What do I say when a girl gives me attitude? For example, I asked this girl what she does for work and she refused to me in a very rude way, even though she was speaking about work and I told her where I worked. It confused me so much. I felt genuine anger. What should I do when this happens? Put them in their place? If so how?
What do I say when a girl gives me attitude? For example...
You need to get over yourself.
Females are all fucking retarded, only cucks like you would talk to any of them.
why bait me? i genuinely would like to know what to respond.
The world doesn't care about you or your feelings and this self importance is why people dont respect you. Nobody can take away anything from this biased retelling of what happened so what's the use engaging you?
look, this person straight up insulted my work before saying they don't fuck with it and now they refuse to tell me where they work even though they mentioned working to me and they did it in a bitchy attitude. i'm not the ego-reactive type so that's why i came here for advice.
He is right you know? This is pretty small. People blow others off all the time. You are taking it personal but she moved on. You should too.
I usually just act as I actually feel. If I feel the girl is being rude and overly aggressive, I will throw an ironic "Wow. Thanks." to let them know what I think.
If I feel I overstepped my boundaries, or the girl is just shy, I'll let it slip.
Last time it applied to me, it was actually a guy. We had many a few friend in common, and said friend once went to meet him, and I decided to tag along with my friends. When we met, I tried to shake his hand, but he refused to shake mine. I immediately told him he was kind of rude.
He didn't like me. I like him less.
>More arrogant autism when cold approaching women
Please don't reproduce
This. Men getting pissy that I don't worship the ground they walk on asses are a dime a dozen. This issue is too small and pretty to be upset over, it makes you an asshole if you feel the need to punish others for hurting your fee fees.
Are you the girl OP is talking about?
they can smell the beta
OP, NO ONE IS OBLIGED TO RESPOND IN KIND even if they should but stop being thinnskined, i assure you you will find many other instances like this again and again in life maybe with the roles reversed.
>Ok then.
Then walk away and say nothing else. Also learn to read people better. If someone is generally uninterested in talking to you don't start asking them questions
>even though she was speaking about work
So, she was speaking with someone else and you butted in. It's not hard to see why she might be mad.
>i'm not the ego-reactive type
And yet here you are
>saying they don't fuck with it and now they refuse to tell me where they work
They don't have to tell you anything and they don't have to like you.
You're probably forcing interactions, which would explain (but doesn't justify) why she's responding in a bitchy way. Just leave people who react like that alone, they don't want to talk to you.
You come back with brutal-over-the-top honesty.
Girls will often play on ambiguity to try and hurt you. For example. And you can always pass the test by answering them as literally as possible.
Like if she unnecessarily asks "Did you really need to do that?"
Just say whatever the truth is. Be like "I suppose not but I felt like it." Then you've shattered the retorhical nature of her question and the balls in your court, you can throw it at her, and make her feel awkward for asking such an unnecessary question.
Not a perfect example but if you think about it, then you'll understand.
>the world doesn't care about yoy or your feelings
>this gives a person carte blanche to be rude to someone else because theu didn't like the question they were asked
Do you see the discrepancy?
I'd agree that OP or anyone else shouldn't expect any particular response, but we also shouldn't have accept people being needlessly rude
>you can always pass the test
Dude, life is so much better when you stop making rules up and just live it. Try it sometime.
How do you know it was "needlessly" though?
I don't. I don't know the whole context of the situation.
ask her if she wants to lvl alts in wow or smoke a phat dab. stop wasting her fucking time
How do I get a girl to enjoy repeatedly hurting my balls until they are unable to function and she laughs about my infertility
That's the point, maybe OP is an asshole. We don't know.
Then the same applies to him; don't be needlessly rude
He came here to be pissy about a girl. Telling him to get over himself is doing him a favor.
>Then the same applies to him; don't be needlessly rude
Leave her alone. She's rude. Go talk to someone else.
Read the OP.
>even though she was speaking about work and I told her where I worked.
He entered another conversation expecting a quid pro quo exchange of information. You don't need to be an expert to realize why she reacted badly to him. He is forcing interaction.
> i'm not the ego-reactive type
The lady doth protest too much. He called himself out.
Oh fuck that's hot.
Maybe you bothered her.
Maybe she is just a bitch.
>what should I do...
Ignore and move on. Unless, for some reason, you were just being a real bother.
These are all bait.
(You)'re an idiot