Dick Pic Blues

Friend's younger brother sent my girlfriend an unsolicited dick pic just now. Kid's always been alright to me and doesn't know she's my girlfriend.

Is this something I do something about, let slide, something in the middle?

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Beat his ass. Not because it was your girlfriend but because he does shit like that at all.

If you plan on keeping this girlfriend, you HAVE to assert your dominance in this situation. She's monitoring you. Let it slide and she'll realize you're a pushover cuck, and might cheat on you.
Call up your friend (in front of her), tell/ask him about the situation and see to it that it's resolved, e.g. "are you going to talk to him or do I have to go see him myself?"
Be a chad

Yeah, teach him a valuable life lesson before he tries to creep on her further.
This is not acceptable for any woman to recieve.

Lol this has some potential for some fun. Make a lost dog poster but it’s a lost dick poster and have your friend give it to him

That or slide up to him and joking threaten to cut it off

Or maybe send him a dick pic

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post his dick online and mock him dude.
if you make it a joke and embarass him enough, he will stop and you won't look bad;

>Post it online

If you do this the FBI will bust into yo crib

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why do people gotta go for public retaliation like this? settle your problems privately you coward

>gf having other guys' numbers and texting them

Dump this fuckin thot

He's 18+. I'm just older.

They were in track together, so it's not weird. This is stupid anyways though.

The other option would be beat him up, but it will make you look bad.
Public retaliation make the other part look bad.

Firstly how did your girlfriend react? What was the conversation they were having before the dick pic? Hard to imagine it was out of the blue.

This, go meet your friends younger brother and have him show you his texts between them. Your GF might have deleted hers, but what guy deletes that kind of convo that leads to giving dick pics?

You're fuckimg retarded and underage

>doesn't know she's my girlfriend
>give him the kobayashi treatment
>that you did not know you stole from him is the only reason you are still alive

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Those are some strict standards. Good luck finding a gf who never texts any other guys under any circumstances.

She was hella mad, he hit her out of the blue. I mean, she told me right off the bat, and straight up told me she wanted to show me this stupid shit.

I pretty much have shit with him trying to hit on her, but nothing that's got me even reasonably concerned, just a dude thinking he was going to impress because he doesn't know any better and is awkward.

Fuck nigger, do all of them!

your response should take into consideration dick comparison. If the kid is hung like Julius Irving and makes you look like a newborn baby, you have a problem. If he's lacking in the packing, then what he did was adorable and you can move on... what are we dealing with here?

More important, there is no way way those planes did that much damage. Look at that fucking impact, I used to be on fence, but eh eh, nah. Seriously, this is fucked.

This is a funny situation. Maybe it's because I'm old but I always thought only middle schoolers and inept retards send 'dic pics'.

Since you said he didn't know it was your gf, you can't really blame him I guess. He probably assumed she was single and tried his luck in his own childish ways. I'm always rooting for a peaceful solution, especially since he's the sibling of your friend, so just talk to him on the next occasion and mention it casually but clearly that the girl he sent his dick to is your gf and it would be appreciated if he could desist from doing so. Now if he does it AGAIN after that, you can take more drastic measures.

Also this I'd seriously ask him to show you the log before the dick pic, so you can be sure your gf didn't give him incentive. NEVER trust a bitch.

I didn't ask for the details, I don't think it was anything exciting.

I don't have a lot of ill will, I feel like I have a leg up on the dude. I'm not threatened at all. I mean, I guess she could see me as not giving a shit, but why would she tell me?

Then have fun being a cuck all your life.

Punch him in the face so it will teach him a life long lesson not to send shot like that to someone in a relationship.
