship with someone who lives far away. our relationship is so fucking stale because we've never met. he's like 2000 miles away. i don't know if i even loved him in the first place. like i care about him, but i don't think i romantically love him. we call each other daily and rarely have quality conversations. despite all that, i'm attached and can't let go. i don't want to dump him. i want to let it fizzle out. i feel so guilty and sick to my stomach. i feel stupid. how did it even get to this point? why did i get myself into this? god i'm an idiot.

Why don't you meet that person ?

Yes you are an idiot. Dump the online guy and go for someone you can actually fucking see on a regular basis. Why is board filled with such an amalgamation of autism?

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The right person might be inconvenient at first.

Im so tired and bitter from dealing with women. Thinking about all the shit I have to do as a guy to get a girl is unfucking real, and i know this type of shit gets posted constantly but fuck it. I am exhausted with this shit, even when i do get a girl its after putting up with those retarded mindgames where you cant show interest and you have to talk to her under the right circumstances and at the right time in her life and its just all so tiresome.

then i look at a girls life and everything just comes to them, theres absolutely no fucking way you could be lonely as a girl. I matched to a girl on tinder yesterday, talked for a bit, made her laugh and she kept replying with 3 or 4 messages laughing and asking me shit so we made some plans. Today she started ghosting me because she saw my instagram (which i told her i had made two days ago) which didnt have that many followers or pictures.

you date a girl for a while and you have to listen to the most retarded shit and you have to put up with the emotional rollercoaster, and if you leave her then you end up touching your dick on a wednesday night after the gym.

Im so fucking tired, anons. I dont even hate women, i just hate the way the world works around them and the way they ended up being because of other "men" like those whiteknight faggots and the retards who post on a hot girls Ig on every single picture thinking they will end up fucking them somehow.
women dont use logic and generally act like children but this bullshit attitude of brushing guys off every 20 minutes is ruining relationships
men get tired of dealing with this shit so they end up fucking and leaving, the girl is so desired that she will most likely cheat on a guy, the whiteknight faggots keep getting baited by them so they never stop orbiting to improve their lives and retards like me who every now and then get the desire to meet a girl and get to know each other through something other than a fucking social media IM are completely fucked

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I need some friends or hobbies or classes to attend. I’m just so damn tired all the time outside of work I can barely keep up with cleaning my place let alone getting another responsibility. I’m tired and bored

>women dont use logic and generally act like children
The irony is astounding considering your post. Girls can tell when you’re an entitled asshole

Dating just straight up sucks unless you are in the upper echelons of the dating world, for both sexes in different ways.
For men, you get treated as subhuman, and if you don't have the shiniest toys or the best jokes you aren't worthy of their attention and get labeled as a creep for trying.
For women, you have to put up with hordes with immature dudes who never had to face consequences in their life, and live with the possibility that a man can be dangerous.

yeah nah, he's right

jesus bread..

I know that feel. I hate it. Just keep getting more and more tired.Pushing a boulder up a hill until we die.

>becomes super emotional because he doesn’t get the woman he thinks he’s entitled to
>rants angrily on fourchin about how girls don’t think logically while thinking emotionally and not logically

It just takes time. Sometimes you move on but don't fully get over it. Like it changes you maybe in both good and not so good ways.

Why English speaking? I'd think someone as high minded and progressive as they are would want to go to a diverse country like Mexico or maybe some place in Africa. I thought the English speaking ones were evil and racist

Sometimes I almost feel sorry for you. Then I remember that it's not my turn to give a fuck.

I feel overwhelmed. I had enough fucking problems before this

I don't really know how to fix whatever it is that needs fixing but i need to do something. I was clean for 6 months and very lucidly relapsed. And the I get hit with a letter saying that the suboxone clinic is closing immediately due to zoning laws, whatever the fuck that means. The thing is, relapsing didn't feel like i was expecting or anything. I didn't feel shame or guilt or anything at all, i went right back into the swing of things as if I never stopped. The other part of it is, I felt no different overall when I was sober vs using. Nothing changed in my life at all except the amount of money I had, I even stopped smoking as well but there was no difference. No new found reason for anything or epiphany or fucking anything. Makes me think that drugs were not the problem and I was self medicating to cover up depression, makes sense. I'm looking for a therapist office to get medicated properly, maybe something will happen after that and then i'll stop going to bed early at night so i can just sleep and avoid life or hope for a "better tomorrow" that never comes.

Feel like that I'm afraid of admitting that I don't want her because without her I'm all alone

I was there, friend. 6 months ago broke it off, everyone keeps saying it'll get better and I'll move on... but it just keeps getting worse..

