How to deal with hatred, that eats me from inside?

How to deal with hatred, that eats me from inside?

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You express it in a creative way instead of destructive. You’ll be surprised the kind of stories and art you can make with that rage inside you. It’s a tool not a illness, the hate makes all the fear go away. If you think it’s beyond your control then look for anger management, it’s not like what you think it is. They teach you to control yourself instead of be a passive pussy avoiding their feelings.

I don't express my feelings, I have no idea how to release it.

Practice a full contact sport like a martial art, box, mma things like that, that’s what I do to release stress and anger

You’ll only hurt yourself if you keep that shit inside, without doing something to let it out in a safe way.

Stop watching anime

Hurting myself kinda helps, actually.
I don't watch anime. Or films. Or anything. It annoys me, and provokes more anger.
I am mostly trying to escape any kind of information or situation that provokes any emotions.

Take up boxing or mma, then it's perfectly acceptable to let out your anger.

Is that even worth it, if I have only one free day a week?

Talk it with someone but make sure s/he is thrustworthy

You mean pshychiatrist? I don't like them.

is right, get a hobby ffs

Resolve to not be locked into a competition with assholes. Just refuse to participate.

I am not competing with anyone, I don't takk to people.

Stop being an edgelord faggot
What a pathetic piece of shit holy crap lmao


Shut the fuck up, normie.

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You really love being a cringy edge faggot don't you. I'm actually giving you solid advice you colossal retard, stop being a pussy and go lose weight or keep making cringe threads and shitting up the board while you cut yourself like an emo fag.

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Bottled up hatred? Well let it out, silly! Something is causing it after all.

play dota2 and vent your frustration there

Stop watching anime

This won't bring her back.

Realize that this is reality for many people and get over it or kill yourself.

No one gives a shit that you’re mad, faggot.

Unironically have sex