straight guy

> straight guy
> don't really feel like I want a gf anymore
> am fine with being by myself, actually prefer it
> am happiest when I'm by myself

is there something wrong with me?

Attached: my_philosophy.png (500x679, 201K)

Yes, it's wrong to break up with someone ask literally hitler when he gets back

I'm single. Not dating anyone. Just have lost any interest in changing that now.

No it's fine.
Good on ya for finding happiness within yourself and not looking for it in another person.

You shouldn't worry about it. You have plenty of time to think it over.

I thought that. Then I met a couple and started feeling lonely as fuck again.

Well time is money and cannot be taken back. How long do you want to be lonely for?

My gf of 3 years broke up with me for this exact reason. It was both of our first serious long-term relationship, we supported each other through some really rough times in our personal lives, we had a tight bond as friends for a year before dating, we'd been discussing/planning marriage since 2016 (she even named the songs she wanted for the bridal procession and our first dance a month ago) and ironed out a specific time frame since we finally started making enough money to afford a traditional wedding, met all our extended family and friends, her parents viewed and introduced me to their friends as an unofficial son, and our families combined for the last two years' holidays. She said a serious relationship just wasn't what she thought, that it's definitely not anything I did or didn't do, and if she could go back she'd have done it all again, but she realized a year ago she wasn't happy with the basic aspects of a relationship beyond friends and preferred single life over being together. She tried to tough it out and start arguments so she'd feel better about her decision but I'd roll with it and not fight, and she just couldn't keep denying herself and lying to me. Feels like shit but I understand where she's coming from.

Alone != lonely

Are you my little brother? You wouldn't happen to be a mechanic would you?

When the fuck did I say that? If you get married, it should obviously be with the intent of staying together permanently, barring abuse or infidelity, but it's absurd to expect that the first person you date will marry you--that kind of mindset is responsible for so much of the fornication that I do condemn.

Nothing wrong. It is healthy to be at ease in your own company. Just don't close yourself off to the possibility of someday enjoying someone else's as well

Probably not and no, my hands don't work well enough to be a mechanic even though it's something I'd be interested in

And then she got a new bf 2 weeks later, right?

No, she's definitely single. We've had a few debriefings over lunch or dinners where she's said every time she's still not over me and probably won't ever be, but she tried her best and determined she just can't handle being in a relationship beyond friends. I'm still "friends" with her family, friends, and her on social media because again we were very close even before dating and I guess I'm still holding on to a molecule of hope that one day she'll have an epiphany of what's causing her issues and will change her mind about breaking up. I'm fairly certain the cause is something I noticed early on but never had a chance to bring up, and for obvious reasons it wouldn't be received if I told her about it now. Her parents seem more sad than I do about things and as everyone posts pics with her in them I can see she's definitely still single- she simply doesn't have the time or desire to meet and date another guy.

Nope. I had this 100+ repliy thread with an NPC yesterday about how some people (specifically me) don't need constant social validation to feel love for themselves. I know that's not exactly what you're saying, but my first reply was about how, since I started looking inwards, I realized I only care about women for their bodies, and now I'm largely uninterested in them, but also people in general.
It didn't go over well, and I was called insane or a problem. Oh well

Nope I feel the same way.

Your probably just an introvert.

I find it hard to get my head around normie couples who spend more than an hour or two a week together desu. It looks horrible.

Not at all. In fact, you sound very sensible.

Are you from Ontario?

Burned out of social media telling you how a relationship should be, when you got a gf just cut media and you will be happier (good luck cutting her of social media).

Nothing wrong
Just date casually when you're horny - Tinder is your friend