20 years old

>20 years old
>ZERO family or friends
>live in my car
I have no reason to make any attempt at living a conventional life - so what should I dedicate my life to? I've managed to hold an OK full time job (coworkers aren't aware of my situation), so at least money isn't an issue

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drop a dope ass album

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Cartunes by OP

listen to the whole fucking album, not just the song

It's kind of shit, but I really like it

Go hiking

I look like Ed Sheeran and my voice sounds like the love child of Morrissey and Frank Sinatra.

Maybe I'd drop some mediocre acoustic album, but I don't think I could into hip-hop

I'd be a pretty good candidate to "take a hike", all things considered

get a gf

I'm rather curious, what events lead you to live in such situation?

You remind me of someone I dated, except he lived in a small flat, but he had no family and very few friends.

Join the air force. Do your 4 and get out a richer man. Remember to exploit every resource you can while in the service. Do your research and get all the taxes breaks you can get, invest your paycheck into their savings programs etc. You'll be able to get a VA home loan and you'll have more money for school than you know what to do with. Do as much training as you can while you're in and do everything you can to make yourself employable when you get out. If you have a no debt, try to get a top secret clearance, it's a god send for civilian jobs.

How the fuck does someone like that get a date
The answer is usually charisma but the fucker had no friends
What fucking gives

I had several flings as a teenager, but have never been in a proper relationship due to women (rightfully) finding me to be a very cold and cynical person.

It is unfair to assume that I would make any potential girlfriend feel secure in a long term relationship - for example, how embarrassing would it be for a potential wife to have a wedding where the husband has not brought any guests with him?

>be me
>grow up in a small and unhappy family
>mother is abusive towards me physically, verbally, emotionally, and even sexually (she never completely molested me, but would demand I see her naked and compliment her body) - she grew up in a shit home with my grandfather molesting her for several years, and said grandfather has been hiding away in a different country for 30 years as he avoids arrest
>father comes from what used to be a decent family, but him and his parents raised me as massively neglectful alcoholics due to the feels caused by my uncle dying young
>fast forward to last year
>have bought a car and left trade school - in some credit card debt that would be easily paid off within a year provided I didn't have to pay rent in that time
>dad is about to buy a condo with his new gf (obviously I was had out of wedlock, and my parents separated when I was 14), tells me in no uncertain terms that I'm not welcome to move in with them
>ask mom to live with her for year, she says "pay rent or be homeless"
>cut contact with my family and move into my car
>don't even ask my friends for help, but virtually all of them do not contact me nor respond when I try to initiate contact once I reveal I am homeless
>still homeless after 8 months, but at least I've managed my debt

I won't dignify this suggestion with any more replies.
Also, I'm Canadian

>become a YouTuber and make vids about how to live in a car, those get a lot of views
>become an acoustic YouTuber but use ur past and current unfortunate life stories (I read the reply about ur life, I’m really sorry dude, I’m glad you made it this far, ur very tough and string) to ur benefit and bring in pity views and likes.
>>>”new online personality inspires youth to follow dream no matter the circumstances”

Okay, kid.

I'm shameless enough to try this.
I'll give this board a shout out in the off chance that I succeed

At 20 years old youve taken charge of yiur life in a way that most people your age could only ever dream of doing
Keep on keep on young blood, im 20 as well.

Go work on a oil rig for a few years and use the money to live off of doing what you want.

I'm employed as a welder; perhaps I'd consider this after gaining a bit more job experience, though I'm already content with my current job. I won't rule it out in the future

It’s good money for the time you put in, I wish you luck man.


let us know if u post anything, we’ll check it out and give u pity views so u can eventually get ad revenue, if u get an actual audience, think about opening a patreon. No matter what tho, ur gonna make it

Funny bro, I'm almost 20, mom is moving far away grandma might die soon, have nowhere to live but in car. Unless I rent a room a d barley scrape by financially. Find a hobby I guess.

I was thinking about marrying a girl with low expectations and if she has a job we could get a place together.

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Are you Greg Universe?

If so go try to bang some space rock and see where that takes you.

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