I'm waiting for it to get better myself.
He already moved on and all I can ever think about is how I want this heart ache to end and how I miss him.

I'm gay. I wish I wasn't but I am. I love you, I want to be friends with you forever, but I can't be your boyfriend. I don't know how to do this and it's embarrassing and I don't want to hurt you

Keeping your mind occupied works pretty well, e.g. working, hobbies etc.
It's the lonely silence that invites the past memories and kills me inside

It's always a bit of happiness with a person followed by twice as much sadness because of the person and just trying to get over her. Why the fuck would I ever want to try anything with anyone ever again

You're retarded

This board fucking sucks but at least it's not Jow Forums tier (most of the time at least)

Oh, you just turned off "Active status".
Maybe you did get a stalker.

>a diverse country like Mexico
L-fucking-MAO, are Americans really this stupid?

cuck mutt

I'm not that bad it's just like this:

We all got to play the board game of life

I lost

I'm pretty bitter about it

The next board game of life is me trying really hard to win at all costs

To be quite honest I care little for my friends compared to my family

When it comes to friends: I laugh and make them laugh

When it comes to family- I am deadly serious

I have a big family burden since I come from a VERY traditional family

I am the last male of a family is all I care about

We aren't afraid to kill our own if it means survival of the family

I love my friends, but friends are not important at this current stage

I can always come back and give you a laugh, but right now

I need to focus

Idk why I feel the way I do all the time, maybe it’s karma or idk something I did in a previous life. Every waking second of my fucking life feels excruciatingly long and boring and I crave hitting the pillow everynight just to be unconscious for a while. I see hallucinations almost daily and the voices get louder every fucking day. I’m more fueled by anger every single day idk how much longer I can do this. I get scared even looking myself in the eye in the mirror it’s like I’m looking at a complete stranger.

I'm starting to realise I don't really have friends that share my hobbies. My hobbies are pretty niche so I don't expect anyone in my social circle to share them and usually they don't anyway. I don't really mingle with the communities I'm in either or if I do, it's mainly anonymously. Since leaving school, there hasn't been anyone I've talked to regularly or even occasionally. There's a convention happening soon and it felt like it would be really nice to go with a friend, but then there's no one I can call on. Either they're not interested, or they're too distant, or things are awkward, or they have their own groups. I don't know, I guess I want someone to sperg out with without feeling like they're just putting up with me.

I guess I'll just go alone again.

I've been trying user, but the little things keep reminding me as well.
Guess I should find new hobbies.

I hate to be a 'nice guy', but you're seriously a cunt of a woman. You would make for a terrible friend, let alone partner.


Guys and Gals

We need to figure our shit out and fast

yes, liberals were that invested. if you have ever been unlucky enough to watch late night comedy shows, you'd know.Sad thing is that because of MSNBC and Rachel Maddow, we’re gonna hear trump bragging incessantly about “No collusion!” even when there wasn’t really any proof

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I was with her for so long, I forgot how to feel anything. If finding another will really cure my depression and anxiety, how do I overcome my depression and anxiety to find another?

To the Warrems:

I loved Aunt Elsie

Cassie- You are always apart of our family

I'm crying everyday for my grandfather who I visit every week and trying to cheer him up from death is breaking me

bump, i wish i had seen this type of thread when going through one of the hardest things in my life

Just tell them. I think I’m in this situation and would like to have the conversation.

We are all going to die then what? We won't be alive.

i wanna kill myself. i just can't, knowing my mom will cry for the rest of her life.

It would probably be best to "rip the band-aid off", yeah

Nope, W

don't do it, user
Only you can dictate your life, so work hard and make it better
Make mama proud

I can never show my love for you, and it kills me inside. You also feel it a little bit, I know there's a connection. But you know you can't show it either. I worry about you, but you're better off than I am. I miss you and I hope I can see you soon. Maybe I just need some hugs, some affection, and maybe this will pass? My feels are genuine and powerful, and that scares me so much, why did it have to be you? Is it because we can't ever be together without everyone outcasting us? Whenever I think of us I just see us chilling, enjoying life, worry-free, laughing, nothing more than that. But why is it so strong? It isn't sexual, which only confuses me more. How can I love someone so much and not want that?

Damn, you made Js look worse than they already did.

I do love you,care about you and think about you. I care about you a lot

I am a tremendously smart dumbass

I know

thank you

I'm so fucked, shit man
I really tried to make this not happen, just not hard enough apparently
i was trying to change too gradually

I want to be with God.

But what you did to me, not only at the end but even during, absolutely destroyed my mental health, and you did it when I was at my worst. I resent you for not supporting me how I supported you